SV Scoop
January 24, 2025
Southview Elementary
Email: christine.evans@district196.org
Website: www.district196.org/sv
Location: 1025 Whitney Drive, Apple Valley, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8370
If your student will be absent from school, please fill out the survey by clicking on the link:
Upcoming Dates:
January 31 - Southview Bingo Night (Grades K-2 6:00-6:45 pm; Grades 3-5 7:00-7:45 pm)
February 5 - Conferences 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. (See Sign-Up link below)
February 6 - Conferences 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (See Sign-Up link below), NO SCHOOL STUDENTS
February 7 - No School
Wolfpack PRIDE winners for this week!
Good News Calls
Parent Teacher Conferences - SIGN UP NOW
February 5 - 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
February 6 - 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (No school for students)
February 7 - No School
Conference sign-ups can be found on the Southview website:
Lunch with the Culver's winners!
5th Grade Music/Band Concert - RESCHEDULED
We have rescheduled the 5th grade concert for Monday, February 10 at 6:30 pm at Valley Middle School of STEM.
Band students will report to the SV gym at 6:00 pm to warm up with Mr. Culp.
All others will meet Mr. Barnes in the SV cafeteria at 6:15 pm.
The concert is expected to last approximately one hour.
FYI, there will be a morning concert that same day, from 8:10 - 9:00 am. If you cannot attend the evening program, you are welcome to join us in the morning.
Thank you for making these adjustments! We look forward to seeing you at the concert.
Greg Barnes & Jeff Culp
Illness Guidelines
District 196 follows guidance from leading health organizations (i.e. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, MN Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics) to reduce the spread of communicable disease. When unsure if your child should attend school, consult with a health care provider or contact your school nurse. Our illness rate has increased dramatically over the past few weeks. Please follow the guidelines below to help keep the students and staff at Southview healthy.
Children should stay home from school for the following reasons:
● Fever of 100.4 or higher - can return when fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
● Strep throat - can return after 12 hours of antibiotics and fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
● Vomiting or diarrhea (without a known reason) can return 20 hours after last episode.
● Rash (without a known reason) with behavior change or fever of 100.4 or greater.
● Excessive coughing that persists and makes it difficult to participate in school.
● Not healthy enough to participate in routine school activities.
If a child becomes ill at school and needs to go home:
● The school nurse will call guardians listed in the child’s Infinite Campus record. Please update your contact information as needed, including emergency contacts.
● Students who are ill need to be picked up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of illness.
Please click on the link below to register your incoming kindergarten student for the 2025-2026 school year. Students must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025 to attend kindergarten.
Click the down arrow by Step #2 Pre-Register Online.
* Click on the blue button "K-12 Pre-Registration"
Additional information will be sent via email. If you have questions, please call the Southview office at 952-431-8370.
Attendance Matters!
As we head into the second half of the school year, this is an important reminder that every second matters for learning and connection. Please make sure your children are at school each day on time (unless ill), so they don't miss core instruction.
Activities To Do At Home
Sign up for After School Classes!
Winter session available starting in February.
Use the link below to learn more and register. The registration deadline is Thursday, February 6.
Southview Community Ed Registration
Drama Lab - Tuesday (4 sessions)
February 11, 25
March 4, 11
Let It Snow! (Art Club) - Tuesday (6 sessions)
February 11, 25
March 4, 11, 18
April 1
Electro Engineering - Wednesday (6 sessions)
February 12, 19, 26
March 5, 12, 19
Grand Masters of Chess - Wednesday (6 sessions) FULL - CLOSED REGISTRATION
February 12, 19, 26
March 5, 12, 19
The Southview PTO Book Fair is hosting our second in-person fair of the year! Please join us on Wednesday, Feb 5th from 3 pm-7 pm and Thursday, Feb 6th from 11 am-7 pm in the Southview Library.
The Book Fair will be held during conferences, so stop by before or after your child’s conference to check out the huge selection of new releases, literary favorites, bookish products, and more!
Visit our Southview Book Fair homepage to learn more or place your order online https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/southviewelementaryschool5.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please consider volunteering your time at the book fair! Sign up here if interested: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054CA9A62CAAFC1-54056816-southview#/
THANK YOU for supporting our school and your child's love of reading!
Many volunteers are needed to make our Bingo Night successful. Please consider volunteering by clicking on the following link: Bingo Volunteer
Conference Meal Sign Ups
PTO Fundraiser
Sign-up Link - bring treats to office
Amazon Sign-up Link - ship directly to Southview
CAHOOTS Math and Language Arts Program
Summer 2025: CAHOOTS Math and Language Arts Program
Looking for a way to keep your child’s math and language arts skills sharp this summer? CAHOOTS combines both subjects into one engaging workbook, designed to align with our district curriculum.
Program Highlights:
- Covers math and language arts in a single book for a great value.
- Encourages an engaging and reflective approach to learning.
- Cost: $45
- Workbook samples will be available for online review starting February 24 at ce.district196.org/enrichyouth.
How to Register:
- Registration details will be sent via Friday folders or electronically.
- Registration opens the week of February 24 and ends on March 31.
Stay tuned for more updates this winter!
Note: CAHOOTS is not a replacement for summer school if your child qualifies.
Community Sports Opportunities
As required by Title IX and other state and federal nondiscrimination laws, District 196 does not discriminate in employment or in any of its education programs and activities, including vocational opportunities, on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status,* disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission,* age or genetic information.* District 196 provides equal access to designated youth groups.