Community Cardinal Correspondence
September 2024
Our PTA has partnered with us and already accomplished so much this school year. Our membership is on the rise and we encourage everyone to join! By joining you are supporting all student and staff in having a successful school year.
A few important reminders:
General dismissal and early pick-up - Have your ID ready! Also, ensure that anyone you send to pick-up your student is listed on the emergency contact sheet and brings their ID or your student will not be released. This is for safety purposes. If someone is picking up that is NOT on the list, you can send an email with the name of the person picking up to the office and remind them they will need their ID when coming to pick-up.
Early Dismissals - If you are picking up your child from school early, this should occur prior to 3:15pm as after that time students are moving towards set dismissal locations.
Student Clubs and Activities
Detailed information about meeting dates, times, and locations are on the flyers. Families should reference these documents for details.
In order to keep parents informed, here is a list of clubs along with the targeted age group, teacher sponsor, and due date for permission slips to be returned.
Chess Club - Grades 1 - 5
Ms. Sands & Mr. Willenborg
Permission Slips Due October 4th
Math 24 Challenge Club - Grades 4 and 5
Ms. Hills
Permission Slips due October 24th
Green Team - Grades 4 and 5
Ms. Vealey & Ms. Puglia
First Come, First Serve to first 30 students - Due by October 4th
Recorder Club - Grades 4 students who earned Black Belt in Recorder Karate and Grade 5 students who played last school year.
Ms. Cigarski
Permission Slips due October 4th
Art Club - Grade 5 (15 Student Limit)
Mr. Myers
Permission Slips due October 4th
Drama Club - Grade 4 and 5
Ms. Cigarski & Ms. McGraw
Permissions Slips Due Prior to Audition Date - When slip is returned you receive your audition piece - Turn this slip in ASAP!
Running Club - Grades 4 and 5
Ms. Sands & Mr. Willenborg
Permission Slips Due October 4th
Permission slips are provided to students by the sponsoring teacher! If your child is looking for a permission slip, they should see that teacher for more information.
Baltimore County Public Schools Student Handbook
All students have received the annual Student Handbook Presentation that outlines rules and policies that all students in Baltimore County Public Schools must follow as well as their rights as students. This handbook was sent home for parent signature. If you haven't done so already, review and sign this handbook and return the signature page.
For your convenience, below is the link to the electronic form of the handbook in the event you need to reference for any reason this school year.
Students will receive refresher handbook presentations each marking period. We appreciate your support in following the expectations set forth in the BCPS handbook so we can have a safe and positive school year.
We Need Our Families to Follow Traffic Rules
School staff is on site to ensure the safety of students unloading from busses, entering the building, and making their way to class. Each year we struggle with our families maintaining the safety of our parking lots and surrounding streets. We need everyone to follow established traffic laws and posted signs. We do not have a car drop off loop. We are unable to do so due to the volume of traffic and how it will clog up our streets. This means our families must park and walk students to the building, utilize bus service if you are in a bussing zone, and follow posted traffic signs.
Below are several pictures to remind everyone of our no parking zones and the location of our crosswalks. We want to thank everyone in advance for engaging in kind, respectful, and lawful behavior during arrival and dismissal. When everyone follows the rules, we are safely able to welcome and dismiss over 650 students in 15-20 minutes. We need everyone to work together as a community.
No Parking
View from our bus loop of Rader looking towards Highpoint
No Parking
View of Rader towards Highpoint - No parking signs posted
No Parking
View from Radar towards Villa Cresta
We do NOT have a cross walk here to cross Rader ... there is no stop sign for traffic so students need to walk to the crosswalk near the school sign.
Students cross over Rader here where our crossing guard or police officer stands.
Students can also cross our bus loop here where it is clearly labeled.
No Stopping
When entering our parking lots, do not stop. This blocks traffic from pulling off Rader.
No Stopping
Our side parking lot is not a drop off loop, this needs to remain open for cars to enter and exit the lot and parking spots.
No Stopping
Our side parking lot is not a drop off loop, this needs to remain open for cars to enter and exit the lot and parking spots.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
We want to remind you of some basic logistics of our arrival and dismissal procedures. It is important to understand that Villa Cresta was not built to be a school with a car rider drop off or pick-up loop. We were originally designed to service a walking and bus riding school. Over the years, several administrators have reached out to have the school campus assessed for an addition of a car loop. This is not possible with our landlocked location, so we have created and follow specific arrival and dismissal procedures to aid our families. It should be noted that when everyone works together and demonstrates patience and kindness, we are able to successfully welcome and dismiss our entire school population within the 15 minute schedule. We thank you in advance for working as a school community to safety engage in the arrival and dismissal process for our students.
Doors open at 8:30 am for students and doors close at 8:45 am. Students are marked tardy after 8:45 am unless they are on a late bus.
Arrival Locations:
• Prekindergarten/Kindergarteners will enter through the kindergarten doors located in the front of the building near the parking lot by the trees.
• First graders will enter through the front doors.
• Second graders will enter through the front doors or third-grade hallway door.
• Third graders will enter through the third-grade doors or the front doors
• Fourth graders will enter through the side fourth--grade hallway door.
• Fifth graders will enter through the back fifth-grade hallway door.
Any students who walk from the front of our community can enter through our front doors if that is the closest access point but please be aware entering through other access points will help alleviate crowding at any one location. Additionally, any upperclassman walking a kindergarten student to class may enter through the kindergarten doors.
Arrival Map
Dismissal will be at 3:30pm with walkers dismissed out their exterior classroom doors. Students should be picked up no later than 3:45pm.
Students in preschool, prekindergarten, and kindergarten to grade 5 will be dismissed out their classroom doors. Second grade students will all dismiss from the open space doors located in the back of the building. (See map below for visual)
Bus rider families, please be mindful that the first few weeks of school arrival times at the bus stop vary as schedules are worked out in the transportation office. If a bus leaves unusually late, we will send our messenger calls to keep you informed. It is important to have an updated phone number on file.
Bus stop information is located in the parent portal. Please be sure you have set up your account to view this information.
Dismissal Map
Bus Riders
In September parents will receive detailed information regarding expectations for bus riders. Until then, if your child is a bus rider, please review the following bus rules with them so they are prepared for the first day of school.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Keep all body parts inside the bus.
- Use inside voices and appropriate language.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- No eating snacks and drinking beverages while on the bus.
- No throwing objects.
- No vandalizing the exterior or interior of the bus.
- Follow all directions given by the bus driver.
Old News but Important Information to Remember
Fresh Box Salad
Thank you to our amazing lunch team!
Build a Sub
Breakfast and Lunch
Universal Breakfast
Again this year all students will be served a universal breakfast in the classroom upon entering each day. Breakfast will be free for all students. Students are not required to take breakfast, but it will always be offered. As students arrive, multiple breakfast stations will be set up for students to grab breakfast and go to their classrooms.
All students will receive free lunch again for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Students will receive their PIN numbers the first day of school and are able to go through the lunch line daily and make their lunch selection. Encourage your students to take advantage of receiving lunch. Our cafeteria staff prepare some wonderful selections including salad boxes, fresh subs, and of course we still have pizza days!
Lunch Visits
Lunchtime for students is an important social time of the school day for our students to develop friendships, learn socialization skills, and to engage in lunch bunches with teachers, support staff, and various school staff. While we do have cafeteria rules and staff to monitor student safety, we do hope that students find this time to engage in the social aspect of lunchtime.
Due to our capacity limits, parents/guardians are NOT permitted to have lunch on site with their child. We cannot host visitors in our cafeteria or other locations in the building. At times families want to have a birthday lunch with their child, stop by as a surprise, or check in when the student had a difficult morning. Please know that to maintain the safety of all students these visits are not permitted.
Attendance Matters
The staff at Villa Cresta Elementary School are excited to welcome you to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn and engage! This year we are continuing to focus on ensuring that our students have the support they need to be successful in school, including strong attendance. A child is identified as chronically absent if they are absent 10.0% or more of the school year. The state expectation for attendance is 94%. Based on the research regarding chronic absenteeism, BCPS and MSDE consider any day missed as an absence counting towards the identification of your child as chronically absent. Please send in a note when your child returns from an absence so that your child’s absences can be accurately recorded.
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is important. It helps to:
- reduces stress
- makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers
supports learning
Our staff is also committed in helping our families if they are experiencing difficulties with attendance. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us so we can meet with you to brainstorm supports and provide potential resources to assist your family.
Birthday and Celebration Information
While food is not permitted, many families have elected to donate a book to the classroom library or a game, ball, hula hoop, etc to the recess bin in the classroom in your child's honor. If you wish to send in a small token to each student to honor the day, items such as pencils, erasers, stickers, and notepads are exciting non-food rewards.
In the event you wish to recognize your child's special day with a token for the whole class, please check ahead of time with the teacher to ensure the item is acceptable and to provide advanced notice for scheduling purposes. Families will not be permitted to arrive with items without scheduling with the teacher in advance.
Below is a listing of BCPS approved non-food celebration and reward ideas to celebrate your child's special day!
Celebrations and Rewards
*Please note that this does not apply to the snack/lunch you pack for your student to eat at lunch or assigned snack time in our early childhood classrooms.
Deliveries of Balloons/Flowers/etc.
Party Invitations
If generic invitations are provided for all students, teachers will do their best to place one in each students take home folder.
Student Devices
All students were sent home with their devices from last year. Students need to bring their charged device to school.
It is important for families to know that missing or damaged devices and missing chargers will result in an invoice sent home to families.
Students new to Baltimore County Public Schools (kindergarten or transfer students) will be assigned a device within the first two weeks of school.
Parent Portal in Focus
Creating a Parent Portal
FOCUS Screenshots to Navigate this Account
School Website
Finding Important Information All Year
Visit our school website at villacrestaes.bcps.org for all you need to know for back to school including class supply lists, teacher directory including emails, administrative correspondence, PTA information, and more.
Informational emails sent are posted to the school website for you to access at any time. Please make use of this resource to assist you in learning more about our processes and staying on top of important information. It is vital to ensure you have an updated email registered with our front office. Emergent emails for early closings, late busses, etc. are not posted to the website but strictly go through phone and email.
Contact Us
Website: https://villacrestaes.bcps.org/
Location: 2600 Rader Avenue, Parkville, MD, USA
Phone: 443-809-5275
Facebook: facebook.com/VillaCrestaPTAparkville