The RAMS Report #26
The Week of March 10th, 2025
Principal's Message
Good afternoon AD Rundle Families,
Please see the outline for the week below for all pertinent ADR schedules and information.
Note that this week Learning Updates are going home on Wednesday April 12th and Spring Break begins on March 17th with school returning on March 31st. I hope that you and your family have a lovely and restful few weeks!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
AD Rundle
"Building Connection and Compassion through Community"
The Land We Learn On
Strategic Plan Survey for Parents and Caregivers
The Chilliwack School District is inviting parents, guardians and caregivers to share their input on the district's strategic plan for 2026 - 2029.
Take the survey: https://tejoin.com/scroll/572957092 from February 3-21, 2025.
Learn more about our strategic plan refresh: Strategic Plan Refresh 2024-2025 | Chilliwack School District #33. For specific accessibility needs, email communications@sd33.bc.ca or call the district office at 604-792-1321.
Library News
It's the 25-Book Challenge for 2025!
The Week Ahead
AD Rundle Sports Calendar Link
***Please note there will be Open Gym for Basketball Starting at at 8:00 am every day***
There is no need to pre-register for after school programming. All programs are on a Drop In Basis
Monday March 10th , 2025- Day 1
- 8:00 am Open Gym Basketball
- 12:50pm- Computer Club at lunch
- Pokemon Club at Lunch- Room 209
- 9:30 am- SpongeBob the Musical- IAT 8
- 11:00 am- Tea Pot Hill Field Trip- Ms. Lidrhan Flex
After School Clubs
- 2:45 - 3:30 pm- Singing Club
- 2:45- 3:45 pm- Jazz Band Practice
- 2:45-3:45 pm- Art Club
- 3:00- 5:00 pm- Karaoke- with Vince in the Indigenous Ed room
Tuesday March 11th, 2025- Day 2
- 8:00 am Open Gym Basketball
- 1:30 pm- RAM Y with Sean and ADR Students
- 2:45-3:30 pm- ***Field Hockey Practice***
- 7:30 am- Manning Park Ski Trip- Grade 8
- 9:15 am- Castle Fun Park Field Trip- Grade 8
- 9:30 am- Grade 8 Skating Field Trip- Prospera Centre
- 9:30 am- Grade 7 Skating Field Trip- Prospera
- 9:25 am- Sponge Bob the Musical Field Trip- IAT D, E , F
After School Clubs
- ***2:45-4:00 pm- What's Printing Rundle 3D Printing Club***- NEW CLUB
- 2:45- 4:00 pm- Number Ninjas
- 3:00- 4:00 pm- Nails and Chat
Wednesday March 12th, 2025- Day 1
Learning Updates Go Home
- 8:00 am Open Gym Basketball
- ***9:15 - 11:00 am- ADR Talent Show***
- Student Services Swimming Day
- Computer Club at lunch- sign up with Mr. Mc Sweeny
- ***12:40pm- Chess Club in the Library***- NEW
- 12:40 pm- Agents of Inclusion : Wednesdays in the Lab. Bring your lunch and join us to learn more about different cultures.
- 12:40 pm- Dungeons and Dragons Club in Room 203
After School Clubs
- 2:45- 4:30 pm- Rec Drop In
- 2:45- 4:00 pm- Jewelry Club- Wood Shop with Ms. Wahl
- Gr 6 Boys and Girls Basketball Practice Wednesdays 2:45 – 3:45
Thursday March 13th, 2025- Day 2
- 8:00 am Open Gym Basketball
- Entrepreneur Fair Blocks 3 & 4
- 1:00 pm- UFV Adapted PE @ Imagine Gym
- Lunch Time- ADR Allies Meeting in the Library with Ms. Corneil- Bring your Lunch
- 12:40 pm- Dungeons and Dragons Club in Room 203
- Computer Club at lunch- sign up with Mr. Mc Sweeny
- 1:30 pm- RAM Y
After School Clubs
- 2:45- 4:00 pm- Rundle Rocks
- 2:45-3:00 pm- Cricut Club in Cabin 1
Friday March 14th, 2025- Day 1
- 8:00 am - Open Gym Basketball
- Cottonwood Cinema Movie Field Trip- COVE with Ms. Singh
- 10:00 am- Grade 6 Egg Drop
Your PAC
The next PAC Meeting is April 28th th at 6:30 pm in the ADR Library.
Counselling Corner
Please see the link below for a newsletter and website created and curated by our counselors Kirsten Froyland and Jackson Ward. This website has information related to the Social Emotional Learning that our students receive at ADR and will update monthly with new information. This is the link to the October Edition. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Kirsten or Jackson for more information and resources.
Future Dates
March 17th- March 28th- Schools Closed for Spring Break
March 31st- Schools Re-Open after Spring Vacation
April 18th- Good Friday Statutory Holiday
April 21st- Easter Monday Schools Closed
Weekly Lunch Menu
Family Support
I have attached a copy of the Free Food Programs in Chilliwack document from Chilliwack Healthier Communities. This is a great resource for families facing food insecurities or in need of additional resources.
Here is a link to the webpage https://www.chilliwackhealthiercommunity.ca/food This page has a link to the food asset map and will be updated throughout the year with any changes to the resources available within the community.
Agents of Inclusion
Parent and School Communication
Communication between home and school is critically important. We recognize that questions and concerns will come up throughout the school year. Please take a look at our AD Rundle Parent Communication information and the Chilliwack School District Parent Communication Guide for details.
Community Events and Updates
KidsHelpPhone.ca 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
Chilliwack Youth Health Centre (604) 819-4603 https://chilliwackyhc.com/
START crisis team 1-844-START (1-844-782-7811)
CrisisCentreChat.ca 604-872-3311
Fraser Health Crisis Line 1-877-820-7444 or 604-951-8855
Suicide Line 1-800-784-2433
310 Mental Health Support 310-6789
9-1-1 in case of emergency
Family Smart- Mental health support https://familysmart.ca/
Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect- 1 800 663-9122