November 2024
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Ocala Welcome!
We are an open and affirming church, welcoming into our life, ministry, and worship people of all races, genders, ages, marital standings, sexual orientations, gender identities, socio-economic statuses, faith backgrounds, nationalities, and mental and physical challenges.
(352) 329-2032
Our service begins at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday.
Church Mouse
What does it mean to be a good steward? Particularly in a church setting we become accustomed to hearing about “stewardship” in the fall season when the leadership begins to contemplate budgets for the upcoming year, and they ask the congregation to consider pledges to continue the ministry of the church. It is always one of the most anxious times for leadership and frequently guilt-inducing for church members. No one likes it.
But stewardship is far bigger than finances or making pledge commitments to keep the lights on in the church. Genuine stewardship is the “responsible care of property belonging to another.” This definition causes one to ponder a few words. What does it mean to be “responsible”? What is meant by “care”? How is “property” best defined?
For most of us raised in Western culture with its rugged individualism, we primarily consider how we and those closest to us are impacted or affected. This narrow perspective highlights the need to engage with those who possess a worldview different from our own. If we are willing to listen, these interactions might expand our experience of the world God has created. We hope that they will also enliven a sense of partnership with humanity as we recognize the reality that we share not only with all those who live now, but also with those who have gone before, and those who have yet to come.
We practice stewardship then, because we know that all creation is a space God formed for us to share so that all may thrive and enjoy God’s blessings abundantly. Our role in this plan is to help ensure that every person has the same opportunities for health, sustenance, joy, companionship, work, play, etc. As a result, the way we interact with others, how we unitize our time, the natural resources we expend to live as we do…should each be considered through the lens of our stewardship responsibilities toward all that God has created. Though we acknowledge the truth that everything comes from God, if we are honest - our conduct suggests otherwise. We must be willing to live differently. Ultimately, we know that:
“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it;
for He has founded it on the seas and established it on the rivers.” Psalm 24:1-2
The greatest challenge in our U.S. context is to accept that much about the way we live demonstrates that we consider ourselves to be more “owner” than “user” of creation rather than steward of what God has made. It will be tough to shift the relentless pursuit of our own personal comfort in order to practice genuine stewardship. Wendell Berry challenges us to reconsider how we live so that the stewardship we espouse as followers of Jesus becomes a lived reality.
“We must achieve the character and acquire the skills to live much poorer than we do.” Wendell Berry, What Are People for?: Counterpoint, 2010. p.99
If we accept the truth found in Psalm 24 and are challenged to use that filter to consider the above quote it leaves us wrestling with several questions. What might “living poorer” mean for our day to day lives? How would “living poorer” positively impact the neighbors with whom we share the world now? How might that alter the stewardship legacy we leave for those who are yet to be? Our faith and desire to practice stewardship as we believe God intends should be what guides our lives as we consider these important questions.
Wrestling Yours,
Church Mouse
All Saints' Day
November 1st is All Saints’ Day, when the church remembers the saints who have gone on to glory. This year, our local church will recognize the occasion on Sunday, November 3 when we will memorialize those in our church and church family who have passed this last year. If you would like us to remember someone in your family, let us know by emailing:
We are so very blessed!
The national ministries of the UCC is planning a time of prayer for at least 24 hours leading into Election Day, Nov. 5. This will culminate in a prayer vigil service on Election Day. As anxiety is particularly high during this election season and there are a diversity of concerns for the process and outcome, the prayers and vigil are being organized for spiritual support and to invoke the presence of the Holy, for love, justice, and peace.
Welcome to new member, Chris Dougherty.
Community Outreach Board
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
November's meeting will be Wednesday, November 6th.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Breadbasket in October. We were originally going to collect for P.A.C.E. for Girls. However, due to the impact of not 1, but 2, hurricanes impacting Florida, we instead collected for Hurricane Relief, sending $1000. Additionally, we did still send $300 to P.A.C.E.
There will be no Breadbasket collection in November since we will be a drop off for Toys4Tots. Our collection will begin November 17 with the Thanksgiving Meal we will have with TBS. Last year we donated 7 boxes of toys. Let’s try to outdo that this year!
Thank you to everyone who cooked for our monthly dinner for Interfaith. Due to not enough people able to help that day, we were unable to serve again, however, the residents were very appreciative of the meal. The November meal will be the week of Thanksgiving so please consider helping us. We deliver the evening meal to Interfaith on the 4th Tuesday of every month. If you are interested in helping, there is a signup sheet in the lobby or contact Diane Donohue.
How can you help? Please consider preparing a dish to share with the residents. We usually organize a main dish or two, a vegetable/side dish, drinks and dessert. You can bring it to the church and we'll deliver it. There's a signup sheet in the church lobby. We also collect non-perishable food supplies for their food bank.
These activities make our presence known locally and show our church’s expression of caring and love. If you are interested in learning more about Community Outreach, please contact:
Carron Janssen
Diane Donohue
Board of Church Life
We hope you'll join us for our Ocala Tree of Life Thanksgiving meal with our Temple Beth Shalom brothers and sisters on Sunday, November 17th at noon in the fellowship hall.
Sign up sheets can be found at the front desk in the reception entryway. Additionally we ask that you pick up a provided index card to list all ingredients used in any dishes you may be bringing.
This helps us to be respectful of those eating a Kosher diet.
Click here to learn more about Kosher.
The Board of Church Life asks for your assistance in helping us provide refreshments after church on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer where you can share your blessing with others. We also gladly accept cash donations to help offset costs.
Trunk or Treat!
Trunk or Treat was an overwhelming success! Possibly there were 200 Trick or Treaters and all the candy vanished. Rooster 🐓 and Colt 🐎 say thanks to each and all of you for participating. We believe this could be an Annual event! CLICK HERE FOR ALL PHOTOS!
We look forward to you joining us for another lively and educational PFLAG Ocala support meeting
on Sunday, November 24th at 1 PM.
Each year on November 20th, the world recognizes Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), a day to commemorate the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming persons who have had violence directed toward them. We will observe TDoR at our November 24th support meeting.
Also, we hope you will consider signing up for a paid membership or any size donation to support our mission of creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
PFLAG is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating
for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
This year’s Our Faith, Our Vote campaign asks the church to answer the call of 1 John 3:18 to “let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth,” by “voting with love.” To make a just world for all, we as disciples must be grounded in the love that our faith calls us to demonstrate to the world. We must show God’s radical love in all our actions, including with our votes. When we exercise our sacred right to vote with love, we push back against efforts to constrain the voice of the people and push this nation towards justice.
Save the Date
Marion County Animal Services (MCAS) Dog Adoption Day
Saturday, November 23
10-AM-2 PM
OTLS Parking Lot
Let's Celebrate!
November Birthdays
1 Randa Angelo
3 Sally Mata
8 Barbara Clovis, Gordon Daniels
9 Bill Osborn
12 Irv Buppert, Linda Lohr
19 Michael Davis
20 Danny Eitingon
21 Paloma Cor
24 Luis Isaza
27 Scott Schnappauf
28 Joanne Houston
November Anniversaries
2 Jane and Jeanne Bennet-Baily
17 Augusto Lugo-Alexander and Bruce Alexander
20 Gillian Fleshman and Kathy Thomas
22 Gordon and Cookie Daniels
26 Holly and Kevin Thomas
Change/Correction of address
Joseph Alberti & Greg Briner: 11325 SW 62nd Circle
Joanne Houston & Cheryl Richardson: 8511 SW 84th Loop
Get CONNECTed: It is our desire to connect the people of the Florida Conference to the resources amidst the Florida Conference. Please help us connect with the members of your church by sharing this link so that they too may have the opportunities to read, contribute, and CONNECT! Please know, the Sunshine Connection is intended to be a resource for local churches, pastors, leaders and members throughout the Florida Conference generated by submissions from local churches, pastors, leaders and members throughout the Florida Conference! We invite your submissions to
Newsletter Submissions
If you'd like to submit information to be included in News and Views, or to request removal from our mailing list, please contact:
We hope to receive submissions by the 20th of each month so that we can send promptly on the first of each month.