April 17th, 2024 www.briarwoodpta.org
Solar Eclipse
Thank you for reinforcing safety tips at home before we viewed the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th. It was a beautiful day with clear skies and the students and staff had a blast! Thank you for helping to make this a safe, fun, and meaningful learning experience for our students.
Open House, April 18
Last Name A-L, 6:00-6:45
Last Name M-Z, 7:00-7:45
The staff and I are looking forward to Open House and hope you will be able to attend so you can see your student's classroom and see some of their amazing work. If your last name begins with the letters A-L you will attend from 6:00-6:45 and if your last name begins with M-Z you will attend from 7:00-7:45. For any reason, you can always switch your time if needed. The purpose of this is to help reduce the number of people in the building at one time to make for a more enjoyable experience.
Wednesday, April 17th-19th
Used Book Fair- see details below for volunteer sign-ups and more!
Thursday, April 18th
Open House
Last Name A-L 6:00-6:45pm
Last Name M-Z 7:00-7:45pm
Friday, May 3rd
Bike Rodeo- 2nd grade only- see flyer below for more details
Friday, May 10th
All-School Carnival- volunteer sign-up, donation request and more below
Wednesday, May 15th
Landscape work day
Full BW PTA Calendar is available here
Briarwood Carnival Volunteer Signup
Help make the annual Briarwood Carnival (May 10th) a huge success! We have many volunteer spots to fill, including bakers for cake walk. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to signup! Questions? Contact Krissie Kiehne (816) 686-4942, krissiekiehne@gmail.com
Briarwood carnival is FREE to ALL, thanks to our generous community!! Please consider making a monetary donation so we can continue to offer this event for free for all! Briarwood Store
Administrative Assistants, Paraprofessionals, and Instructional Aides appreciation week- week of April 22, 2024
We know that your child may not directly work with a Para or an Aide, but they are always there to lend a helping hand when needed. We are including a list of their favorite things in case you would like to send in a little something. This small gesture will allow us to show them how much we appreciate all their hard work. Please know this is all voluntary and you do not have to contribute, but it is so appreciated.
Please send items in no later than Monday, April 22. Items should be sent in a bag and labeled with the recipient’s name. All items can be given to Mrs. Roberts. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Roberts at autumnroberts@smsd.org.
Kindergarten gift to- Ms. Hocevar/Ms. Purcell/Ms. Romer
1st grade gift to- Ms. Hocevar/Ms. Purcell/ Mr. Droegemeier
2nd grade gift to- Mr. Ken/Ms. Valaika/ Ms. DeJong
3rd grade gift to- Mr. Ken/Ms. Horner/Ms. Valaika
4th grade gift to -Mr. Droegemeier/ Mr. Del
5th grade gift to - Mr. Mr. Del/Ms. DeJong
6th grade gift to - Ms. Romer/Ms. Horner
Ms. Romer (secretary)
Snack: cheese and crackers
Soda/Drink: diet coke
Restaurant: Conroy’s Irish Pub
Shopping/Gift Card: Target, Amazon, Dicks
Ms. Horner (office aide)
Snack: chocolate chip cookies
Soda/Drink: Earl Grey hot tea
Restaurant: Paulo and Bills
Shopping/Gift Card: Target, Starbucks, Quik Trip
Ms. Hocevar (para)
Snack: soft sugar cookies
Soda/Drink: Dr. Pepper, Iced Tea
Restaurant: Salty Iguana
Shopping/Gift Card: Target, Amazon, Hy-Vee
Ms. DeJong (para)
Snack: Twix, Kit Kat, any chips
Soda/Drink: diet coke
Restaurant: Chosun Korean BBQ
Shopping/Gift Card: Target, Amazon, Hy-Vee
Mr. Droegemeier (para)
Snack: Pretzel Crisps,
Soda/Drink: Red Bull Strawberry Apricot, Sambazon Acai Pomegranate
Restaurant: McDonalds,
Shopping/Gift Card: Aldi, McDonalds, Target
Ms. Valaika (para)
Snack: Dark Chocolate, Cheetos
Soda/Drink: Coffee
Restaurant: Mexican
Shopping/Gift Card: Amazon, Taco Bell, Quik Trip
Mr. Del. (instructional aide)
Snack: skittles, starburst, popcorn, peanuts
Soda: coke, mt. dew
Restaurant: Chilis, Mongolian BBQ
Shopping/Gift Card: Chilis, Mongolian BBQ, Taco Bell
Ms. Purcell (instructional aide)
Snack: mint chocolate chip ice cream, Dots Southwest Pretzels
Soda/Drink: unsweetened iced tea
Restaurant: Chick-fil-a, Outback, Margaritas
Shopping/Gift Card: Target, Amazon
Mr. Ken (instructional aide)
Snack: cookies
Soda/Drink: mocha blender
Restaurant: Longhorns,
Shopping/Gift Card: Kohls, Amazon, Academy
Bike Rodeo- 2nd Grade ONLY- Friday, May 3rd
Hello 2nd grade parents!
Our annual Second Grade Bike Rodeo is coming up Friday, May 3rd from 12:30pm-3pm. We are offering this event during the school day in order to avoid weekend conflicts and allow more students to participate.
Briarwood's DARE officer, David Poindexter, will lead a bike safety talk, and then kids will get on their bikes to practice what they learned at several different stations. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to be safe on their bikes before summer is here.
Participation is optional. In order to participate, your child must have a working bike and helmet.
Please check over these items to make sure the tires are pumped (especially after the long winter inside), the brakes work, and the helmet fits properly. For tips on the proper helmet fit, please see the link below.
Parents can drop off bikes early Friday morning, May 5th (beginning at 7:45 AM) behind the gated area on the north loop of the carpool lane. Parent volunteers will secure the bikes in the gated area. A suggestion from previous years is to label your child's bike with his/her name and teacher's name.
Parents are responsible for getting the bikes home at the end of the school day. If your child goes to an after school program, please make sure the bike is locked up on the bike racks in front of the school.
***Volunteers needed*** https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4CA9A92EA3F9C25-49086385-brairwood
Briarwood Parent/Caregiver Survey
The Briarwood PTA wants to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to tell us how we did this year and how we can improve for next year. Your feedback is important to us and we appreciate all your support this year.
Yearbook Order Extension Date- Friday, April 19th
We only have yearbook orders from 70% of Briarwood students. Get your yearbook order in to ensure your student gets a copy.
Not sure if you are in the 70% that have already ordered?
Here is how to check your online orders:
STEP 1 - Visit the Bulldog Store at www.briarwoodPTA.org
STEP 2 - Locate My Account and select Previous Orders
STEP 3 - Review previous orders for Yearbook purchase for this school year
Please reach out to Deana Curtin with any questions @ deanacurtin@gmail.com
School Supplies
Briarwood has once again partnered with 1st Day School Supplies for the 2024-2025 school year. Ordering your supplies through 1st Day ensures your student starts the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested and gives your child the confidence they need to conquer the next school year. Better yet, you get to skip the shopping trip and supplies are delivered directly to your student's classroom!
Order today: https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=40506
Volunteers needed- Comanche Mobile Food Pantry
2024 dates: May 11
Grad your family & friends and help our friends in the Comanche community. The Mobile Food Pantry distributes food primarily and is intended for families in need of emergency food assistance.
April Celebrations & Recognitions
Great Reads & Recipes
Ways to get Involved in April
Makerspace Donations
Ms Martens is in need of supplies for the Makerspace. Below are items we need. Donations can be sent in with your student.
Pipe cleaners
Colorful duct tape
Cotton balls
Q Tips
Scotch tape
Googly eyes
Markers-washable any size
Washi tape
Popsicle sticks
Please help Briarwood students get to school safely! The intersection at 86th and Juniper does not have a SMSD-staffed crossing guard; the school relies on volunteers. All volunteers are welcome, but if your student uses this intersection, please consider signing up once per month.
- 7:50 - 8:10 am (school starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grades)
- 3:05 - 3:20 (dismissal at 3:10 p.m. for all grades)
- 12:25 - 12:40 p.m. on half days (half-day dismissal is at 12:30 for all grades; half days are indicated on the sign-up calendar)
- Cars are not permitted to turn LEFT off 86th Street onto Juniper (you may have to remind drivers)
- Students must walk themselves and/or their bikes/scooters across the crosswalk
- Manage pedestrian and vehicle traffic for safe street crossing
- Remind students to follow street crossing rules
- Help control car and pedestrian traffic conditions
Thank you!
Read Across SMSD
Middle Grade
Young Adult
- On the right side of the newsletter, a bar will appear with the Translation feature.
- Click on the Translation bar then click on the Select Language button.
- Choose your language of choice from the drop-down menu of languages and click close. The newsletter will now be translated.
En el lado derecho de la pagina, aparecerá una barra con la función de traducción. Haga clic en la barra de traducción y luego haga clic en el botón Seleccionar idioma. Elija español en el menú desplegable de idiomas y haga clic en cerrar. El boletín ahora se traducirá.
GET SOCIAL - Connect With Us Online!
Website: https://www.briarwoodpta.org/
Twitter: @BriarwoodElem
Instagram: @BriarwoodBulldogs
Facebook: facebook.com/BriarwoodBulldogs
Grade-level Facebook Groups (private):
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2030 (6th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2031 (5th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2032 (4th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2033 (3rd grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2034 (2nd Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2035 (1st Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2036 (Kindergarten)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2037 (NEW- incoming Kindergarten!!)
Deana Curtin • deanacurtin@gmail.com
Ashley Hunt • ashleyhunt910@gmail.com
Rachel Wymore • rla08@hotmail.com
VP Administration:
Heather Rowe • hgreenlaw_01@yahoo.com
VP Communications:
Terra Snyder • walker_terra@hotmail.com
VP Community Events:
Kristin McClasky • Kdp1202@gmail.com
VP Student Services:
Susan Jarrold • susan.jarrold@gmail.com
VP Funding:
Jessica Becker • jessica.becker85@gmail.com
VP Finance:
Denise Wheeler • denisetompkins@mac.com
Michelle Wiens mwiens678@gmail.com
Diana Beckman • dianalbeckman@gmail.com
Briarwood Foundation:
Valerie Moeder • ValerieLMoeder@gmail.com
Diversity & Inclusion Chair:
Craig Dawson • craigdawson@icloud.com