2024 Liberty Marching Band Season
Read below for dates and mark your calendars accordingly!
Fall Dates
Fall Performance Dates
- Home Football Game: Friday, October 11
- Corridor Marching Classic at Liberty: Wednesday, October 16 (Schedule Below)
- IHSMA State Marching Band in Muscatine: Saturday, October 19 (Schedule Below)
- Liberty Band Extravaganza (Main Gym): Monday, October 21
- UI Homecoming Parade: Friday, October 25
Volunteer Opportunities
Our band relies heavily on family volunteers to accomplish our goals, and we can't thank you all enough for your support! No previous experience necessary for any jobs. Opportunities include helping with uniform fittings, donations of food and water throughout the season, helping our pit percussion on and off the field at performances (comes with a VIP sideline seat to the show!), and helping distribute and return uniforms at games. Click the links below to see what is needed for each date.
Corridor Marching Classic
This year is Liberty's turn to host the third annual Corridor Marching Classic on the evening of Wednesday, October 16! This is a non-competitive showcase of marching bands in our area, including City High, West High, Clear Creek-Amana, West Branch, and West Liberty.
We will need LOTS of volunteers to help this event run smoothly - click this link to sign up! All volunteer tasks/shifts are being planned so that ALL volunteers will have the opportunity to watch the Liberty Halftime Performance at 7:45 PM, and will receive free admission. Donations are also needed to feed the band and provide some concession items - these are very important but will not come with free admission.
Admission is a fundraiser for the participating bands. Tickets can be purchased in advance through Bound at tinyurl.com/CorridorMarchingClassic24 or with Bound/cash at the gate upon arrival.
Student Schedule
4:00pm School Dismissal
4:15pm Pizza/Dinner in the Commons (provided)
4:45pm Start getting into uniform
5:15pm Warm-Up in Band Room
5:30pm Head to Stadium
5:50pm National Anthem Performance
6:00pm Watch Bands
7:40pm Enter Field
7:45pm "Happily Ever After" Performance
8:00pm Return to Band Room, put things away, go home!
IHSMA State Marching @Muscatine, Oct. 19th Itinerary
Below is the schedule for the IHSMA State Marching Festival in Muscatine (NOT Davenport as previously stated). Attire is purple band shirts, black shorts, black socks, and Speedsters (drumline - black long sleeve under t-shirt, black pants with no logos). We will change into uniform before boarding the buses and will return immediately following the performance/group picture, so we strongly recommend students just ride the bus back to change out of uniform after. Message the directors if you have a special circumstance preventing this.
Tickets for spectators are $12 for adults, $7 for Seniors, and $5 for K-12 students. Sign up here to help with uniforms or our pit crew! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094DABAD29ABFF2-51890759-ihsma#/
Student Schedule
12:15pm Call Time, Get into Uniform (Eat lunch before arriving)
1:00pm Depart for Muscatine
2:00pm Arrive Muscatine
2:15pm Watch Davenport Central
2:30pm Return to buses/trailers, prepare for Warm-Up
2:50pm Warm-Up
3:10pm Gate Time (on Deck)
3:15pm Performance!
3:30pm Finish, Take Group and Individual Pictures
4:00pmish Snacks and Water, Head Home!
5:00pmish Return to Liberty, put things away, head home!
All State Clinics
Students auditioning for All State should take advantage of some of the wonderful clinics in our area. Some are free and some have a small fee attached - click links to find out more and get registered. Students planning to audition for SEIBA in January could consider attending as well, since the auditions cover the same material!
- ISU, Sunday, Sept. 15 1-4:30pm: https://iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cYEvY1Q3ihXxvGS
- Coe College, Sunday Sept. 22 1-5pm: http://tinyurl.com/CoeAllState
- UNI: Sunday, Sept. 29 2-5pm: https://music.uni.edu/allstateworkshopregistration
- Mt. Mercy: Sunday, Oct. 13 noon-3pm: https://mtmercy.wufoo.com/forms/z1k5awki0b1gx5p/
Show Music
2024-2025 Performance Calendar
Click the link below to access the full performance calendar for 2024-2025, including marching band, jazz band, and concert bands!
Liberty Band Patron
We rely heavily on the generous donations to our Liberty Band Patron fund to help support the needs of our growing band program. If you are interested in donating to the program, please use the letter below. We thank you for your support!