Family Weekly Update
Restroom Vandalism
We have recently seen an increase in vandalism in the restrooms during lunch periods. Specifically, students have been breaking faucets by snapping off the levers. These repairs are costly, and if this trend continues, the school will be forced to take further action.
We are actively monitoring the situation and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. However, if the vandalism persists, we may need to limit restroom access during lunch periods.
If your student has any information that could help us identify those responsible, please encourage them to come forward. Students found responsible for the vandalism will be held accountable.
Say Something Week
As part of HB 123, MVHS will be presenting curriculum concerning suicide awareness, violence prevention, and social inclusion. This will take place on March 3 through March 5. As a result we will have an alternative schedule (picture below). Students will report directly to their assigned HIVE on these days.
We understand that every family is unique, and the educational needs of each student may vary. The law allows parents and legal guardians to request that their child be excused from taking
instruction in suicide prevention, violence prevention, and social inclusion. Please complete the
Opt-Out Form if you wish to opt your child out of this particular instruction for the 2024-2025 school
Congrats to Boys Wrestling
Licking County League Champs in year 1!!!!!!!!!!
If you purchased items from Jostens related to graduation, those items can be picked up in the high school office.
UPDATE Academic Award Requirements
Moving forward, Students are awarded an Academic Letter for the following:
Freshman-3.8 CUM GPA (weighted) or greater-Thru 1 Semester
Sophomores-3.7 CUM GPA (weighted) or greater-Thru 3 Semesters
Juniors-3.6 CUM GPA (weighted) or greater-Thru 5 Semesters
Seniors-3.5 GPA (weighted) or greater-Thru 7 Semesters
There is no application process. The school will run a report to identify those students who qualify.
Continued Open Enrollment
Continuing Open Enrollment is for students who are currently Open Enrolled to Mount Vernon School District and desire to continue open enrollment with the District for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Complete your application through the Parent Portal on the District website.
- Instructions for Continuing Open Enrollment are located on the Parent Resources Page.
- Continuing Open Enrolled opens March 1, students will have until April 10 to complete this process.
If your address has changed since your last application, please update your child's emergency medical form in the Parent Portal on the District website and you will also need to provide proof of residency.
Instructions for Change of Address are also located on the Parent Resource Page.
If you have any questions concerning Continuing Open Enrollment, please contact Jessica Shelton jshelton@mvcsd.us or contact John Frye jfrye@mvcsd.us .
MVHS Robotics
Are you interested in coding, building, designing, scouting, and notebooking? MVHS is seeking applicants
for MVHS VEX Competitive Robotics teams.
Applications are due March 1st.
EOC Dates
End-of-Course (EOC) testing will take place on the following dates:
- ELA Part 1 – April 15
- ELA Part 2 – April 16
- Social Studies (Both Parts) – April 17
- Math Part 1 – April 22
- Math Part 2 – April 23
- Biology (Both Parts) – April 24
On testing days, students who are scheduled to test must arrive by 7:35 AM. Students who are not testing will follow a 2-hour delay schedule.
Thank you for your support in ensuring a smooth testing process. Please reach out with any questions.
Junior/Senior Student Guardians with Honor Flight Columbus
The High School Guardian Program is a unique chance for rising Juniors and Seniors to be part of this initiative. Current Sophomores and Juniors are eligible to apply. The program is being updated for 2025 and we are asking students to apply directly to the program. This is paid for by the organization. The deadline for applications is March 14, 2025. You can find the links below.
Website Link: https://www.honorflightcmh.org/get-involved
Application Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7PG2js9jDUm-2L55E0JLX4bcBl4G67RMh9intCSJV1lUMklQTEg4UFQ0MDdHN1BCT05ONTY2TzBRMC4u
Program Description Link: https://www.honorflightcmh.org/_files/ugd/69091b_d703301320874c1c81db6dced4fdfb30.pdf
International Travel Opportunities
To kick off the year properly, Mount Vernon High School is launching TWO INTERNATIONAL TRIPS for 2026. You can sign up using the links below to learn more information about each trip. The info session does not obligate students but will allow them to gain valuable information to make an informed decision:
England, Scotland, and Paris: https://bit.ly/427JRiF
Barcelona and Madrid: https://bit.ly/4aa4EUW
Stay Connected with MVCSD!
Mount Vernon City Schools uses Instant Connect to keep you informed with important notifications, including attendance, district and building updates, community news, and school closings and delays. Instant Connect provides reliable and fast communication to ensure you receive timely school information.
With the Instant Connect Dashboard, you can manage your account and customize the types of alerts you want to receive. Follow the Instant Connect Portal registration instructions and then select the Account Registration Link below to set up your account and select your preferred alerts.
Instant Connect Portal Account Registration Link
Important Information:
- Automatic Enrollment: Parents of enrolled students are automatically set up to receive information and alerts through Instant Connect based on contact information in our system.
- Customize Alerts: If you want specific building alerts, athletic updates, or other notifications, setting up an Instant Connect account is highly recommended.
Need Help?
If you're not receiving text messages or need assistance with account setup, please contact John Frye, District Web Manager, at 740.397.7422 x 6038 or jfrye@mvcsd.us.
For further guidance, please refer to the attached document with registration instructions and FAQs, especially if you are receiving emails but not texts.
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out.
Attachments Available to Download:
Facilities Master Plan
For more information regarding the Facilities Master Plan meeting, please visit the MVCSD Website
Digital Hall of Fame
Check out the MVHS Digital Hall of Fame
The hall of fame now contains Forums and/or Jacket Journals from as far back as 1905 in the MVHS History section.