Message from the Principal
December 9, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Virginia Lake Families,
Report cards will be available to families on Friday, December 13th at 4:00 p.m. in Infinite Campus. Families can request a paper copy of their child's report card by contacting our office. The report card legend for our standards based report cards is available below.
Directions for Families to Retrieve Report Cards
Thank you so much for your generosity with our holiday program. Virginia Lake has more students in need of gifts for the holidays. We need our communities help to ensure that all of our students have gifts for the holidays.
If your family would like to adopt a student(s) at Virginia Lake, please identify the family number and send an email to both Ms. Maria Chiodo ( Formerly Ms. Majewska) and Mrs. Van Winkle, If you do not have a family preference, please email us the number of students you would like to adopt this holiday season. We will respond to your email to confirm the student's wish list. Please bring wrapped gifts to Virginia Lake by Friday, December 13th labeled with the family number and the students gender and age. Gift pick up will take place on Wednesday, December 18th and Thursday, December 19th.
Our PTA has put together a holiday wish list to simplify holiday shopping for our fabulous teachers. Each staff member has shared their wish list for the holiday season.
We have two short weeks of learning prior to winter break. Let's make every minute count!
Let's make it a great week!
Patti Van Winkle, Principal
Winter Recess Protocols
Elementary students generally go outside for recess every day. Therefore, they should dress appropriately for the weather. In extreme cold conditions, a winter coat, hat, gloves, boots, and dressing in layers is advised. Exceptions are made only when a child brings a doctor’s note excusing them from outdoor recess.
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is below 0°F, all students will remain inside for the entire lunch hour.
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is between 0°–10°F, the preferred procedure is a rotation of 20 minutes for lunch, a 20-minute outdoor recess, and a 20-minute indoor recess. However, at the principal’s discretion, the students may be kept inside for the entire lunch hour.
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is above 10°F, students will have regular outdoor recess.
Winter Break- Inclement Weather Plan
In the event of potential inclement weather on January 6th, CCSD 15 may call an “eLearning day”.
Please read more about eLearning here:
All students in grades K-8 will be bringing home devices over the upcoming Winter Break so that devices are home in the case of potential inclement weather. All devices should return to schools on Monday, January 6, 2025, after Winter Break or on the next regular in-person school day. For parents/guardians of K-2 students, please remember to return the device, case, and charger when students return to school.
News from the P.E. Department
Highlights from Virginia Lake
Spelling Bee Winners
Cup Stacking
Palatine High School
November Attendance Winners
Congratulations to Ms. Grosch and Ms. Ridler's classes for having the highest percentage of students present in the month of November.
Did you know? Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate.
Tip: Reward your child for good attendance with special treats or privileges. Let's keep absences to 9 days or less!
PTA Holiday Shop Volunteers
We are pleased to be bringing back the Holiday Shop for students this year - sponsored by the PTA. We are asking for volunteers to help students shop, wrap packages (they are envelopes) and pay for their purchases. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up - feel free to sign up for multiples. The kids love this event! Thank you!
Buy your e-gift card
Buy your e-gift card
Family and Community Engagement Specialist
Do you love kids and want to make a difference? The Partners for our Community (POC) is seeking two full-time Family and Community Engagement Specialists. This position will coordinate services from our community partners to foster academic success and strengthen family-community connections.
Curious? Click here and here to learn more. Contact Cristina Correa at or call 847-776-9500.
Important Dates
Friday, December 13th- Report Cards available in Infinite Campus
Tuesday, December 17th- Friday, December 20th- VL PTA Holiday Store
Monday, December 23- Friday, January 3rd- No School- Winter Break
Monday, January 6th- School Resumes
Virginia Lake Elementary School
Location: 925 N Glenn Dr, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-7105