Community Update
June 26, 2024
Dear Syosset Community:
In their Commencement addresses to our graduating seniors, both our Salutatorian, Scout Chen, and our Valedictorian, Griffin Hon, referenced the Latin phrase “tempus fugit,” which roughly translates as “time flies.” I’m sure they were reflecting not only on the blur their 13 year experience in school has become, but perhaps imagining their loved ones in the audience, watching their children descend the stage to pass into adulthood juxtaposed against memories of first words and toddling steps. Time flies.
It’s a remarkable experience, privilege, and responsibility for us to be a part of that seemingly fleeting journey alongside our students and families. I’m fond of a Theodore Roosevelt quote: “Far and away, the best gift that life has to offer is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing.” There is no question that work with young people can be difficult and demanding, but it is hard to imagine something more worthwhile or more impactful. Time flies, but knowledge endures.
So Monday, we were every bit as proud as the audience celebrating our graduates at Syosset High School’s 66th Annual Commencement at Hofstra University. The ceremony’s pomp and pageantry honors and underscores our graduates’ remarkable accomplishments. My hope is we continue to hear stories of their achievements as they head out into the world.
Graduating high school is a profound, milestone moment. Congratulations, Seniors, and thank you for leaving us with a little piece of your light.
This summer...
A reminder that our 2024-2025 school planning calendar is available on our website–you can find it at this link. Our full District calendar will be posted online and a paper copy will be sent to your homes, sometime in mid-August.
Summer school kicks off on July 8th. I often say I have a 6-word job description: “Keep them safe, make them smart.” We are so glad to be able to offer our students enrichment courses that do both. We’ve built on some remarkable innovations in the last few summers to make the programs even more engaging and fun!
Also on July 8th, the Board of Education will hold its annual reorganization meeting. We will soon be sharing details of the final facilities plans to be considered for adoption this Fall. The Board took into account the public feedback it received in the latter half of the school year in shaping the final scope of work.
Until we’re ready to start that major work, the (somewhat) empty buildings will get a lot of attention from our operations team to address all of the construction, maintenance, and planning work needed to ensure we open fresh in the Fall, ready for a new year of learning and growing.
Final thoughts
I want to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone—students, parents, teachers, and staff—for your dedication, enthusiasm, and support throughout this year and beyond!
The Roman poet Virgil is originally credited with the line “fugit irreparabile tempus" (it flees/escapes, irretrievable time). It’s meant not just a comment on time’s fleeting impermanence so much as an admonition not to put off what can be done today.
But this has been a long year, filled with hard work for us all. So, I don’t want anyone to misread the proverb; I wish all our students, families, and staff ample time this summer to rest and recharge. Rejuvenation isn’t procrastination.
Until the Fall…
Tom Rogers