EVS Newsletter
September 2024
We have had an outstanding start to our 2024-2025 school year. There were approximately 120 students and their families that participated in the annual Walk with a Cop event. It was great to see so many smiling faces and walk together to get the school year started.
I appreciate everyone's patience while we work through our new routine at dismissal. We get a little better at it each day. The staff is working hard to reflect each afternoon on what has been working and what we need to adjust. Thank you for working with us.
If your child rides a school bus, please remember that elementary school students cannot be dropped off unless there is an adult present at the drop off location. There are certain circumstances where we can approve of a drop off without, but you MUST have prior approval from the principal AND the bus driver must receive a bus pass with that approval before it can happen. Please contact the office with any questions.
Any time a student is going home a different way, please communicate with the office before the end of the school day. We are working hard at having accurate lists for each method of dismissal.
NO School Friday, August 30, 2024
NO School Monday, September 2, 2024
Picture Day Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Early Release Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Nurse's Corner
With the first week of school under our belts, we are ready to take on the rest of the school year! I have had the opportunity to talk with some of you already, but if there is any special information I should know about your students IE: who to contact first on the contact list, what is the best way to contact you, etc., please reach out to me jgilbert@mvrsd.org. If your student has medications they take at school or may need to take at school please reach out to me. I have forms that have to be filled out in order for your students to be able to receive those medications here. No medication should be sent to school with a student per school policy, unless under specific doctors orders with my knowledge.
Nurse Jennie
EVS PTA Reminder
PTA Sign Up
EVS parents interested in joining PTA or volunteering for events, please click the link and fill out the form.
EVS PTA Spiritwear
If you need fresh EVS Owls gear, check out the Spirit shop: http://www.spiritshop.com/school/new-hampshire/enfield/enfield-village-school. A portion of proceeds goes to the EVS PTA! Show your EVS Spirit!
Lunch Balances
There are a couple of different ways to pay for student breakfast/lunch balances.
- You can send money in an envelope to school with your students name on it. We will give it to the kitchen and it will get put on your child's account.
- You can set up an online account through MyMealtime and put money on their account. Check out the food services section of the school website for more information.
You will receive a paper copy of any outstanding balances. If you need help, please reach out to the office.