September News
Elkhorn High School
District Announcements
Per EPS Board Policy 1006.07, District residents aged 65+ are eligible for a free activity pass which admits the holder to District-sponsored events and activities. Passes can be picked up at the EPS Central Office at 20650 Glenn St. during normal business hours. Individuals must provide a valid driver's license showing a current address of residence with EPS boundaries to receive a pass.
As was shared with all families in an email from Elkhorn Public Schools in early August, information regarding the resources utilized by Elkhorn Public Schools in the event of severe weather can be found at the link below. EPS Severe Weather Protocols - August 2024 Letter to Staff and Families.
Tech Tips for Parents: Screen Sanity Let's flip the script - creating a sense of "JOMO (that's Joy of Missing Out) encourages students to be fully present and embrace being in the here and now! Check out Screen Sanity for more helpful tips and remember the importance of modeling being where your feet are!
TeamMates of Elkhorn is currently seeking additional mentors to fulfill our waitlist! Mentors spend 30 minutes a week building a lasting relationship and creating a positive impact that lasts a lifetime. Please consider volunteering your time to meet the growing need for mentors across our District. Apply now by clicking here! Additionally, visit Runza on Tuesday, September 17, and support your local chapter of TeamMates! 10% of all Runza sales at the 204th and Maple location will be donated back to our Elkhorn chapter.
Google Classroom Guardian Email Summaries
Starting September 6th, guardians will be able to receive email summaries about their student’s activity in Google Classroom. Guardians will receive an email invitation on September 6th and will need to accept the invitation in order to receive Google Classroom email summaries. When you receive the invite email and click the accept button, you will be taken to a page verifying your email address. Please make sure this is the email address you would like to use before clicking accept. If it is not the correct email address, do NOT click decline or accept, and see bullet number 3 under "Get email summaries" in this document Guardian Email Summaries - for Guardians.
You may not receive an invite email if you are still signed up from last year or if teacher(s) have not enabled email notifications in their Google Classrooms.
In email summaries, you can review:
- Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent
- Upcoming work—Work that is due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that is due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
- Class activities—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers
- Email summaries do not include grades.
If there’s no activity to report, or if a teacher turns off email notifications, you might not get an email summary.
Please see this document for more information Guardian Email Summaries - for Guardians.