GLOBE Update
Arrival and Departure Protocols | August 17, 2024
Dear GLOBE families,
As we settle into a new school year, I would like to draw your attention to our morning arrival and afternoon departure protocols listed below, and greatly appreciate your partnership as we strive to ensure safe and efficient drop-offs and pick-ups at both campuses.
Please respect GLOBE's neighbors in the community by obeying all speed and parking regulations and by not blocking driveways or mailboxes.
If you are interested in joining GLOBE’s Transportation Ridership program, please visit our website for additional information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
In community,
Jen Parker
Director of Operations
Lower Campus
School start time: 8:10 a.m.
Drop-off will close promptly at 8:10 a.m. The administrator on ‘crosswalk duty’ will place a magnetic yellow flag on the last car already in the parking lot at exactly 8:10 a.m. That flag will indicate the last car that staff will unload. Any car behind that vehicle will need to park and parents/guardians report to the front office inside LC to sign their child(ren) in as tardy.
For detailed instructions of Lower Campus morning drop-off, click here.
Afternoon pick-up
Pick-up time: 2:40 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.
For detailed instructions of Lower Campus afternoon pick-up, click here.
If a child is being picked up before normal school dismissal, they must be picked up before 2:10 p.m. at Lower Campus; after this time, parents are asked to wait until normal dismissal time to pick children up.
Upper Campus
Morning drop-off begins: 7:30 a.m.
School start time: 8:00 a.m.
Drop-off will close promptly at 8:00 a.m. After that time, parents must enter the school to sign students in at the office as tardy. We ask that you please obey the signs and instructions from our staff.
Please note: From Monday, August 19, left turns will no longer be permitted during morning drop-off from the carpool drive onto Briarcliff Rd.
When exiting campus, please do not turn around immediately at Mary Scott Nature park, as this backs up the flow of traffic. This new protocol is focused on relieving traffic congestion during morning drop-off on Briarcliff Rd.
Afternoon pick-up: 3:15 p.m.
Carpool vehicle line-up: From 2:45 p.m. Please do not arrive on campus for carpool before this time.
Pick-up time: 3:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m.
For detailed instructions, click here.
Morning Arrival | Afternoon Dismissal | Carpool video
Early checkout at Upper Campus
If a child is being picked up before normal school dismissal, they must be picked up before 2:40 p.m. at Upper Campus; after this time, parents are asked to wait until normal dismissal time to pick children up.
New 'Walker Release Form' must be completed for 2024/25
If you would like your student to walk home from school without supervision, please complete this 2024/25 Walker Release Form at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
The safety of our 'walker' students
In the interest of safety, once students who walk home are safely across Briarcliff Road, parents/guardians need to be there to meet them, or arrangements made for their safe onward journey.
Responsible parking
Please do not park/pick-up/drop-off at Shallowford Presbyterian Church and/or Church in Atlanta. Also, please remember that it is illegal to park within 30 feet of stop signs in Georgia. Drivers that continuously break this rule, or block driveways and mailboxes, are at risk of receiving a traffic fine and/or causing traffic delays, so please choose the wider, less congested roads, park in safe spots, be courteous to our neighbors and remember our CREST values. We are also aware of ongoing construction in the area which can cause delays, so please allow extra time for travel. Thank you.
Both Campuses
All GLOBE families (walkers, drivers, bus riders, Extended Care Program, and Enrichment) will be assigned a pick-up number. They will also be issued a formal GLOBE Car Tag, which must be presented at pick-up, regardless of whether the child is a walker, takes a bus, leaves by car, or stays after school for Enrichment.
- If caretaker/family/bus does not have a GLOBE Car Tag, they will be required to park and enter the main office to show identification. If the person’s name is listed as being allowed to pick up the child, a sticker will be issued to show the staff that the student can be released.
- If the child is riding home with another family on a given day, their parent must notify the front office and the child’s teacher by 2 p.m. that day. The family picking up the child must have the child’s pick-up number. (Note: A GLOBE Car Tag is not required for a one-time pick-up, as long as permission has been provided to the front office.)
- If the child is not staying for ECP/Enrichment on a particular day and will be dismissed to their assigned zone, parents must email their teacher and the front office by 2 p.m. that day.
For safety’s sake, it is critical that parents report any variation from a student’s normal pick-up routine to the front office and the student’s teacher. Written permission from the parent/guardian must be provided if a student is to leave school with anyone who is not the student’s parent or legal guardian; picture identification may be required for verification before the student is released.