Tinc Road Tribune
February 7th, 2025 ** Vol. 24-25 **Issue Twelve**
Dear Tinc Families,
We have reached the 100th day of school! We celebrated this momentous occasion with our 100 Days Parade! Our Kindergarteners, Teachers and some selected staff dressed up as Senior Citizens to celebrate the occasion!
Please do not forget to update PICKUP Patrol daily with how your child will be dismissed afterschool. Please remember these helpful hints:
OUTDOOR RECESS POLICY: Parents are reminded, any day where the wind chill/real feel temperature is above 32 degrees fahrenheit we will have our students participating in recess outside.Therefore please do not forget to send your child to school with a jacket, hat, and gloves to keep them warm while waiting for the bus during the cold winter and early spring mornings or for outdoor recess play.
PRE K AND KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: Attention parents of future Marauders: If you have an incoming Kindergarten or Preschool student please mark these registration dates in your calendar. All registrations are done online through the district website.
See flyers in this newsletter for more information:
Kindergarten registration opens February 3rd
Preschool registration opens February 18th
TINC RD. SCHOOL IN THE NEWS: Tinc Road's 50th Anniversary Celebration was featured in
the latest edition of Mount Olive Online!
Mr. Grilo
Tinc Road School Calendar
February 10th: MOTSD BOE Meeting
February 14th: Teacher In-Service SCHOOL CLOSED
February 17th: President's Day- SCHOOL CLOSED
February 20th: PTO Meeting - Virtual (See Information and Link Below)
February 24th: MOTSD BOE Meeting
March 31st: Eid-Al-Fitr- No School for Students/Teacher In Service
April 17th: Holy Thursday- 1/2 Day for Students
April 18th: Good Friday- School Closed
April 21st-25th: Spring Break- School Closed
Tinc celebrates 100 days of School!
Tinc Rd. Health Office Presents- Good Health Assemblies
Dr. Mellas visits Tinc Road School
This week, the Tinc Health office conducted a Dental hygiene assembly for students in grades K-3, presented by Dr. Stella Mellas.
Dr. Mellas presented on Tuesday Feb. 3rd dental hygiene to our students in kindergarten through 3rd grade class. Dr. Mellas provided each student with gift bag to take home.
Flossing Regularly is part of the routine
Our Students listening attentively
Dr. Mellas' Office
Topic: Tinc Rd School PTO General Meeting
Time: Feb 20, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 7545 8061
Passcode: 884266
One tap mobile:
+13052241968,,85775458061#,,,,*884266# US
Superintendent's Spotlight
Guidance Counselors' Corner
Please read our Counselors' Letter!
**New** Winter Lunch bunch/ Recess groups will take place during your child's lunch or recess time. Each group will have 5-7 students (of the same grade) and will be led by either Mrs. Barba and/ or Mrs. Szast. Sign up here to join Lunch Bunch for the new school year! Winter Lunch Bunch/ Playground Pals Group
Please visit the Tinc Rd. School Counselors' Page for information on our services:
Tinc Rd. School Counselors' Corner
Please see our February Monthly Newsletter.
Mrs. Barba will be working with students with last names N-Z and Mrs. Szast will be working with students A-M. Please contact us should you have any questions or concerns about your child or the Tinc Road School Counseling Program.
Mrs. Lisa Barba (last names N-Z)
973-927-2203 ext. 2306
Mrs. Alina Szast (last name A-M)
973-927-2203 ext. 2308
Link to our Counselor's Corner February Interactive Classroom
TINC ROAD SCHOOL is committed to providing all of our students and staff with a safe and inclusive environment. This year we are excited to announce our participation in the No Place for Hate initiative.
The No Place for Hate initiative is developed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), one of the nation’s largest civil rights organizations. The initiative provides a model for creating a more inclusive and safe school environment. No Place for Hate incorporates new and existing programs with one consistent message and connects our school to a larger initiative taking place in other schools across the region and nation. To Learn more about the No Place for Hate initiative you can visit https://www.noplaceforhate.org/about.
Hard to believe we are almost to our 100th day of school! We have been very busy planning the second half of the school year.
We have a lot of fun events coming up. Please join us for our next PTO meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 20th - zoom link to follow.
Thank you to Christine Ford, Katherine Lipniskis and the entire Movie Night Committee for all of their hard work! Thank you to all of the families who came out to enjoy Sonic 3.
We helped celebrate National Popcorn Day on Friday, January 17th by delivering bagged popcorn to all the staff and students at Tinc.
Duck Donuts are here! Help support our 5th grade end of year activities by purchasing a Love Dozen to celebrate Valentine's Day. Please see attached flyer for more information.
Registration for the Winter PAGE Program is open. We are very excited to offer 12 classes this session! Thank you as always to the super star staff for planning these after school enrichment clubs for our kids!
Be sure to register by Wednesday, January 29th to join in on six weeks of fun!
Tinc Gives Back Breakfast Bag Program - February 21st
Join Mrs. Barba, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Miller as we put together Breakfast Bags for Nourish NJ as part of our Tinc Gives Back volunteer opportunities. Space is limited for student volunteers, so please sign up early if interested.
Tinc Road School PTO: Tinc Gives Back Breakfast Bags
Can't attend but still want to help? Yes please! Visit this link for donations to the breakfast bags.
Tinc Road School PTO: Breakfast Bags Donation Requests
Upcoming Events:
National Cereal Day - we will be collecting unopened boxes of cereal to create a cereal domino train throughout the school before donating them to the Mount Olive Food Pantry - March 7th
Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser Returns - Saturday, March 15th
TRS PTO School Dance RESCHEDULED - April 11th
Please be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for all of the latest PTO happenings.
Thank you to our PTO Sponsors for the 2023-2024 school year:
Honest Heating & Cooling Honest Heating & Cooling LLC (honestheatingcooling.com)
Power Place Power Equipment Dealer in New Jersey | Power Place (powerplaceinc.com)
ADD Systems Software for Fuel Delivery and Convenience Stores - ADD Systems
Mount Olive Family Dental Home - Jennifer J. Argenziano, DMD - Mount Olive Family Dental NJ
If you are interested in becoming a PTO sponsor, please let us know!
If you have any questions or want to know more about the PTO or how to get involved, please email me at ng.ottoson@gmail.com or visit Tinc Road School PTO: TRS PTO Committees (signupgenius.com)
Nikki Ottoson
President, TRS PTO
Cereal Box Drive
Sign up for MO Rec Lacrosse
School Nurse's Office
Please access the Nurses' Office Website here
If you have any questions for our school nurses, feel free to email or call:
Mrs. Liliana Duque-DeJesus, BSN, BA, RN,CSN
School Nurse
(973) 927-2203 x2485
When do I keep my child home sick from school?
Dear Families,
Regular school attendance is essential for your child's academic progress and social development. Prioritizing consistent attendance helps students stay on track with learning and build strong relationships with peers and teachers.
However, we also prioritize the health of our school community. If your child is feeling unwell or has a fever, please keep them home. Following these health guidelines from the NJ Department of Health and the CDC, students should remain at home for at least 24 hours after their fever has ended without medication. This helps prevent the spread of illness and ensures your child can return to school ready to learn.
Thank you for your support in fostering both your child's education and well-being.
Pick Up Patrol
Pick Up Patrol Procedures
Pick Up Patrol is an app that allows you to make changes to your child’s dismissal or mark them tardy or absent.
All dismissal changes must be made no later than 2:30 pm
We do not allow students to be picked up early after 3:00pm
You will receive an email with sign up instructions.
Parents CANNOT set the default plan. You must email Sheila Staszak so she can do this!
If you need help, contact Sheila Staszak at sheila.staszak@motsd.org or PickUp Patrol at support@pickuppatrol.net.
REALTIME information
Logging into Real Time
Attention Parents!
Our student information system from Realtime Inc. allows parents and guardians online access to their child's information. You can check on grades, attendance, discipline, communicate directly with a teacher and other information.
* If you have forgotten your REALTIME login information please contact Mrs. Aaron in the Main Office*
Regular Dismissal Schedule:
Parent drop off is at 8:30 and pick up is 3:30.
Delayed Opening Schedule:
Bus pick up times are two hours later than normal.
Parent drop off is at 10:30.
Early Dismissal Schedule:
*Please No Student Pick-ups 30 minutes before dismissal*
Right at School Before and After Care Program
Mt. Olive schools are partnering with Right at School to provide child care options for our community.
Click here to view the RIGHT AT SCHOOL website.
About Tinc Rd. Elementary School
Mr. Mark Grilo, Principal
email: mark.grilo@motsd.org
Twitter: @markdgrilo
Mrs. Dani Marangon, Vice Principal
email: dani.marangon@motsd.org
Tinc Road School
24 Tinc Road
Flanders, NJ 07836