North Chevy Chase Elem. School
Principal's Weekly Update
September 10, 2023
From our Principal
Good Afternoon NCC students and Families, This is Principal Wallace-Kimbrue with our Weekly Updates.
Thank you to all of the families who attended Back to School Night. It was great to see so many of you in attendance. We look forward to working with you throughout the school year. Go Bulldogs!
Mark your Calendar
15th- Hispanic Heritage Month begins
20th - Principal’s Coffee for Third Grade and Parents new to NCC
20th- PTA General Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 pm NCC
22nd - Early Release Day for students 1:30 pm
25th- No School
4th- Principal’s Coffee for Fourth Grade Parents
9th - Professional Day
12th - Picture Day
18th- Principal’s Coffee for Fifth Grade Parents
1st - No School for students Planning for teachers
20th - Early Release Day 1:30 pm
21st - Early Release Day 1:30 pm
22nd - 26th - Thanksgiving Holiday
Parent Volunteers Needed for Lunch & Recess:
If you have time and would like to volunteer your time during lunch and/or recess, we would love to have you! The lunch and recess times at NCC begin at 11:05 through 1:25 pm. Please click the link to learn how, volunteers are always needed.
Volunteer - Montgomery County Public Schools, MD | Montgomery County Public Schools | Rockville, MD (
Chess Club starts soon and we need at least 20 students! NCC is fortunate to offer Chess Club on Wednesdays from 3:50 p.m. to 5:30 pm. beginning Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 and ending on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. There is a nominal fee of 40.00 per semester per student. Scholarships will be available based on funding received from enrolled students. Registration forms are available in the NCC office and in the Givebacks communications folder labeled "After School Activities."
Renee D. Wallace-Kimbrue, Principal
North Chevy Chase Elementary School
3700 Jones Bridge Road
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(240) 204-5280
Important Note to Families of Bus 1128
Until further notice because of the construction on Jones Mill Road, bus 1128 will be arriving a little late to bus stops in the morning. Please direct questions to the Bethesda bus depot. The number is 240-740-6580.
From the NCC PTA
The PTA collaborated with Montgomery County Recreation Department to provide families with a variety of affordable after school options. All classes are held at NCC and only open to NCC students. Financial assistance is available through Montgomery County. Flyers are posted on the NCC Facebook page and in the Givebacks communications folder labeled "After School Activities."
- Snack Attack (No-heat cooking), Mondays 4-5pm, Tiny Chefs via MoCo Rec, beg. Oct 2 (8wks) R05029-101
- Basketball, Tuesdays 4-5pm, Fastbreak via MoCo Rec, beg. Sept 26 (8wks) R05012-129
- Art, Thursdays, 4-5pm, Abrakadoodle via MoCo Rec, beg. Sept 28 (8wks) R05001-104
To register, visit, establish an account, click "Search", click "Enroll with Activity Code" and then enter the Activity Code (R...) and Session (#s after the dash).
The PTA needs Volunteers! There are a variety of positions open--year-long and one-time. We also have a variety of fundraising opportunities available to us but we need help getting them off the ground. These fundraisers help support programs like After-School Achievers and provide NCC teachers and staff with instructional support.
Save the Dates!
Speaker: Montgomery County Council Member Kate Stewart (District 4) Vote on Budget Amendment School & Community Resources: Montgomery County Public Library--Chevy Chase Pizza & drinks provided. Please bring a snack to share! Children welcome
Hispanic Heritage Month- Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month is recognized from Sept. 15- Oct. 15th each year and is meant to highlight the contribution of the Hispanic community. NCC will participate in a variety of activities to celebrate this special month!
An interesting fact from the History Channel:
"From 1968 until 1988, Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan all issued the yearly proclamations, setting aside a week to honor Hispanic Americans. In 1987 U.S. Representative Esteban E. Torres of California proposed the expanding the observance to cover its current 31-day period."