Carlisle Connection
August 22, 2024
Lunch Visitors/GMC Start Date
Good Morning Carlisle will not start back up until sometime after Labor Day. The exact date will be included in a Carlisle Connection soon.
First 30 Days Attendance Challenge
Our first 30 days attendance challenge is in full swing! The winning grade level at the end of the 30 days will receive and extra recess with a popsicle party! The challenge is through the 30th day of school- September 24th.
Let's check out the current leaderboard as of 8/22!
1st place: FOURTH GRADE- 98.1%
2nd place: SECOND GRADE- 97.2%
3rd place: FIRST GRADE- 97%
Keep up the great work on the 1st 30 days iAttend challenge. More information below in the newsletter under the heading: August Attendance Tip.
Volunteers Only
At Carlisle events throughout the year, we only allow volunteers who are VOLY approved. Parents may not come to events like our Boosterthon Fun Run, field day, class parties, etc. as a spectator. You may only come if you are VOLY approved AND signed up through each volunteer opportunity link.
Complete your VOLY application now for the 24-25 school year!
All volunteers will need to create an account and complete an application, online orientation and background check through the Plano ISD volunteer management system, VOLY, to be eligible for district/school volunteer opportunities. Please visit plano.voly.org to create a volunteer account and begin this process. These items will need to be completed by volunteers each school year.
If you want to volunteer at Carlisle in any capacity throughout the year (field trips, parties, field day, WatchDOGS etc.), complete your application now!
A new application must be completed for each new school year.
Staff Shout Outs
Our Carlisle teachers are amazing! If you want to send in a shout out anytime throughout the year about a Carlisle staff member, use this Parent Shout Out Link.
Meal Applications
As a reminder, Plano ISD participates in the federal meal program, which provides free and reduced-price meals to students who qualify. Families who may qualify for meal benefits should complete a meal application for the 2024-25 school year, available through Skyward or via the website.
Families who already have a SchoolCafé account can sign in to complete the meal application. Families who do not have an account can create a new one by selecting that option on the SchoolCafé page. View this SchoolCafé information video for instructions on how to complete the meal application.
Applications will be processed within 10 business days. Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email. If parents have not received the letter in their inbox, please have them check junk and spam folders.
Plano ISD Dress and Grooming
Please ensure you read the above linked Student Code of Conduct for the 24-25 school year. We want to point out the dress and grooming standards on pages 5-7 in particular.
Student Safety- Carlisle Front Door
In order to ensure the safety of all students and staff at Carlisle, please do not allow others to follow you in the front door when you are buzzed into the front office. Our front office team needs to individually let in each visitor. It may seem kind to hold the door open for the person behind you, but the expectation is that each person must discuss their business at Carlisle before being let in. Thank you for helping us keep all students and staff safe!
Carlisle AMPEd/Lunch/Recess Schedule for 24-25
The image above is the Carlisle AMPEd/Lunch/Recess Schedule for 24-25.
Parking on Pheasant Run
If you choose to park on Pheasant Run when you drop your child off in the morning, please ensure that you are traveling and parking on the correct side of the street, as well as following all traffic laws.
If you see something, say something!
Call 972-941-5483 for Traffic Enforcement/Traffic Violations
https://www.plano.gov/1857/Traffic-Enforcement-Request - Online Report/Request
https://www.plano.gov/1096/Fix-It-Plano - Online reporting
Jack Carter Park- Information from Plano Parks & Recreation
We want to let you know that construction on Bluebonnet Trail through the center of the park isn't finished yet. We understand the challenges for children getting to Carlisle Elementary and share your eagerness to open the park and trails. However, safety is our first responsibility.
The construction crew is currently working on installing all trail and utilities to within 5-feet of the new restroom building, just off that central trail axis. The trail through the center of the park will not be completed until the restroom building is in place and all utilities are connected.
We hope to open the new Blue Bonnet Trail extension by the practice fields soon. We are coordinating with communications providers to raise low transmission cables over, as they're not within safety clearances. Once the cables are raised, we can safely open that part of the trail. I'll keep you updated on the progress.
You may view project FAQ’s and the trail closure map on the Jack Carter Park page.
School ends at 3pm- Make your plan for on-time pick-up each day!
School ends at 3pm each day for the 24-25 school year. Please make arrangements now to ensure your child will be picked up at 3pm promptly each day. On-time pick-up helps ensure your child's safety and ensures our staff can conduct their necessary after school duties, meetings, and other appointments. If you cannot pick up your child at 3pm each day, consider making other arrangements or enrolling them in PASAR or another after school care program.
Your child is allowed a snack time in their classroom daily. Please be thinking about snacks that you can easily send with your child to school that will be nutritious and help them as they learn! See the image below for more guidance.
Bus Rider Message for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Bus Badge and Parent Placard: Parents with Pre-K, K and 1st Grade MUST follow this guideline and should see their campus for their badge and parent placard. Students will be returned to their home campus if the parent does not have this identification placard. This important safety procedure requires the parent/guardian/designee to have their Parent Placard that matches the Bus Badge on the student's backpack. This provides reassurance for parents that our students are matched with their guardian at the bus stop daily.
For all your school bus-related inquiries, please visit our dedicated Transportation web page on the school district’s Transportation website. Here, you will find essential resources, including:
Route Information: See our Route Finder to confirm your bus information. We recommend checking this the day before school to confirm any updates to your students' route information.
· Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to common questions regarding transportation policies and procedures.
· Bus Rules and Guidelines: Important safety information and behavior expectations for students while riding the bus. See our FAQ for specifics
Plano ISD Transportation
Queridos padres y guardianes,
Insignia de autobús y placa de padres: los padres de prekinder, kinder y 1er grado DEBEN seguir este proceso requerido y deben visitar su escuela para obtener su placa y placa de padres. Los estudiantes serán regresados a su campus de origen si el padre no tiene este cartel de identificación. Este importante procedimiento de seguridad requiere que el padre/tutor/designado tenga su placa de padre que coincida con la insignia del autobús en la mochila del estudiante. Esto brinda tranquilidad a los padres de que nuestros estudiantes serán asignados a su tutor en la parada de autobús todos los días.
Para todas sus consultas relacionadas con el autobús escolar, visite nuestra página web dedicada a Transporte en el sitio web de Transporte del distrito escolar. Aquí encontrará recursos esenciales, que incluyen:
Información de ruta: consulte nuestro Buscador de rutas para confirmar la información de su autobús. Recomendamos verificar esto el día antes de clases para confirmar cualquier actualización de la información de ruta de sus estudiantes.
· Número de teléfono de despacho
· Preguntas frecuentes: Respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre políticas y procedimientos de transporte.
· Reglas y pautas del autobús: información de seguridad importante y expectativas de comportamiento para los estudiantes mientras viajan en el autobús. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener detalles
· Información del autobús tardío
Transporte del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Plano
Bring your Driver's License
Anytime you will pick up your child in the front office, bring your driver's license. Our front office staff will ask for your identification in the event that you pick your child up in the front office for any reason. We do this to ensure your child's safety.
Also, you may not pick your child up in the front office after 2:30pm.
Medications Reminder
For any medication you bring to school, the nurse will need a doctor's note in order to be able to accept it and administer it.
PISD Medication Authorization Form (provide for each medication)
-Prescription Medications must be in the original container with label from the pharmacy.
-We cannot accept expired medications.
-Any over the counter medications have to be in original packaging and have a doctor's note.
Plano ISD Childcare Services is hiring!
PASAR is Hiring at Carlisle!
PASAR is recruiting and hiring qualified applicants. If you, or anyone you know is interested in learning more about work opportunities with PASAR or Plano ISD Childcare Services, please contact us at, pasarjobs@pisd.edu, or apply with the Plano ISD employment application.
Here is the QR code that links to the PASAR Employment Interest form.
Upcoming Events
9/2 Labor Day- Student/Teacher Holiday
9/9 PTA Boosterthon Kick-Off- more information coming soon!
9/10 Parent Information Night for K/2/4 from 5:30-6:45pm
9/12 Parent Information Night for 1/3/5 from 5:30-6:45pm
9/19 WatchDOGS Pizza Kick Off Night from 5:30-6:30pm
10/11 End of First Nine Weeks Grading Period
10/14- 10/18 Student Holidays (10/17 and 10/18 are staff work days)
10/21 Start of 2nd Nine Weeks Grading Period
11/5 Student Holiday/Staff Work Day
August Attendance Tip
Information from the PTA
Coyote Fun Run
Get excited – our school is hosting the Coyote Fun Run at the end of our upcoming fundraiser on 09/17/2024! This school-wide event is sure to be an unforgettable experience for all students. All students are invited to attend, regardless of financial participation.
Sign up begins for our Coyote Fun Run Fundraiser on 08/26/2024 at MyBooster.com to get Coyote Fun Run ready! 💪
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online at MyBooster.com – 08/26/2024
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 09/09/2024
👟 Event Day – 09/17/2024
*Volunteer spots have not been released for this event yet. Please note: only VOLY approved volunteers will be permitted to attend the Fun Run on 9/17. This is to help keep our students safe following PISD protocols. Make sure you complete your VOLY background check asap and sign up for Carlisle PTA or watch the PTA social media to know when volunteer spots open up*
PTA After School Programs
Wildcat Events
Social Emotional Learning- Family Connection
Here at Carlisle, your child will learn about the emotional thermometer. Your child will be encouraged express himself or herself using the levels of the emotional thermometer.
Our goal is to help students who are anywhere on a level 2-5 to get back down to a Level 1.
You can use the emotional thermometer at home to understand how your child is feeling, and talk through how you all can solve the problem to get them back down to a Level 1.
Introducing New to Carlisle Staff!
Click here to see Carlisle New Staff 24-25.
Helpful Links
Give us your feedback HERE anytime!
Some Tips for Parents from the City of Plano
Helpful safety tips:
1. Always park in same direction of traffic flow
2. Coach our children to exit from the curbside of vehicles
3. Use crosswalks
Carpool Reminder
Student safety is our top priority.
Please ensure that:
1. Your child gets out of or into the car on the passenger's side.
2. Watch for other children exiting vehicles as you are in the carpool line.
Past Newsletters:
Carlisle Elementary
Website: pisd.edu/carlisle
Location: 6525 Old Orchard Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-0601
Facebook: facebook.com/carlislecoyotes
Twitter: @CarlisleCoyotes