Ridgewood Middle Bulldog Bulletin
December 20th
Hello Ridgewood Families!
It was a great week here at RMS!
Just a reminder that Winter Break begins on December 23rd! School will not be in session starting on the 23rd through January 3rd. We hope everyone enjoys that winter break.
Just a reminder that Yearbooks are on sale through December 31st. Be sure to get your order in before the deadline. We only have a limited number, so guarantee your yearbook by that date!
Have a great winter break!
Mr. Courtney Meagher
Building Principal
Ridgewood Middle
Yearbooks are on Sale!
Order your Ridgewood Middle School yearbook for on $25! All 52 pages print in full color and it is bound in a hard cover! Orders are due by December 31
Attendance and Activities at RMS
Good attendance leads to academic success! If the kids aren't at school, they are not getting the instruction that they need! Of course, if any student has a fever or is sick we always want them to stay home so everyone can stay healthy. If students are not coming to school for reasons other than appointments (Dentist, Doctor, Funeral, etc.) and sickness on a regular basis (attendance rate below 90%), they will not be able to participate in any of the RMS after school activities or qualify for attendance incentives. Please note that appointments (Dentist, Doctor, Funeral, etc.) and sickness can only be excused if a documentation is turned into the office (Doctor/Dentist note, etc).
RMS Clubs
Now that the school year is in full swing, clubs have begun at RMS! To see what clubs are active at RMS, click here! Some clubs run all year and some are seasonal, so check back periodically for more information!
Upcoming Events
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break - No School
January 8th and 9th - NWEA Testing
January 10th - End of First Semester - Half Day for Students (dismiss at noon)
January 16th - Volleyball Intramurals @ FHS
January 20th - MLK Day - No School
About Us
Email: Click Here
Website: http://www.foxc6.org/ridgewoodms
Location: 1401 Ridgewood School Road, Arnold, MO, USA
Phone: 636-282-1459
Facebook: facebook.com/RidgewoodMiddlefoxc6
Twitter: @RidgewoodMS