Hall's Corner
June 7, 2024
End of Year Events and JUNE EXAM INFORMATION
A few things…
- The last day of classes is Thursday, June 13th! This will be a NO FLEX DAY Schedule. Eat lunch during free periods or bring something to eat in your classrooms.
- Check to see how many final exams you will be scheduled to take from June 4 to June 25 and plan ahead for studying.
- Teachers will be starting review sessions in classes and holding additional reviews during FLEX and after school.
- What is the last day of classes?
- Thursday, June 13th is the last day of scheduled classes at school.
- Senior Class countdown on the TURF at 2:30 PM.
- NO FLEX on June 13th!
EXAM WEEKS from June 14 – June 25
- When will we get a complete EXAM Schedule?
- Click here for the full schedule!
- We have TWO examination periods – morning and afternoon
- Morning exams are scheduled from 8-11 AM, unless you have test mods.
- Afternoon exams are scheduled from 12 to 3:00 PM, unless you have test mods.
- When do you come to school during exams?
- Students only come to school when they have a scheduled exam or review session.
- Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
- Where do you go when you get to school?
- Students go to the auditorium and wait to be called to their exam.
- Students with testing modifications will be told separately of where they will take exams. You can report to the auditorium and then go to your tests.
- What do I do when I am finished with my exam?
- Students may go home.
- Students may go to the library or outside to study.
- Students may go to the front foyer near gym to wait for a ride home.
- Students may attend a review session for a class.
- Students are NOT allowed to hang out in the hallways.
- Buses/Transportation
- We have morning and afternoon bus runs as usual on June 14,17 - 18, 20- 21 and 24.
- There will not be a bus run on June 25.
- If you take an exam from 8-11 AM, you may wait for the afternoon buses at 2:47 PM or leave school and go home at 11:00 AM. If you wait at school, you must be with a teacher, in the front foyer, or in the library.
- If you have an afternoon exam, you may take the morning run to school, wait in the library or front foyer quietly, take your exam from Noon to 3:00 PM and walk home or take the bus home. You may also sleep in and walk or get dropped off at school by 11:30 AM.
- Food Services During Exam Weeks
- The Brighton Café is closed during exam week.
- On the 14th, 17th and 18th, 20th and 21st and 24th the snack bar is open from 7:00-11:45 a.m.
- The snack bar will be closed on the 25th.
- Students may pick up breakfast from 7 AM to 7:45 AM each day.
- Students may pick up assorted cold lunches in the snack line from 9:30 – 11:45 each day.
Be Well,
June is Pride Month
June is Pride Month in the United States, a time to celebrate and support the LBGTQIA+ community. This community includes people that are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and many more identities. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. For more information and activities check out Rochester’s 2024 Guide to Pride.
On Wednesday, June 19th students will have no school in honor of Juneteenth.
On Wednesday, June 19th students will have no school in honor of Juneteenth. This celebration marks a day in 1865 when enslaved Texans learned they would be free—two months after Robert E. Lee surrendered and ended the Civil War and two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Initially a uniquely Texan observance, Juneteenth has now been recognized in some form in every corner of the country. The government declared Juneteenth a national holiday in 2021.
To learn more about Juneteenth, please see the articles, video and books listed below.
- Celebrating Juneteenth Article from Learning for Justice
- The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth from The National Museum of African American History & Culture
- Juneteenth Video PBS Learning
- Picture books about Juneteenth
- All different now: Juneteenth, the first day of freedom by Angela Johnson
- Juneteenth (Racial Justice in America: Histories) by Kevin Winn
- Juneteenth for Mazie by Floyd Cooper
- Juneteenth (on my own holidays) by Drew Nelson
Also, check out some book selections for kids and teens from The Rochester Public Library on both Juneteenth and Pride Month.
Graduation will be Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Rain date, if necessary, will be Friday, June 21, 2024, at 5:30 PM. Click on this link to find out more!
BHS Summer Driver Education
DTSE Course Registration Opens Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.
The Driver and Traffic Safety Education program (DTSE) is available to currently enrolled high school students with or will have their Learner’s Permit or Driver’s License upon registration.
News for the Tech Office
- Seniors can drop off their laptops and chargers any time the tech office is open. The goal is to have them all accounted for before graduation.
- Grades 10 students:
- Current Grade 10 students will be dropping off their tablets this June. They will keep the chargers.
- Devices will be reimaged and returned in September.
- Please remind students to upload anything they’d like to save to their One Drive – anything on the computer itself will be wiped.
Students in the News
14 BHS Student-Athletes Sign Letters of Intent
On Thursday, May 30, Brighton High School celebrated 14 student-athletes committing to play college athletics next year.
They are:
- Montero Amos, Hilbert College (Football)
- Nora Babbitt, Rochester Institute of Technology (Track/Cross Country)
- Charlotte Buck, SUNY Geneseo (Lacrosse)
- Thomas D'Angelo, Union College (Lacrosse)
- Allison Fan, Carnegie Mellon University (Track & Field/Cross Country)
- Kieran Hughes, Hamilton College (Lacrosse)
- Val Kondratenko, University at Buffalo (Football)
- CJ Lopez, St. John Fisher University (Track & Field)
- Ella Manelis, SUNY Geneseo (Track & Field)
- Tyler Martinovich, Merrimack College (Football)
- Nasir Smith, Buffalo State University (Football)
- Aksel Stanat, SUNY Geneseo (Lacrosse)
- Emma Turowski, St. John Fisher University (Track & Field/Cross Country)
- Thomas Welker, Middlebury College (Football)
Congratulations to the students and their families, coaches, and teammates.
Brighton Music Festival
We’re so excited to celebrate the work of your wonderful Brighton student musicians at the Brighton Music Festival on Sunday, June 9!
Food vendors will be on site, including Marty’s Meats Food Truck, vegan meals from Grass Fed Vegan Butcher, and snacks, treats, and drinks from Friends of the Arts in Brighton. You’re also welcome to bring your own food and drinks!
Grass Fed Vegan Meals will be available for PRE-ORDER ONLY! Thank you to Grass Fed Vegan Butcher for providing delicious vegan options again this year!
Please click this link to pre-order by Friday, June 7:
Friends of the Arts in Brighton will be selling concessions and they need your help! Please sign up to help at the FAB booth by clicking here:
This festival is free and open to all – invite your family and friends, bring a lawn chair or a blanket, enjoy some food, face painting, kid’s activities, and celebrate some wonderful performances from TCMS and BHS musicians!
Please reach out to your child’s music teacher with questions. See you June 9!
Host Families Needed for World Language Interns
Are you interested in learning about a different culture and way of life? For more than 30 years, Brighton has been the only district in our area to host language interns from other countries! The World Language Department at Brighton is currently looking for three host families for our interns for the 2024-25 academic school year, and we hope you will consider!
See the attached file below to find out more!
Host Families needed for Israeli Exchange
Brighton High School is once again excited to participate in the BHS-Israeli Exchange. Even though the program is jointly sponsored by the Brighton Central School District and the Jewish Federation of Rochester, this is intended to be a strictly cultural and non-religious exchange. As such, any BHS student can participate.
See the attached file below to find out more!
Check out the Counseling News
May Counseling Corner https://secure.smore.com/n/kx40c
Junior Newsletter 5/30 https://secure.smore.com/n/86zu4
Counselor Booking Pages
Mary Crelley, Keri Crowley, Elissa Maxon, Jennie Viggiani
Travis Figueroa, Holly Juliano, Courtney Stern, Lance Mitchell
Please contact Ms. Zeller directly to schedule an appointment
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Brighton Community Education
Brighton Community Education offers the following classes for high school students throughout the school year. If you have questions, please send an email to ce@bcsd.org or call the office at 585-242-5200, Ext. 5595.
SAT and ACT Exam Prep Boot Camp
Taught by Chariot Learning--Upstate New York’s most well-known and respected test prep organization--this SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. This class meets at Brighton High School multiple times throughout the year.Complete class information, meeting dates for each session, and registration are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. You do not have to be a BHS student to register for this class. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
New York State Driver Education
This course is offered at Brighton High School (BHS four times a year – fall, winter, spring, and summer. Brighton Central School District partners with a program coordinator and instructors who are Monroe One Educational Services (BOCES) employees. Dates for the next session are posted as soon as they are provided to BHS from BOCES. BHS students are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prepare to register for this course by reading general information about the current session here (see the Student Info Sheet). Complete course details and registration information are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
See the notice, "Online Safety and the Qustodio Parents App" HERE.
Safe School Helpline
1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359
1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
TEXT: 66746, TIPS
Food Services
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.