August Update
The Learning Center 2023
The School Year is Here!!!!
Greetings TLC family. The summer is almost over and a new school year is upon us.
We are excited to welcome our new and returning students. Our core values at TLC are empathy, expectations, exploration, and empowerment. Everything that we do as a school is rooted in our core values.
We have created a schoolwide improvement plan that focuses on growth in reading and math, attendance, and college and career readiness. Our number one priority for this year is to continue to prepare our students to be life ready. Please help us by discussing how your student can commit to life readiness.
Finally, please take the time to nominate a staff member that made a difference for your student(s): TLC August Staff Member of the Month
Please email me if you need anything:
Bryan Kennedy
Program Director
The Learning Center
Title I Info
TLC is now officially a Title I school, which means we receive funding from the federal government. We have created a schoolwide plan to address the academic needs of our students, especially those at risk of not meeting state benchmarks based on Kentucky Academic Standards. We will use our Title I funds to meet these goals.
In order to ensure that we continue to receive our funding, we need to make sure that all qualified families register for Free and Reduced meal assistance. Instructions for registering are detailed below:
Bus Info
TLC students will start the day by catching their morning bus to their home high school. If you are an eighth grader, you will catch the bus to your home high school as well. Use the following site if you are unsure of your morning bus:
Once you reach your home high school, you will catch a transfer bus that drives you to TLC. Here is the information for the transfer buses:
In the afternoon, students will take a bus home from TLC. They will not transfer back to their home high school. We will distribute the afternoon bus numbers on the first day of school.
Please make sure you have reviewed, completed, and turned in all of the following forms:
Working Wednesday Permission Slip
Please make sure you review the following information:
Your Infinite Campus Information
Finally, when you visit TLC please bring your student's social security card so Ms. Banks can make a copy.
Important Dates
August 21st--Class Meetings
August 28th--MAP Testing Window Opens
August 30th--Working Wednesday (Students Dismissed at 1:10)
The Learning Center
Location: 475 Price Road, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859)381-0597
Twitter: @TLCWhiteTiger