Jorge Sanchez, The Mexican Doctor
Father of 2, Lover of all
Time for a New Adventure
Finally landed a lot in Mataville for me and the fam! The Misses is smiling ear to ear.
It's Time to Get to Work
Finally time to open the new clinic, "Sanchez Medical", and the wife agreed to be my receptionist*o*. Managed to hire a clerk and two nurses, Lynda and Gregory, who are going to be a big help around the x-ray room and the medical lab too.
Time to Eat!
Took the whole gang to La Pirague Restaurante, it's great to have a little taste of home so close to our new house. The kids loved it and the atmosphere was fantastic 5/5 from me! #todiefor #worththecalories #professionaldinner for all of you who want a taste here is their website
Friday Fun Day!
Wow How Insightful
Just finished reading this article about how drugs effect small and big towns, it's quite a shame that there even is a possibility of drugs being readily available, but this article shines some light onto the problems at hand. I'll link it just in case anyone wants to have a read
New Day New Merch!
Today I decided to go on a shopping spree and bought a new centrifuge for our test in the lab! It's going to help out so much for both our nurses and our patients!