Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 25th November 2022
Year 6 Learn how to keep safe at crucial crew
Crucial Crew
A visit from the YMCA Ripon
Lunchtime Art Club
Open the Book - The story of Abraham
Digital Movie Art
Question of the week
'Responsibility is about taking action and doing what is right and what we should be doing.' Year 5
'Responsibility is about having a job that you are trusted to do to your best.' Year 6
'We are learning about being responsible for our coats and water bottles.' Nursery
'We have to be responsible and we can show that we are responsible by walking down the corridor smartly and tidying up at the end of the day.' Reception
'We are trusted to be responsible.' Year 2
'We have to be responsible for out learning and safety and we have responsibility to look after the environment.' Year 2
'We all can show responsibility by making new people feel welcome in our school.' Year 2
'We are responsible for looking after our family.' Year 3
'We can be responsible and kind.' Year 1
'We have to be safe and take responsibility for our actions.' Year 4
New governors
Our new governors are:
Dr Jessica Jones (Parent Governor)
Mr Paul Nel (Local Authority Governor)
Mrs Audrey Krippner (Foundation Governor)
New MSAs
Stars of the Week
Rory for his fabulous phonics work.
Leo for his fabulous writing and his sound blending.
Year 1
Alisa for always giving 100% to all her work and challenging herself.
Year 2
James for trying exceptionally hard with his handwriting and always answering written questions in full sentences.
Year 3
Ella for excellent attitude to all areas of the curriculum.
Year 4
Ollie for his 'can do' attitude and for challenging himself in English and maths.
Year 5
Eva for her work in fractions and increased confidence in class.
Year 6
Edi for his fabulous work and effort particularly in our assessments.
School Christmas Dinner
Apologies for the tight deadline, but if your child does not normally have school dinner on Wednesdays but would like to join in with the Christmas lunch, please can you let us know by emailing Mrs Bingham by Monday (28th November). This will help the kitchen enormously so they can order the correct amount of food. If your child always has school dinners on Wednesdays, there is no need to email, we will assume your child will be having the Christmas lunch.
If your child will be bringing a packed lunch don't worry, all the children will eat together and enjoy the festivities!
Friends of the School - Raffle and Christmas Fair
The Friends already have a list of exciting stalls for the Christmas Fair. Rumour has it that there may be a visitor in red AND a baby goat to pet! Be sure to put the date in your diaries!
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 30th November at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship (Y5 parents welcome to attend)
Friday 2nd December - Money Day
Monday 5th December - Coffee and Cake with the Governors (school hall after drop off)
Wednesday 7th December - Christmas dinner day
Thursday 8th December - Friends' Christmas Fair in the school hall 3.15-5pm
Friday 16th December at 10.00am - Key Stage 1 Nativity
Friday 16th December at 3.15pm - School closes for Christmas Break
Wednesday 4th January - School reopens for Spring Term
Healthy Child Information
Please see on the posters below information about health sleep advice.
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