Weikel Newsletter
February 2025
Have No Fear The Wolf Pack Is Here!
A message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
Welcome to February!
February will be a very busy month filled with important, purposeful, and fun activities! We’ll dive into February with Student Showcases on Wednesday, February 19th, and Thursday, February 20th. Your child’s teacher will contact you to schedule your child’s showcase. We look forward to conversations promoting future success and support for children at Weikel. During Student Showcases, we will host our Spring Book Fair.
Other important dates to mark on your calendar: Spring Pictures will occur on February 6th and 7th.
2nd through 5th grade students will take the Spring Illuminate Benchmark Test the weeks of February 3rd and February 10th. Attendance is vital these two weeks.
We will celebrate Valentine’s Day Parties on Friday, February 14th.
Daily school attendance continues to be a priority at our school. Thank you for your continued support in getting your child/children to school daily and on time. Students who attend regularly learn more and develop habits that will continue throughout their school career. Weikel students who are on time and ready to learn receive carefully planned instruction, active learning experiences, and daily opportunities for participation. We strive to meet or exceed a monthly average of 95% attendance.
Also, this is just a reminder that breakfast is served daily at 7:05. If your child eats breakfast here at school, please ensure your student/s arrive at 7:05 so they’ll have plenty of time to eat before the 7:30 tardy bell rings.
Parents, we are looking forward to a great month!
Dr. Jaramillo- Principal
Illness Guidelines for School:
- Children who have temperatures of 100.4 (Fahrenheit) or above should not attend school. Children should remain home until their temperature has been normal (98.6 degrees), without any fever reducing medication for up to 24 hours.
- Children who have cold symptoms such as: a constant runny nose, with abnormal color (green, yellow, or white) or thick nasal discharge, constant coughing, or lung congestion should not be in school.
- Children who have been diagnosed with an infection and have been placed on medication should not return to school until they have taken the medication for up to 24 hours after the first dose.
- Children who have had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours should not attend school for up to 24 hours.
- Children who have an undiagnosed skin rash or open skin lesion should not be in school.
- Children who have red, inflamed eyes with a thick discharge and have a fever and/or behavioral changes should not be in school.
If any of the above signs and symptoms are present at school, the parent will be contacted to pick up the child. We do not want children to miss school, but keeping sick children home will improve everyone's attendance and health in the long run.
If any of the above signs and symptoms last longer than 48 hours, please contact your child's school nurse before they return to school.
If your child is hospitalized or treated for an infectious disease, please provide your child's school a written statement from the health care provider that your child is no longer contagious and is cleared to return to school.
- Children who have temperatures of 100.4 (Fahrenheit) or above should not attend school. Children should remain home until their temperature has been normal (98.6 degrees), without any fever reducing medication for up to 24 hours.
Dear Parents,
In February, our students are focusing on making caring and constructive choices. This is the third skill embedded in our school creed. We are encouraging students to reflect on how to be kind, responsible, and thoughtful in their actions. It’s a wonderful time to reinforce these values at home as well!
As the weather gets colder, please remember to send your child to school with a warm winter jacket. Also, please remember to label your child’s belongings. Our lost and found tends to fill up quickly, and many items are not labeled, making it difficult for us to return them to the correct owner. (If you are in need of clothing assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at lwood@ffc8.org.)
Last, as you well know, flu season is upon us! Please remember to call the school if your child is going to be absent due to illness. It's important for us to document these absences and ensure your child’s absence is excused.
Thank you for your continued support in helping our school community thrive!
Mrs. Wood
February Fun in Kindergarten!
This month, we’re diving into some exciting activities and celebrations in our kindergarten classes! In reading, we’ll explore the themes of weather and seasons. In math, we will begin composing and decomposing numbers to get ready for addition and subtraction! In science, we are becoming engineers to build pinball machines! Be on the lookout for parent teacher conference information for February! We can't wait to share all the amazing learning that is happening in Kindergarten!
We cannot believe that we are already three weeks into the third quarter of first grade. In reading we will continue with increasing our reading skills by using our decoding skills we are learning in small groups. We will be learning about character, setting, and plot: sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and main ideas and details. We will be focused on writing a 3-5 sentence paragraph throughout the third quarter. In math we are learning all about subtracting. Your child is learning how to make tens and ones, writing and reading numbers to 120, 10 more and 10 less, and regrouping ones into tens. This month we have some exciting things happening in first grade, 100th day of school (February 4th), Groundhog day, and Valentine’s day party. We are looking forward to meeting with you all to talk about your child during the student showcases. As always, please let your child's teacher know if you have any questions or concerns.
Hello wonderful Second Grade parents~~~
Happy February!!! We have lots going on this month so please be on the look out for remind messages, and notes home for important dates! We will have our Valentine’s day parties that will occur on Friday February 14th. Please be on the lookout for a sign up genius to help contribute to our classroom parties!!! Student showcases will also occur this month, please be on the look out for dates, and times to sign up to see all the wonderful things your second grader has been doing!! Second Graders will continue to work hard in both reading and math so making sure your child is here each day is very important. Parents, also with the amount of snow we have had this year please make sure your child all the necessities they need for outdoor recess!!! We appreciate, and thank you for all you do to support your child. We look forward to a wonderful February!! Please reach out to your second graders teacher if you have any questions or concerns!!!
What is a Frog’s favorite month? February! It has a leap year. In the month of February, Our genre focus will be Poetry and Narrative Nonfiction. Our reading skills will be point of view, theme, affixes, and context clues. For writing, we will continue to work on our writing strategy RACES ensuring students can restate the question into a statement, answer the question, and use text evidence to support their answer. In conjunction with multiplication and division, we will finish area and perimeter and learn about different polygons. In science we will investigate the inheritance and traits of organisms. We look forward to seeing you all at Student Showcases the week of February 17th!
For the month of February, 4th grade with be covering a lot of material to help ensure students are ready for CMAS testing in April. In ELA, we will be working on text structure and sequencing. We will be working with different leveled genres and texts and sequencing the events that take place in the story. We will be also be working hard on antonyms by relating words to their opposites within our texts. In math we will be starting a new module on fractions! The students are super excited to start this next module. In math students are starting to prepare for CMAS as well with questions of the day to challenge them. We will have a sign-up genius come out within in the next week for student showcases and Valentine’s Parties. If you have a box that you would like to decorate for Valentine’s Day please do so at home to bring on February 14th.
5th grade is off to a great 2nd Semester! They are becoming more self-accountable to their daily assignments and improving in small steps. Thank you Wolf Pack parents for continuing to ensure they complete homework, class assignments, and make-up work when absent. Please be on the lookout in the upcoming days for our “5th Grade Sign up Genius’,” this month for both the Valentine’s Day party needs on the 14th, and for “Student Showcases” taking place the week of the 17th. Remember, there is no school for Student Showcases for the week of February 17th- 21st. Our fifth grade Battle of the Book Club is headed to District competition on February 13th and we wish them all the best!
Thank you for all that you do Wolf Pack parents!
Please remember to call the front office at 719-358-4320 or go online to report your child's absence.
We know illnesses and emergencies arise. Please be mindful of your child's absences.
Important Reminders:
*Please remember that drop off is no earlier than 7:05 am. There is no adult supervision until that time.
*The weather in Colorado is constantly changing. Please be sure your child comes to school prepared for outdoor recess during our weather changes.
*If your child will be going home a different way, please call the front office before 2:00 pm to ensure the message gets delivered to your student and their teacher.
February 4, 2025 - PTO @ 2:45 pm
February 6 & 7, 2025 - Class Pictures
February 11, 2025 - STEM Night @ 4:30
February 13 & 14, 2025 - Book Fair
February 14, 2025 - Valentine's Day Parties
February 17, 2025 - President's Day NO SCHOOL
February 18, 2025 - Staff Professional Development Day NO SCHOOL
February 19 & 20, 2025 - Learning Showcases NO SCHOOL
February 21, 2025 - NO SCHOOL