Northwest High News
Week of November 11th , 2024
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Adopt a Family
PBIS Ticket Winners
The Moxie Mountie - Journalism students
Mountie Nation Station - Broadcasting students
Upcoming dates to remember -
November 11-19 -Winter sports tryouts (see athletics section below for details)
Nov 14 & 15 - Exam Days
Nov 15 - Half Day for students - End of 1st Trimester
Nov 23-24 - Drama Club play - "Icebergs"
Nov 26 - Find your Future Fair
Nov 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 1 - Senior Yearbook Pictures are due to Miss Hade
Dec 4 - Band Concert
Dec 10 - Jostens presenting Seniors with cap and gown ordering information
Dec 10 - Holiday Choir Concert
Dec 17 - Jostens collecting cap & gown orders during lunches
Dec 20 - Half Day
Dec 21- Jan 5 - Winter Break
College & Career
Ways to stay connected
NWHS Daily Announcements
Senior Cap & Gown Information
We partner with Jostens for caps and gowns as well as many other items. A Jostens representative will be here to present information to our seniors on December 10th and will come back during lunches to collect orders in person on December 17th. If your order is not placed on December 17th during lunch then orders will have to be placed with Jostens via phone or through their website. You can go to Jostens.com now to check out the many great items they offer for our students. The link below will take you to the cap and gown unit, if you wish to only purchase the necessary items for graduation. The cap and gown unit is also included in many of their great packages if you choose to get extra items. PLEASE NOTE: THE CAP AND GOWN UNIT COST OF $48.00 INCLUDES THE CAP, GOWN, TASSEL, AND HOOD. WHEN ORDERING YOU WILL BE ASKED IF YOU WANT TO ADD A KEEPSAKE TASSEL, THIS IS AN EXTRA TASSEL AS THE PACKAGE ALREADY INCLUDES A TASSEL, IF YOU ONLY WANT THE ONE TASSEL YOU NEED TO CHOOSE "NO THANKS".
Athletics - Winter Sports Update
Why be a Multi-Sport Athlete?
Winter sports season is approaching us very quickly. Coming off your fall sport may be tiring or challenging but being a multi-sport athlete has many benefits including: building endurance, balance, a range of movement, staying competitive, learning to coexist with a different group of teammates and coaches, and how to deal with adversity.
Injury Reduction: When playing multi-sports you use different muscle groups which can reduce the risk of injury.
Improved Fitness: Playing multi-sports can improve your overall fitness and reduce your risk of obesity and other health problems.
Better balance and endurance: By playing multiple sports you can build endurance, balance and range of movement.
Psychological benefits: Playing multiple sports can reduce the risk of psychological stress and burnout.
Life lessons: Participating in multiple sports can contribute to teaching valuable life lessons.
College recruitment: Colleges are more likely to recruit multi-sport athletes.
Leadership: Multi-sport student athletes tend to be visible leaders in the hallways and in their classrooms. Part of being a MOUNTIE!
Cross-Training: Your body strengthens as a whole when you cross train.
Different assets: You can bring different assets into other sports. For examples: Wrestling & Football helps with foot work and tackling, Golf ,Tennis, baseball, softball help with hand/eye coordination.
Visit the NFHS website for more information where you also can watch some athletic events, live.
Athlete of the Week
Athletic Events Calendar: https://nwmounties.com/events
Athletic Events GoFan Tickets and Athletic Passes: https://gofan.co/app/school/MI3393
Download athletic Events through our Scheduler App:
Apple Users: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/activity-scheduler/id877988259
Android Users: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rschooltoday.activityscheduler&hl=en_US&pli=1
Follow us on FaceBook: Northwest High School Athletics