Zearn Newsletter
November 1

Vista Zearn News
Time flies at a rapid pace, and there aren't many minutes left to spare... So welcome to the Vista Zearn Newsletter- a monthly (maybe biweekly) update with Zearn tips, tricks, and resources!
Please don't ever forget that I am here to support you with any Zearn questions that you may have throughout the year.
Zearn Usage Goals and District Expectations
District Expectation:
All teachers should be logging in to Zearn weekly to check student progress, and all students K-6 should be completing at least 3 Zearn lessons per week on their grade level.
Vista Zearn Usage Goals:
- 100% of K-8 teachers logging in to Zearn each week to check student progress.
- 100% of 1-4 students completing at least 3 Zearn lessons.
- 100% of 5-8 students complete at least 4 Zearn lessons.
Best Practice
Shout Outs!
5th grade continues to have the most consistent student usage. Way to go, Ms. Foster! #BuildingMathletes
Zearn Resources
Zearn has certificates available to help motivate students. You can find those in the resource tab of your Zearn account.