Jarrell ISD Back to School
Special Edition
A Message from Dr. Toni Hicks
As students, teachers, and staff come together to begin another enriching academic year, the excitement and renewed motivation are summed up in four simple words: "Welcome back to school."
Returning to school after a summer break is an opportunity for a new start, leaving behind any past obstacles or shortcomings and embracing another academic year's endless possibilities. It is when unexplored talents are discovered, and personal growth is nurtured.
School is about learning but also serves as vibrant communities where young minds merge, ideas are exchanged, and collective dreams are built. From field trips to science experiments and school plays to talent shows, every step of the academic journey is marked with joy, discovery, and personal growth. Through these experiences, students forge lifelong friendships, overcome challenges, and learn valuable life lessons.
As one community, we support each other to build up our students. Parent partnerships are crucial in obtaining these goals. Please consider joining your campus PTO or volunteering in your child's classroom. Together, we're showing our students that with an education anything is possible.
We hope your summer was filled with lasting memories and rest. As we start the new school year, we bring a renewed passion for learning and the determination to make this academic year their best.
In partnership,
Dr. Toni Hicks
District and Campus Websites
Back to School Information
Additional Safety Information
Parents, it's an exciting time when your child enters a new grade. Please be mindful of what you post on social media when making those cute back-to-school signs with identifiable information such as:
- School name
- Child's age
- Teacher's name and grade
- Identifying features (such as height, weight, hair/eye color.)
- Overly personal information that could be used in passwords/internet security.
School Bus Safety
2023 - 24 Bell Schedule
Class Tag
Jarrell ISD has partnered with ClassTag for the new school year. ClassTag is a teacher/parent communication tool. We are using the system district-wide, so parents will have one place to receive information. It streamlines communication, ensuring parents get the information from teachers. It also prevents parents with more than one child on a different campus from using multiple apps to connect with teachers.
Please download the how to guide on setting up a ClassTag account. Once your account is active and your child's teacher has a class schedule/roster, you will receive an invitation from the teacher to join the classroom.
Bud Stockton Loop Extension
The Bud Stockton Loop extension near Jarrell High School is finished. The extension helps with traffic flow and easy access to County Road 305. However, it's important to know that the intersection of 487 and the Bud Stockton loop is now a four-way stop. It will take getting used to as it's a significant change in the area. So please be mindful of your speed in that area. And share the news with your friends and family. Use the map as a reference guide.
Social Media
Got celebrations to share? Send them to Nicholas.Spinetto@jarrellisd.org.
About Jarrell ISD
Email: communications@jarrellisd.org
Website: www.jarrellisd.org
Location: 108 East Avenue F, Jarrell, TX, USA
Phone: 512-746-2124
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JarrellIndependentSchoolDistrict
Twitter: @Jarrell_ISD