Jaguar Journal
September 1, 2022
DuJardin School Information
Location: 166 Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 894-9200
Website: DuJardin Elementary School
Twitter: @D13Jaguars
Message from Principal Haugens
NWEA MAP Assessment: All grade level students will take the NWEA MAP Assessment during the next two weeks. This assessment is administered to students three times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring) and provides classroom teachers with valuable information related to current academic achievement in math and reading. We ask that students try their best on these assessments. Please refer to classroom communication for specific dates and times for testing. Besides the MAP assessment, students in first - fifth grade will participate in an AIMSWeb Reading Fluency assessment. The AIMSWeb Reading Fluency assessment is administered one-on-one and takes approximately 5 minutes.
Go Orange: During the month of September, we will ask students to donate canned
Goods or non-perishable food items. There will be a box in the front lobby for students to
Place food items. DuJardin will also celebrate “GO ORANGE” day on Friday, September 23rd. Students will be asked to wear orange to raise awareness about hunger.
Curriculum Night: - SAVE THE DATE -We will have a Curriculum Night on
Thursday, September 15, 2022, from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Please look for more in an upcoming Jaguar Journal.
PTO Directory Information: The PTO puts together a PTO directory with student name, parent name, home address, email address, & phone number. The office will provide this information to the PTO unless we hear otherwise. We have created a google form for parents to notify the office if they prefer directory information not be shared with the PTO or placed in a PTO directory. Click here to access the google document. Parents have until Thursday, September 8th to complete the google form.
Patrick Haugens
DuJardin Elementary School
Bloomingdale School District 13
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please take a moment to review our arrival and dismissal procedures document for this coming school year. For the safety of all we ask that everyone follow the procedures. Thank you.
Important Dates
Monday, September 5th-Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
MAP Assessment: September 6th - 16th
Early Release (1st-5th Grade students): Friday, September 16th @ 1:40 pm
Lead Like A Jagaur
At DuJardin, we want students to become leaders who model a positive attitude (growth mindset), set and achieve positive goals, understand and manage emotions, show empathy for others, and make responsible decisions (solve problems). Teachers will be using the Second Step curriculum & other resources to help ensure our students #LeadLikeJaguars.
Focus for August 30th - September 30th: Growth Mindset & Goal-Setting: Children learn how to pay attention and manage distractions, develop a growth mindset, and apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
Click here to view our #LeadLikeAJaguar focus for last week.
Click here to view our #LeadLikeAJaguar focus for this week.
Social Worker
We are excited to welcome Julia Stevens as the new social worker at DuJardin Elementary School. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Stevens if your child(ren) needs additional support interacting socially with classmates for managing emotions related to school & home. Click here to view more information about Ms. Julia Stevens.
Message from Nurse Mills
Feel free to call if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your assistance! You can also contact the school nurse by email.
If you chose to have your child tested for COVID while here are school a NEW consent form for this year must be filled out. Consent Form for Minor
PTO News
PTO News
Thank you to all our Jaguar families for the great turnout at last week’s Back to School Carnival! We hope you had as much fun as we did. It was a great kick-off for the year, and we are excited for the year to come!
We Need Your Help!
- We are looking for a hot lunch leader for Wednesdays each week. As of right now we will only have hot lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Buona Hot Lunch should be starting the week of September 19. Please message me or send me an email at if you would can help.
- If you want to help volunteer at any day of hot lunch sign up here:
- We are still looking for head room parents for the following classrooms:
- Dyer PM, Del Giudice, Ragusin, Burton & Hendry
- Please sign up if you are interested in being a head room parent or just a volunteer.
- Please know that if you are the head room parent, you are not responsible for planning and doing everything for each party. We just need a point person to disseminate information. There will be other parents who can help.
Spirit Wear
If you missed out on Information Day, here’s your chance to order DJ Spirit wear! It can be purchased online and shipped to your home. The online store will be open until September 16. We will also do a bulk order in November with additional items.
Save the Dates!
1) Tuesday, September 13 at 7pm - Our first PTO meeting of the year. Come find out how you can get involved in all of the great activities we have planned for the year!
2) Tuesday, September 20 @ 6 pm - We will be hosting a room party planning meeting for all head room parents and any parent who wants to help with their child’s holiday room parties throughout the year.
Cubs Scout Pack 194 Carnival
Crossroads Kids Club
Send a note to school or email your students teacher and office if....
Your child/ren is walking home or being picked up instead of taking the bus
Your child/ren is being picked up by someone other than who is on the pick up list
Your child/ren is going to kids place instead of taking the bus or vice versa
Your child/ren is leaving school early
As always if your child/ren will be absent from school please call the office.
Office Staff Contact Information:
Marisol Strejc-
Karen Hosty-
Nurse's Office Contact Information:
Laura Mills-
Birthday Sign
Want a fun way to say “Happy Birthday” to your child or a staff member?
How about having your birthday wishes on the DuJardin school digital sign!
How: Print out this form, complete the correct information below and return it to DuJardin by the 20th of the month before their birthday month. (For example, a November birthday should return the form by October 20th)
Cost: a suggested $5 minimum donation to the DuJardin PTO
Why: Your child or staff member will be surprised and excited to see her/his birthday announced for one week in lights during their birthday month!
Virtual Backpack
The Bloomingdale School District has a Virtual Backpack that is filled with flyers and information from various organizations located throughout Bloomingdale. Please click on the backpack if you are interested in activities or information from outside organizations. Virtual Backpack