Squantum School
January 6, 2025
Squantum Elementary School
Stephen Sylvia - Principal
Meghan Healy - Assistant Principal
Dawn Flibotte - Secretary
Office #: 617-984-8706
Email: stephensylvia@quincypublicschools.com
Website: www.quincypublicschools.com
Location: 50 Huckins Avenue, Quincy, MA, USA
Phone: (617)984-8706
Important Dates
January 7: Community Meeting ~ New Building Project
January 14: PTO Meeting ~ 6:30
January 23: Lunar New Year Presentation
Community Meeting ~ New Building Project
Mayor Koch and Councilor Harris will be hosting a community meeting about the new building project on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30pm. This meeting will provide updates on modular planning, infrastructure work that will happen during the month of January and more.
Breakfast & Lunch
Students are given the opportunity to receive a school breakfast, lunch, and/or milk, as part of their daily routine.
Lunch and breakfast will be free for ALL students again this year. QPS strongly encourages parents/guardians to continue to complete the free and reduced lunch application this year in order to receive other benefits from the state, including P-EBT benefits. Menus and applications can be found on the QPS Food Service website.
Breakfast is available for all students beginning at 8:00 am. DOORS FOR BREAKFAST WILL NOT OPEN BEFORE THIS. Any interested student may buzz in through the main door and walk down to the cafeteria.
Lunch will be served in the cafeteria during your child’s assigned class time. Lunch will continue to be offered to students on early release days. This time will be built into classroom schedules.
Family Math Night
Please join us on Thursday, February 13th from 6:00 to 7:00 for SQU Family Math Night. Discover math games that can be played at home to help with math fluency.
Please fill out the Google Form if you are interested in participating in the Squantum Family Math Night. You will only need to fill out one form per family. This will help to ensure we have enough materials for each family.
January is Mindfulness Month
This January join the Squantum Community & Belonging team by making connections to ourselves and others through practicing mindful activities! Celebrate all month long by committing to one act of mindfulness each day. Pick an activity from our list below. Although we will be practicing these skills at school our team encourages you to practice mindful activities at home as well. Enjoy!
January Calendar
Attached please find the 2025 Squantum School January calendar for important dates happening around our school community.
QPS Literacy Parent Academy Grades 3-8
Caregivers of children in grades 3-8 are invited to join Bridget Vaughan, QPS Literacy Coordinator and Victoria Mulkern from the National Council on Improving Literacy (NCIL) to learn and explore ways that they can support their child's literacy development on January 21st from 6:00-7:00pm.
Families will come away with a toolkit of resources that are important for them to better understand, support and address their child's literacy needs.
If you need an interpreter, please fill out this form by 1/7/25 : Interpreter Request Form
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 856 6134 6440
Passcode: 466488
Quincy Rec
The Quincy Recreation program will be hosting Winter Gym for students in grades 2-5. This program will run every Tuesday and Wednesday from December 3rd to March 5th from 3:00-5:00pm. Registration will take place at the program and sneakers are required.
5th Grade Updates
Email Distribution List:
We are in the process of creating a 5th grade email distribution list to make communication about fundraisers and fifth grade events easier. It is our hope to have all fifth grade families on this list as soon as possible.
We are asking all fifth grade families to complete the Google Form to be added to this list. Please click here to complete one per student.
Email SQClassof2025@gmail.com with any questions.
Fruits and Veggies
Quincy Public Schools Nutrition Department is excited to present the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). Every Tuesday and Thursday free fresh fruits and vegetables will be delivered to your child's classroom, during snack time, for students to sample. The goal of FFVP is to help schools create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices, expanding the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience and increasing children's fruit and vegetable consumption. All snacks are individually wrapped.
Please contact QPS Nutrition Department at 617-984-8768 with any questions.
Quincy Public Schools Calendar
Please click here to view the Quincy Public Schools 2024-2025 school calendar for all important holidays, school closures, and early release day information.
Drop Off & Pick Up Reminder
Squantum Staff List
If your child is going to be absent please email dawnflibotte@quincypublicschools.com, your child's teacher, or call the main office at 617-984-8706 by 8:30. Safety is our top priority, so we will call home if we do not hear from you.
In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student the first day back in class. The note should include the date returning, child’s name, date absent, and the reason for the absence. Any absence for which the school does not receive appropriate notification will be unexcused.
All students that arrive after 8:20 or after the doors are closed, must report to the main office to check in with an office staff member.
Dismissal Plans
Families are expected to provide their child’s regular daily dismissal plan to the classroom teacher at the beginning of each year. If a child’s routine dismissal plan changes or if a different pick up will be occurring, families should notify their child’s teacher and the office in writing by sending a note or email to the teacher as soon as possible. Students will not be dismissed to an unauthorized adult without a note or a phone call to the main office at 617-984-8706. This will ensure that all safety protocols remain in place.
If a student needs to be dismissed early from school, the parent/guardian must send a note to the classroom teacher or call the school’s main office. An authorized adult must report to the office to sign the child out. Children are not allowed to leave the school grounds prior to the regular dismissal time without the authorization of a parent/guardian.