Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
September 2024
Important Dates 📅
10/6-12 Fire Prevention Week 🔥🚒
10/7-11 Week of Respect (see calendar below)
10/9 PALS Field Trip- Ort Farms 🎃; HSA Meeting @ Lincoln @ 7:30 PM
10/10 Bullying Prevention Assembly @ TJ
10/14 Staff Inservice- NO SCHOOL ❌
10/15 Kindergarten Field Trip- Tranquility Farms 🎃
10/14-18 Peace in our Schools Week ☮️ (see calendar below)
10/16 BOE Meeting @ 7:30 PM (TJ)
10/16-17 HSA Scholastic Book Fair 📚
10/18 Picture Day 📸
10/21 Red Ribbon Week (see calendar below)
10/24 3rd Grade Field Trip- Wightman Farms 🎃; Literacy Night (6-7:30 PM) 📚
10/31 Halloween Parade & Class Parties (in the afternoon)
11/17 Mattress Fundraiser at TJ's Gym
11/22, 25, & 26 Conferences (1 PM dismissal)
12/11 Winter Concert (in the afternoon)
RSVP to Camp Read A Lot (Literacy Night) by 10/17
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
From Principal Skomial:
It is hard to believe that we have already been in school for four weeks! Our preschoolers and kindergartners have been acclimating to the daily routines and our 3rd graders have been taking on some big tasks such as the morning announcements. I appreciate the unwavering support we get from our Lincoln families. Building a strong partnership between home and school enhances student academic performance, behavior, and motivation by providing consistent support and communication. This collaboration fosters individualized attention and promotes students' social and emotional well-being. I'd like to encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher with any updates or concerns you may have throughout the year. Together, we can move mountains!
Back to School Night was held on September 18th. Thank you for taking the time to visit with us. I hope you were able to meet with our Superintendent, Mr. Grieco, along with other members of the Board of Education, Ms. Dahl and Mr. Graf. This year, we also had a table for the Child Study Team, Rockaway Borough Education Association, and the Home and School Association. If you haven't already watched this video, please make time to do so. Your children will enjoy watching it with you!
Important Reminders:
- Homeroom begins promptly at 8:30 AM.
- Students need a nutritious snack, lunch, and drink.
- We go outside as much as possible so please dress appropriately for the weather.
- Reach out to your child's teacher and our school secretary, Mrs. Murphy (kmurphy@rockboro.org), if your child is going to be absent. Health concerns and questions can be directed to Mrs. Jacobus (djacobus@rockboro.org).
- For your child's safety, please ensure your CONTACTS in RealTime are updated to include anyone who will be picking up your child. Keep RealTime up-to-date with your phone number and email address.
Our school is looking fall-tastic thanks to all of the generous donations that have been sent in. 🎃 Your partnership is appreciated!
I also want to take a moment to thank Assembly of God Church and the Home and School Association for their generous support of our Faculty Room renovation. This is a common space where all staff members enjoy a few moments to eat their lunch and regroup for the day. It was looking dated and cluttered so the makeover was long overdue. The Rockaway Assembly of God saw my call for help with finding a refrigerator and immediately reached out. They purchased a brand new fridge and had it delivered to the school in August. Back in the spring, our HSA surprised the staff with an oversized check for $2500 to go toward this project. This helped us purchase all new furniture for the space. We are so grateful to both organizations. Additionally, I have to thank our Maintenance and Custodial staff as they helped with installing the countertop and putting together all of the furniture.
Be sure to check out the before and after pictures. The final reveal was met with a ton of positive feedback! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Before pictures of the Faculty Room
The new Faculty Room
Here are directions on updating your contacts in RealTime:
We are RAMS (more than our mascot)
R-Respect self and others A-Achieve excellence M-Make good choices S-Stay safe
The R.A.M.S. program was established more than ten years ago and has evolved over time. As a positive behavioral interventions and support system, R.A.M.S. is infused into all aspects of Lincoln's school culture. Any staff member can recognize a student or class for exhibiting R.A.M.S. behaviors.
Our students have been exceeding our expectations within the first month of school! We have seen many students earning R.A.M.S. stickers for their excellent behavior. When a student earns a "RAM" they also have their name entered into a raffle. At the end of the month, one student will be selected from each class, in addition to as a class winner. The class winner will display the trophy in their classroom for the entire month, in addition to earning a class prize. All winners for the month will participate in a school-wide parade. A great discussion to have with your child is about the choices they can make in school and at home to demonstrate RAMS.
September RAMS Winners:
Mrs. Leslie/Mrs. Grlica-
AM Class: Gavin Manganielo
PM Class: Scarlett Langan
Mrs. Conway- Shelby Frydlewicz
Ms. Lawton- Ryan Heitmann
Mrs. Schwarz- Emma Suarez
Ms. Doering- Zara Bozic
Mrs. Yobs- Avery Skladany
Mrs. Jacinto- Caleb Mejia
Mrs. Hawkes- Viviana Ianonne
Mrs. Medore- Vera Steussing
Mrs. Tuluca- Jade Rueda
Mr. Kadus- Valerie Acevedo
Ms. Schumacher- Mikaela O’Hara
Mrs. Thompson- Xavier Washington
Classroom Winner:
Mrs. Yobs’ Class
Library Media Specialist
Did you know that Mrs. Thomas, Lincoln's Librarian, has many amazing resources on her website? Here's a snapshot of the interactive monthly calendar. Check it all out here.
From Our School Counselor, Mrs. Rigas:
October is filled with many special events! Be sure to check the calendars below so that your children can participate in our themed days. This year, we are working on infusing social-emotional learning topics during our morning homeroom. There is more information about this initiative shared below. Please be sure to reach out if you have any concerns about your child. -Mrs. Rigas brigas@rockboro.org
From Our School Nurse, Mrs. Jacobus:
If your child needs to take any medication in school, whether prescription or over-the-counter, a signed authorization form from the prescribing healthcare provider is required. These forms are available on the school website, or you can request that one be sent home with your child. All medications must be in the original prescription bottle or original packaging.
It’s not uncommon for children to become so involved in what they are doing that sometimes they do not make it to the bathroom in time. If your child has an accident in school, they will be given a change of clothing to wear if they do not have a change of their own clothing in school. Please launder the clothing your child has borrowed before returning it to school so it will be clean for the next child who may need it. You are welcome to send a change of clothing in a labeled Ziploc bag for your child to keep in my office “just in case”; this is especially recommended if your child has frequent accidents or is very particular about what type of clothing they wear.
If your child complains of feeling ill in school, please know that every effort is made to help your child feel more comfortable and remain in school. However, there are times when you will be asked to pick up your child. Please make sure the nurses have up-to-date contact information for you and for your child’s emergency contacts, including any temporary or short-term changes. If you have not yet returned your child’s emergency card, please do so today. Also, be sure the people you have listed as emergency contacts are aware they may be called to pick up your child if you cannot be reached.
From Our Class III Officer, Officer Mark:
Our children's safety is of utmost importance. Please be reminded of the following rules when picking up your children:
- K-turns are only permitted in the designated area (near the TJ driveway).
- Be mindful of our neighbors' driveways- do not block them in.
- Please do not park against traffic.
- No parking in the TJ or Lincoln staff lots.
- No turning around in the staff lot.
- The speed limit is 25 MPH.
- Kids on bikes should be wearing helmets.
Home and School Association Updates
The next meeting will be on October 9th at 7:30 PM in Lincoln's cafeteria. Please join us! 😁
Thank you for supporting our 1st Day of School signage 🤩📸 Our families posted many awesome 1st day pictures on our Facebook page.
The HSA sponsored a FREE movie night on September 20th which was a huge success. These events are made possible because of the successful fundraising events that are held throughout the year in addition to the volunteers who step up and get involved. Everyone's help is needed, but not in the same way. Joining the HSA is the first step. Any additional participation is a bonus.
October 16-17 at the AOG
Reach out to RBHSA@rockboro.org if you're interested in volunteering. 🤗