Uenuku Newsletter
Term 4 Week 3
Kia ora
Wednesdays are jam packed with visitor mornings, library visits and swimming in the afternoon. It is fabulous to see the progress the tamariki are making in swimming already - we are also noticing the amazing independence skills the children are growing when getting themselves changed.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to school photo day. We will be having class group photos as well as individual photos. You will have received a notice about this last week. Sibling photos will also be taken if you have completed the request form.
Please see the 'Dates for your Diary' section below. This will be updated as required so keep an eye out for any changes each week.
Grocery Hamper Raffle
Our Home and School Committee is running a big Grocery Hamper Raffle this term. They will be sending home tickets for families to sell on their behalf at the beginning of November to coincide with the Family Fun Day on Saturday 19 November. But first they need your help to make the hampers! Please can every family donate a grocery item for the hampers. Each class has something different to bring along - please see below. Please ensure all items have a valid expiry date. Please send donations to school by Friday 11 November. Many thanks for your support!
Room 6 - Desserts (for example Jelly Crystals, Icecream cones or Chocolate sauce)
Room 7 - Christmas items (decorations, wrapping paper, cards)
Room 8 - Bathroom or Laundry Products (for example bodywash, toothpaste or laundry detergent)
Library Days
Room 6 and Room 7 children will now visit the library on Wednesdays.
Room 8 children will visit the library on Thursdays.
Hats, sunblock and water bottles.
Looking ahead to the warmer weather, please remember to apply sunblock to your child before school. We have bottles of sunblock in class for the children to apply before lunch time. Alternatively, you are welcome to send your own sunblock with your child if you prefer. Please name this clearly.
We ensure that the children drink water throughout the day, every day. Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle with them every day. Thank you.
Daily reminders
- Classrooms open at 8:30am. Prior to this teachers may be in meetings or busy preparing for the day and are not available to supervise the children.
- Please provide a change of clothes in your child's bag. It's also helpful to have a warm jersey and a raincoat even if the weather seems warm and dry in the morning.
- Please check your child's school bag each day - they may have a new reading book in their book bag, a notice, or have some of their wonderful creations to share. Wet/dirty clothes might be a possibility too!
- Please send your child with a water bottle every day.
Dates for your diary - TERM 4
Weeks 1-8
Wednesdays - Swimming
Week 3
Thursday 3rd November - School photos
Week 5
Saturday 19th November - Festive Family Fun Day
Week 8
EOTC (Education outside the classroom) week
Week 9
Thursday 15th December - End of year Junior Assembly (Uenuku & Pounamu)
Thursday 15th December - Pizza lunches organised by the Home and School committee
Friday 16th December - Last day of school for the year
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us with any queries, or pop in to see us for a quick chat either before or after school.
Ngā manaakitanga
Team Uenuku teachers
Team Uenuku
Mrs Daly - Marilyn Daly marilyn@paparangi.school.nz (Thurs, Fri)
Mr M - Jason Middlemiss jason@paparangi.school.nz (part time teacher)
Miss Jensen - Michaela Jensen mjensen@paparangi.school.nz
Rebecca - Rebecca Arrowsmith rebecca@paparangi.school.nz (team leader/AP)
Email: office@paparangi.school.nz
Website: paparangi.school.nz
Phone: 04 478 6617