Transportation Ridership Program
Register now | June 10, 2024
Dear GLOBE community,
GLOBE's new Transportation Ridership Program provides morning and afternoon bus transportation between a satellite hub and the current Lower and Upper GLOBE campuses. The hub is located at the Exchange Recreation Center : 2771 Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30034.
Ridership Tiers (if a waitlist is necessary, each tier will hold its own waitlist)
Students receiving free or reduced lunch.
Students receiving sliding scale payment arrangement.
Full price paying students.
Students receiving free or reduced lunch will not be charged a ridership fee.
Sliding scale option is available for families that may not qualify for free or reduced lunch. Information is available here.
Full price ridership fee will be $75 per student per month.
Estimated Schedule (subject to change)
6:30am–6:45am: Load buses at hub
6:45am: Depart from hub
7:10am: Arrive at Lower Campus to drop off students (students supervised until school begins)
7:25am: Arrive at Upper Campus to drop off students (students supervised until school begins)
2:40pm: Arrive at Lower Campus to pick up students
3:10pm : Arrive at Upper Campus to pick up students
3:50pm–4:15pm: Arrive at hub for parent pick-up
Conditions and Commitment
1) Must commit to at least one full semester.
3) No refunds will be issued for missed days/trips.
4) Withdrawal of transportation ridership must be submitted in writing, at least 14 days in advance.
5) Important: You are responsible for getting your child(ren) to the hub location on time for morning pick-up, and for collecting your child(ren) at the hub location when the bus arrives in the afternoon.
A late pick-up fee will apply at $1 per minute, past 4:15pm. If students are not picked up by 4:30pm they will be safely transported back to GLOBE and checked into the Extended Care Program. A late fee of $25 would then apply.
To confirm a seat for your child(ren) on the 2024/25 Transportation Ridership Program (a waitlist may apply), please click the link below. The closing date for registration is July 15, 2024.
Once the registration window closes, GLOBE will contact you to confirm your seat(s) and to make payment arrangements, or to notify you that you are on a waitlist.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jen Parker, GLOBE's Director of Operations, by email.
We are so excited to begin our transportation program at GLOBE!
In community,
Jen Parker
Director of Operations
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