Welcome Back
Faculty and Staff, 2024-2025
Let's get this school year started! 🥳
Dear Middle and High School Staff,
Welcome back to a new school year! The first official day for teachers and paraprofessionals is August 19th. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and that this letter finds you well-rested and excited for the journey ahead. As we reopen our doors, I want to express my appreciation for your dedication and commitment to our students, community, and profession. Teachers' impact on our students’ lives is immeasurable—you heal hearts and minds, change lives, and shape futures.
The field of public education is constantly evolving. We must stay informed about educational trends and adapt our practices to best serve each generation while remaining true to our local values and beliefs. Last year, school personnel, students, parents, and community members collaborated to create Whitehall School’s Portrait of a Graduate. This document provides a comprehensive framework outlining the key skills, attributes, and knowledge we expect students to possess when they graduate. Alongside the Portrait of a Graduate, our Middle/High School-wide goals are:
Providing a safe, positive environment focused on learning
Setting high expectations for behavior and learning
Using data to make informed decisions about behavior, instruction, and learning
Increasing awareness of the great things happening in our schools
In addition to these goals, I encourage us to develop pride and ownership in our schools continually. I ask each of you to think of a proud moment from last year that you can share with the rest of our staff during our first meeting. Don’t overthink it—choose something simple that makes you smile.
We are thrilled to have you as part of our dedicated team. This year, we welcome one new teacher: Miss Shawna McCoy, our new Family and Consumer Science teacher. I’m excited to support the addition of this program to our schools. Additionally, Miss Breanna Ostrander is our new 6-12 secretary, and Mr. Salvagni has moved into the AD position. Thank you all for sharing your time and talents with Whitehall Schools.
I look forward to another successful year of growth, discovery, and achievement.
We are mission-focused, student-centered, and goal-driven.
Mr. SlaterProud Principal of Whitehall Middle/High School
Weekly Update
We are Trojans! -
- Monday - Tuesday, August 12-13, 6th Grade Orientation, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Ms. Wirth's room in the high school
- Wednesday - Saturday, August 14-17, Madison County Fair, Twin Bridges MT
- Monday, August 19th, teacher in-service day, 8:30-3:00
- Tuesday, August 20th, first day back for students
- Athletic and extracurricular programs support the development of lifelong skills.
Great teaching is the most significant factor in creating a great school.
If you notice anything that needs correction or have additional information for the newsletter, please email Mr. Slater at jslater@whitehallmt.org.
Meet Our Instructional Staff
Our people are our greatest resource and indeed what makes Whitehall Schools a great place! In addition to our instructional staff, we have outstanding supporting staff, students, and an awesome community.
K-12 Superintendent
Middle/High School Principal
Mr. Slater
Middle/High School Secretary
Mrs. Ostrander
Middle/High School Counselor
Mr. Norbeck
Athletic Director
Mr. Salvagni
6-12 SPED Teacher
Mrs. Knowling
6-12 SPED Teacher
Mrs. McReynolds
Middle/High School Music
Mrs. Heilig
Middle School English Teacher
Mr. Britt McLean
High School English Teacher
Mrs. Berkram
Middle School Math Teacher
Ms. Schofield
High School Math Teacher
Mrs. Roys
Middle/High School P.E./Health Teacher
Mrs. Lindsey Bodda
Middle/High School P.E./Health Teacher
Mr. Jarod Miotke
Middle/High School FFA Teacher
Ms. Miller
Middle/High School Business Education Teacher
Mr. Lincoln Leary
Middle/High School Family Consumer Science Teacher
Ms. McCoy
Middle School Science Teacher
Ms. Wirth
High School Science Teacher
Mr. Kozicky
Middle School Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Clements
Middle/High School JMG and Spanish
Mr. Head
High School Social Studies
Mrs. Reese Kidd
Middle/High School Art
Ms. Walter
Middle/High School Study Hall Supervisor
Mrs. Scarborough
Mrs. Sarah Bates
Mrs. Shiela Martin
K-12 Librarian
Mr. Vial
K-12 Technology Specialist
Mr. Colton Anderson
2024-25 Student Council Advisors
High School, Mrs. Kidd
Middle School, Ms. Schofield
What's New?
My Perspectives English Language Arts, 6-12
Family and Consumer Science (FCS) programs in schools teach essential life skills like managing finances, nutrition, child development, and home management. These courses prepare students for independent living by providing practical knowledge for everyday life.
Online Education
Important To-Do's
Fall Athletic Director
Mr. Savagni and Mr. Vial are our Athletic Directors.
Back-to-School Resources
Some Inspiration, "Begin with the End in Mind"
From the Principal's Desk(top)
Email: "Breanna Ostrander" <bostrander@whitehallmt.org>
Website: https://www.whitehallschools.org/
Location:1 Yellowstone Trail, Whitehall, MT
Phone: (406) 287-3862
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitehalltrojan?scrlybrkr=38b93a04