Peabody Elementary Weekly Update
April 6 - April 10, 2020
Message From Principal Nelson:
Learning During This Time Apart:
- Take regular breaks.
- Making time to exercise.
- Keep to a regular sleep schedule.
- Limit distractions when possible
- Set daily and weekly goals.
- Make time to socialize, even if it’s virtually.
Current/Returning Student Registration Frequently Asked Questions
SCS Weekly Instructional Guides, Video Lessons, and Resources Grades K - 8
SCS Homework Hotline
TN Department of Education Releases Schedule and Resources for Video Lessons Airing Statewide on PBS starting April 6th
Beginning April 6th, thirty-minute segments will air from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST each weekday on the main channels of each of the six PBS stations across the state-- WNPT Nashville, East Tennessee PBS, WCTE Upper Cumberland, WKNO Memphis, West TN PBS, and Chattanooga WTCI. Additionally, viewers can watch or record up to four more hours of content that will be broadcast overnight.
Broadcast programming, developed by the Tennessee Department of Education in partnership with teachers across the state, will cover English language arts (ELA) and math for first through sixth grades. For seventh and eighth graders, recorded video lessons will be available online starting April 13th.
Accompanying lesson plans and work packets will be posted on the department’s website for teachers and families to use, adapt, and build upon. Access the lesson plans and student work packets at this link.
AR is Here for You! Thank you, Ms. Ransom!
Hello Peabody Eagles! I hope you and your families are staying safe and doing well. Although we are not physically at school, I am sure you are reading and learning everyday. While you are at home on this extended break, you can still TAKE YOUR AR TESTS! Yayyy!! If you have access to a computer, please go to the following website: login as a STUDENT, and take the AR tests for books you have read. Students are allowed to access the website between the hours of 7:15 am through 6:15 pm.
I will be checking our Schoolwide Summary Report at the end of each week.
Let's reach our goal! We can do it!
GOAL: 12,000 points
POINTS EARNED: 8,945.9 points
K. Ransom
Library information Specialist
Dance Class with Mr. Sanders
Counselor's Corner
Friendships play a key role in our lives. While we are away from each other, we are reminded of our friends and just how much we miss seeing and spending time with them. Friends help us relieve stress. Friends bring us comfort and joy.
During this time lets think about the friendships that we have and what makes them work. What are the characteristics of good friendships?
Today’s video shares a tasty recipe for “Friendship Soup”. If you love a good recipe, check this one out. Do you find that the ingredients in the video are enough? Or is their something else you would add to make this “Friendship Soup” even better? Write your recipes down or with parent permission call or Face Time your friends and share with them your recipe for “Friendship Soup”.
I hope you enjoy!
Mrs . Turner
P.S. If you write your recipes down, save them. I would love to read them!
Peabody Elementary School
Phone: 9014164606