Mustang's Message
September 15, 2024
Breaking News!
- Only TWO DAYS left for Camp-Read-A-Lot Fundraiser! This weekend is our final push for the Camp Read a Lot fundraiser, with the online platform closing at midnight on Monday! Yellow reading logs are due on Tuesday morning. You can turn them in to the office or your student’s teacher. Every student who turns in a reading log will be entered into a drawing to win Frank the Fish! There is still time to sign your child up! More details below.
- Thank you and Congratulations Mr. Reese - At the last board meeting on September 12th our amazing assistant principal was named the new principal of Breeze Hill Elementary! We are going to miss you, but we are excited for the amazing opportunities for you in your new assignment.
- English Learner Parent Discussion: We would like to invite all parent and guardians of students who are English Language Learners to our first important discussion regarding things parents and families can do to help their child improve their English skills in the areas of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Please join us on Tuesday at 1:00pm.
- September is Attendance Awareness Month - September is Attendance Awareness month and there is a District Spirit Day September 26th! Please make sure your child is in school everyday when they are not sick, and help us make our attendance goal for this school year. In August we had the attendance rate of 96% as the entire school, and Ms. Clarks class had 100% attendance for the month. Keep it up mustangs. More information below in this message.
Important Dates to Remember
- September 17th English Language Parent Group Meeting (ELAC)
- Sept. 23-27 - Ability Awareness Week
- September 25th - SSC Meeting
- September 26th - Attendance Superhero Spirit Day
- October 2nd - Picture Day
- October 4th - Friday Sing Assembly
- October 11th - Picture Make-up Day
- October 18th Harvest Carnival
Mission Meadows Read-a-Thon - Ends at Midnight Monday!
Dear Mustang Families,
Thank you to everyone who showed up to read on the lawn with us this afternoon!
This weekend is our final push for the Camp Read a Lot fundraiser, with the online platform closing at midnight on Monday!
Yellow reading logs are due on Tuesday morning. You can turn them in to the office or your student’s teacher. Every student who turns in a reading log will be entered into a drawing to win Frank the Fish!
Frank will be visiting one last class on Monday: the class who logs the most reading minutes online. To log those minutes, find the special link emailed to you from “Rachel Britts” when you registered your student for the fundraiser. From there, find the tab that says “Track” and simply type in the minutes they have read! Don’t forget to add the 30 minutes they read on the lawn this afternoon!
Currently, our students have logged 6,300 minutes online, with Ms. Sutton’s class in the lead with 810! But Mrs. Pira’s class isn’t far behind with 795, and Team Oliveira, Miller, and Gallegos are closing in. Who will be in the lead on Monday?
You have also raised $13,333 so far, and we thank you. We are at 63% of our goal of $20,000 to fund various school programs. Can you help us get there?
Mrs Pira’s class is leading the way with $1,534 raised so far, but Team Huberts, Miller, and McMullen aren’t far behind! So exciting!
The top reading and top earning class will earn an extra recess next week, and the top reading and top earning students in each grade will win an indoor s’mores party next week!
AND as a special bonus, every student who raises at least $50 over the weekend will get a mini Mustang Stuffie on Monday!!!
This is it! Thank you again for all your support! Let’s keep helping our students become leaders who are readers!!!
Have a great weekend!
—Your PTA
Congratulations and Thank You Mr. Reese!
Dear Mission Meadows Families and Staff,
It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of our beloved Assistant Principal, David Reese, who has just been approved by the Board of Education as the new Principal of Breeze Hill Elementary School.
While we are incredibly excited for David as he embarks on this new and well-deserved journey, we will truly miss his leadership, dedication, and the positive impact he has had on our school community. Throughout his time at Mission Meadows, he has been an inspiring and supportive presence, always putting the needs of our students, families, and staff first.
Though we will miss him greatly, we are also filled with pride as we know he will continue to make a difference in the lives of students and staff at Breeze Hill Elementary. His passion for education, commitment to excellence, and heart for community will serve him well as he steps into this exciting new role.
Please join us in congratulating David Reese on his new adventure. While his presence here will be missed, we are confident that he will bring the same level of dedication and care to his new school.
The District anticipates Mr. Reese’s last day at Mission Meadows will be on September 20, 2024. Mission Meadows will receive assistant principal support during this transition. Thank you for your continued support as we celebrate this next chapter for David.
PTA News
Mark your calendars so that you do not miss any of these amazing events sponsored by our PTA that are coming up in the coming months!
English Language Discussion on Tuesday, Please join us!
Thanks for Joining us for our Reading on the Lawn Event!
As you know we are on the final days of our Reading Fundraiser. At Mission Meadows Leaders are Readers. It was wonderful to see our students reading, and so many family members out supporting them! Keep on READING mustangs!
Leader in Me - Habit #1: Be Proactive
Habit 1: Be Proactive is the first habit in "The Leader in Me" program, emphasizing personal responsibility and the power of choice. It teaches students to take control of their actions and attitudes, rather than reacting to circumstances. Being proactive means recognizing that you are responsible for your behavior and making choices that align with your values and goals. For example, a student might proactively complete homework without being reminded or choose to respond calmly in a challenging situation rather than getting upset.
Parents can support their child's development of this habit by modeling proactive behavior at home and encouraging their child to take responsibility for their actions. They can involve their child in setting goals, planning their day, or solving problems together. For example, if a child forgets their homework, instead of blaming others or making excuses, parents can guide them to think about how they could have prepared better and what they can do differently next time. By discussing real-life situations and praising proactive choices, parents can help their child internalize this habit and apply it in all areas of life.
TK Registration still Available
Transitional Kindergarten Registration Is Still Open
Do you have a child, or do you know of a child who will who is of age for Transitional Kindergarten? Parent may still register their child.
The parents or guardian of a child must present legal proof of age before the child may be admitted. Such proof of age may be presented in the form of a birth certificate, a baptismal certificate, passport or an affidavit of the parent or custodian of the minor.
Legal age requirements for entrance:
Transitional Kindergarten: The child must turn 5 between September 2, 2024 - June 2, 2025.
If you have a child who will turn five between June 3rd, 2025-September 1st, 2025, please contact the school's office to learn how you can enroll your child this school year. There is limited space available for these TK students.
If you have any other questions, please stop or call the school's office.
What is i-Ready? i-Ready is an online program for reading and mathematics that will help your Provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and opportunities for improvement, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn.
- Because our school has the opportunity to participate in a Math Study, all individualized Math learning will take place at school. Please DO NOT encourage your child to do additional math lessons at home to maintain the integrity of the math study.
- You can still encourage your children to work on their Reading i-Ready lessons at home. It is recommended that they have 45 minutes of i-Ready lessons each week. You can check their progress at home, just have your child login and you can see their progress.
Attendance at School =Success
- 95% Attendance Goal: Consistent attendance is crucial for elementary-age children because it ensures they receive the full benefits of classroom learning, social interactions, and essential academic routines. Regular attendance helps students build a strong foundation in their studies, develop good habits, and stay on track with their peers. This year, our school has set a goal for all students to achieve at least 95% attendance to earn the H.E.R.O. (Here, Every day, Ready, On time) award, recognizing their commitment to being present and engaged in their education.
- Independent Study is Available: If you have a know extended absence of more that 3 days, you can ask for Independent Study Packets that your student can complete for academic and attendance credit. You must give a minimum of SEVEN days notice to the office and teacher for a packet to be created, but FOURTEEN (14) days is preferred. If the student completes and turns in the packet the absences will not count against your child.
- Attendance Challenge - If we can have an overall attendance at the end of the school year of at least 95%, then the students will be able to duct tape Mr. Peel to a wall and throw cream pies in his face. Last year we grew from 92% to 93.7% attendance - which was fantastic, but Mission Meadows still had the third lowest overall attendance of all Vista USD elementary school. Let's reach our goal this year Mustangs.
Mission Meadows Elementary School
Location: 5657 Spur Avenue, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760)630-7884