Bio News
Week of March 6th, 2023
Principal's Message
Greeting families,
Happy Women's History Month.
I contacted the district with your questions about the lottery results and included the contact information of the person who may help you answer those right after this message.
I need your input as we prepare the plans for the next school year. Your information is crucial during this time as we are conducting our campus needs assessment which will lead to the development of the campus improvement plan. For that reason, I urge you to fill out the form below. First, the form will ask about your plans for next year (are you returning or not), and then it will ask how we can improve or modify our systems. Please complete the form even if you already email me regarding this topic, as your feedback is crucial to enhance everyone's experiences in year two.
Click the link: Parents- School Need Assessment Survey
Also, the district-wide parent survey is open this week. Participation is essential as the district collects this data to designate campus autonomy. Please, contact me directly if we need to improve in any areas. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate all ideas for improvement. We are close to the 50 answers we need to have valid results.
Notice that you may receive a call from the district asking you to complete the survey via phone.
Second Survey: District Wide Parent Survey
Last, I want to keep these two reminders here for one more week:
**Notify us by 2 pm if your child will have a change of dismissal arrangements. This helps our front office staff communicate with teachers and staff with enough time.
*** If you need to pick up your child earlier, please do so before 2:45 to ensure their safety and a smooth transition of our staff to their dismissal duties.
If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate and ask.
Thanks for choosing us!
Kind Regards,
Roberto Gonzalez
Siblings Lottery Questions
Per my previous email, I forwarded your questions about sibling acceptance at Biomedical Preparatory to the district central offices.
I received a response on Friday stating that Ms. Elena Bates would be happy to help answer any questions.
Contact Information:
Elena Luna Bates
Director, Office of Transformation & InnovationPhone: 972.925.3315.
Also, please read the lottery FAQ for more information.
Linked here is our Transformation Schools Sibling Lottery FAQ.
Starting in 2023, PTO correspondence will be coming from the PTO email address:
You can also direct any PTO related questions or newsletter contributions/suggestions there, as well.
We need you!
We have some fun events coming up and would like volunteers to assist. Please complete this
survey to let us know what you would be available for! Biomedical Prep PTO Volunteer Interest
All volunteers must follow the steps in the link below:
Counselor's Newsletter- Click on the picture to Expand it.
Parent Survey- Same as the one in this week's message
The annual Parent Survey is now open. This important survey will obtain feedback to help improve schools in the district.
The survey will be sent via email to parents for whom addresses are available in PowerSchool. The link and QR code will be shared through the attached flyer as well as the district’s social media channels and publications. A banner will also be displayed on the district’s home page, linking parents to the survey. Automated calls and notifications via the district’s app will be sent to parents to let them know about the survey and to remind them of the deadline.
To ensure fidelity, parents will enter their child’s seven-digit ID number. They will complete a survey for each campus in which they have children enrolled. If more than one child is enrolled at a campus, parents will submit the ID number of the oldest child at that campus. The survey will be available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Swahili, and Vietnamese.
Playground Update
Estimated begin date: Dallas ISD construction is still waiting for the materials to arrive.
The playground completion date I was given is April 2023. Dallas ISD and donors gave more funds to add shade as the trees were cut down.
Some parents expressed concerns regarding the mulch and how it may damage the eyes. As a result, Dallas ISD will put concrete in that area and cover it with kids' friendly material for added safety.
The playground will have stand-alone equipment due to the size of the space and playground equipment space regulations.
The total cost is over $100,000. I will get the final price once it is available.
Click the picture to read the tips
Uniform Policy
Please, remember to review our uniform policy. If possible, allow your children to wear tennis shoes as they do physical activity during the day, which can result in injuries if the child is not wearing appropriate shoes.
Also, remember the colors to wear on the pants, shorts, skirts, and jumpers.
Thank you so much for your help
Review policy:
Digital Library Resources
We want to share these digital resources with you. Unfortunately, we have yet to get access to some resources as we do not have a librarian, but I am working on it. Please email me if you need help with any resources.
Follow the link below to access Dallas ISD digital library resources.
Note: Your child's teacher can provide a district ID number.
Lost and Found
Notice that each picture has a number, so if you recognize an item, you can call us at the office and let us know which numbered item belongs to your children. Of course, you can also stop by the office to pick it up
Meet our teachers and staff
Social and Emotional Learning (S.E.L)
We are proud to be a campus that works in Social and Emotional practices with our students. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) builds the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that both students and adults need to be successful in school, work, and life. They include things such as knowing and controlling your emotions, teamwork, understanding others, making positive choices, and resilience.
There are four signature practices that the school follows:
Morning Meetings
Mood Meter
Respect Agreements
Calming Corners
If you want to know more about our signature practices click HERE
Breathing Strategy of the Week
S.E.L Home connections
Please join our facebook group.
Follow the link to join:
Community Website
Follow this link:
Office hours of operations: Monday- Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Monday, March 6th, 2023
- Arrival: 7:35 am- 8:00 am
- Grade level newsletters to parents
Tuesday, March 7th, 2023
- Arrival: 7:35 am- 8:00 am
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
- Arrival: 7:35 am- 8:00 am
Thursday, March 9th, 2023
- Arrival: 7:35 am- 8:00 am
- SBDM Board Meeting. 4:30 PM
Friday, March 10th, 2023
- Arrival: 7:35 am- 8:00 am
Fire Drills: First week of every month
Mar 1, 2023 - Fri, Mar 31, 2023
Women's History Month