SPHS Enews
The Senior Sunset Event that was canceled last week due to weather has been rescheduled for today, May 15, 2024 at 7:15 -8:pm on the SPHS Soccer Field.
7A Boys Golf STATE CHAMPIONS!! Go Jags!
STATE CHAMPIONS!! SPHS boys golf team is bringing home a blue map!
Head Coach: Keat Litton
Chase Kyes earned the individual state tile.
HCSF Student Board Applications Available NOW
Do you enjoy assisting with special events, learning leadership skills and earning community service hours? We would love to have you join the Hoover City Schools Foundation's Student Board. Students are accepted based on their application and interview skills. Interviews will be held on June 12 with a makeup day of June 14. All students serve a one-year term except for juniors who serve both junior and senior years. Please fill out this Google Form to receive your interview time. Rising seniors do not need to interview, but please fill out the form. We look forward to interviewing rising freshmen, sophomores and juniors!
Are you a Spain Park H.S. graduate who is serving or has served in the United States Armed Forces? Or do you have a loved one, a family member or a close friend, who graduated from Spain Park H.S. and is serving or has served in the United States Armed Forces?
If you answered yes to either question, Spain Park would like to offer an opportunity to commemorate our Spain Park H.S. military graduates. Engraved brick pavers are now available for order and are limited to one brick per graduate.
All orders received throughout the year shall be processed in August, to install the brick pavers Veterans Day week. Purchase your brick using the Order Form, mail form, and payment to SPHS.
Counseling Department
The Counseling Department invites all parents and guardians to complete this attached needs assessment. This will help us better serve your students in the upcoming school year. Thank you!
An End of Year Note from our Nurses regarding medication at school
ACT Prep
Improve your ACT score this summer by taking a prep class with Henson Test Prep! Classes will be held at Spain Park High School to prepare you for the June 8th and July 13th test dates. Summer is a great time to prepare for the ACT so register now and reserve your place in class! To register, visit hensontestprep.com. If you have further questions, email Amy Henson at questions@hensontestprep.com.
Want SPHS gear?
Click Here to order SPHS Spirit Items: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/SPfb24a
Spain Park Baseball Youth Camp
Spain Park Baseball Youth Camp
May, 28th - May, 31st
9:00am -12:00pm
SPHS Youth Soccer Camp June 3-6
The SPHS Youth Soccer Camp will be held June 3-6 at the SPHS soccer field from 9am-noon. This is camp focus is on the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, finishing, defending, and goal keeping. The camp is $125 and will be staffed by the SPHS boys and girls coaching staff and current SPHS soccer players. Click this link for more info and to signup: https://bit.ly/4aC3z7e
Regarding Graduation Photography
Hello Senior Parents,
To order photos from your Graduation Ceremony just text 90738 and enter code SPHSGRAD24
You can then either upload or take a photo of your Grad and hit enter. The system will then use the facial recognition software to display all photographs of your Senior.
Just click on the photos to view, and purchase. These photos will then be sent right to your home.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional assistance.
Iron City Studios Team
Email: hcsnotices@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/sphs
Location: 4700 Jaguar Drive, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: 205-439-1400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpainParkHS/
Twitter: @SpainPark