OCTOBER - Respect, Responsibility, Safety, and ENDURANCE
October announcement blurb - This month in enrichment we are learning about our brains. Your brain is like a muscle It is not an actual muscle but it behaves as a muscle. It can grow! One of the ways your brain can grow is when you are persistent. When things are difficult for you, but you don’t give up - that grows your brain! Endurance is all about keeping with it..enduring for a long time even if it is difficult or uncomfortable. You are building new pathways to a solution. This month for PBIS your teachers are going to especially looking for students that demonstrate ENDURANCE. Students who demonstrate endurance help build a positive culture in our school. So, keep trying, don’t give up!
We want to make it easy...
To reinforce the word of the month we have included some resources for your convenience. Maybe you could choose one or two to share with your Homeroom to reinforce our Growth Mindset theme and promote students to "Never Give Up"! There is a video for every week and we have also included a resource full of worksheets/activities that correspond with our topic.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE ANY OF THESE...they are just here for your convenience if you want to use them. If you need a lesson for an enrichment Thursday - they are some things that you could use.
Building Students' Confidence, Fulfilment, and Achievement through the Understanding of Expandable Intelligence
PBIS Committee
If you have any suggestion or ideas on how to promote PBIS please let anyone on the committee know. PBIS Committee members for the 2017-2018 school year are:
Amanda Scroggs, Todd Braddock, Andrew Wilson, Dan Wray, Dayna Kolanowski, Gloria Reichard, Keith sullen, Maria Hutchinson, Jack LaFollette, and Chris Boyd.