Highland Springs Herald
Fountainhead Drive's Freshest Updates, News, and Highlights
8 Dec. 2024
Classroom Communications
Don't miss out on important class announcements. Assignments and upcoming events can be found in the Rooms App. See below for more information.
PTO Giving Tree
The PTO has set up a Giving Tree for faculty and staff in the hallway just outside the front office. The ornaments contain gift ideas for both classroom needs and teachers' favorite treats. You can grab an ornament or check out the Sign-up Genius:
Thank you for helping us love on our faculty and staff!
Governor's School Visits
Dear 8th Grade Students,
We will be having the Governor's School of Math and Science visit during advisory Dec 9th. If you are intersted in attending this information session please sign up using this link. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=LTBu-BNw9EGZhxwTXOQTK0JzRndwe45LnTOdXe0fJLpUMU4yVERRM1EzT0lDN05RSzVQVUVGSzNQVC4u
We will be having the Governor's School of the Arts visit during advisory on Dec 10th. If you are intersted in attending this information session please sign up using this link.https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=LTBu-BNw9EGZhxwTXOQTK0JzRndwe45LnTOdXe0fJLpUNFRQTjFZVTVENURGUVU3WUdGNjg4VDVQVS4u
We will be having the Governor's School of Argiculture visit during advisory on December 13th. If you are intersted in attending this information session please sign up using this link. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=LTBu-BNw9EGZhxwTXOQTK0JzRndwe45LnTOdXe0fJLpUQTY2SVBOU0kzVldTMktRUFpRU1lSOUFXRy4u
Ac Gateway
The application for the 2025 acGATEWAY Summer Arts program is now live on the Gateway webpage of the district website.To learn more about this free visual and performing arts opportunity for students in our District in grades 3-12. All students must submit an application to be considered, and an audition is required for all new student applicants. Please note that all applications must be submitted virtually this year. Should you have questions about acGATEWAY, please reach out to Gateway Director Mabry MacGregor via email at mmacgregor@acpsd.net.
IGP Information
Do you have an eighth-grade student? If you do and were unable to attend the IGP night, you can still get the important information about high school scheduling and success in the PDF document below.
Bullying Policy
At Highland Springs Middle School, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all our students. To ensure that every child feels secure and respected, we have implemented a comprehensive bullying policy. This policy outlines our approach to preventing and addressing bullying, including clear definitions, reporting procedures, and consequences for those who engage in such behavior.
We believe that by working together, we can foster a positive school culture where every student can thrive. Please take a moment to review the key points of our bullying policy below and discuss them with your child. Your support is crucial in helping us maintain a safe and welcoming school community.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to our students’ well-being.
Paige Day
Highland Springs Middle School
Pizza Sales Friday!
Pizza Sales Start Friday
HSMS will be selling pizza and sodas at lunch. Pizza is sold every Friday for $2 a slice and sodas are $1. Cash Only. Pizza is sold during all three lunches.
Pizza is provided by Marcos pizza.
Illustrative Mathematics Parent Resources
Upcoming Events HSMS
12.9.24 - Governor's School of Math and Science at HSMS
12.10.24 - Area 3 Spelling Bee, Governor's School for Arts at HSMS, Band Winter Concert @ 5:30 pm
12.11.24 - Advisory Club Day
12.12.24 - Chorus Winter Concert @ 5:30 pm; BB Away @ LMS @ 5:30 pm
12.16.24 - BB Home Game vs. NEMS @ 5:30 pm
12.17.24 - Virtual Volunteer Training @ 1 pm via Teams
12.19.24 - BB Away @ RSM @ 5:30 pm
12.202.24 - 1/2 Day for Students - dismissal @ 11:30; Semester One Celebration (Movie Day)
Highland Springs Middle School
Email: pday@acpsd.net
Website: acpsd.net
Location: 822 Fountainhead Drive, North Augusta, SC
Phone: 803-844-9601
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090896652263&mibextid=LQQJ4d