Sabino High School | November 2022

Sabino Graduates will be academically prepared for college and career success through a rigorous and creative curriculum. Our students will have a global perspective and develop social understanding that contributes to effective leadership and responsible citizenship.
Friday, November 11th - Veteran's Day (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, November 24th - Friday, November 25th - Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)
Saturday, December 10th @7:00-11:00 PM - Winter Formal
Thursday, December 20th - Winter Commencement 6:00 PM @ Catalina High School
Friday, December 23rd - Grading Day (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, December 26th-Friday, January 6th - Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
Congratulations to our very own Teresa Durazo for being selected for the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 40 Under 40 Award! This award is focused on leadership as well as community involvement and the contributions made to moving our community forward. Mrs. Durazo is the Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction here at Sabino. Thank you, Mrs. Durazo, for all that you do for our school and community! We are all so proud!
- Parents: Please be advised that students are not permitted to order food from any delivery services during the school day. If any food delivery arrives, it will be turned away at the gate. Parents, however, are able to bring food to only their student(s), and must deliver the food to the attendance office. Students are not to go into the parking lot to collect the food. We appreciate your understanding in keeping our campus safe and free of unauthorized visitors.
- Parents of Seniors: If your student did not receive an order form from National Graduation Products when they were on campus to order Cap/Gown and Announcements, please see the Attendance Office to obtain an order form.
- Parents: When viewing your students' grades, be sure to focus your attention on SEMESTER grades, not quarter grades. The semester grade will be the grade on your students transcript.
- Please be advised that Sabino's Graduation has been changed to Wednesday, May 24th 2023 at 7:00 PM. The TUSD calendar as well as the Sabino Planner do not reflect this date change, so please refer to Sabino's website calendar for this date.
Boys Golf Team placed 6th in the State! Way to go!
Girls Golf finished with 2 individual qualifiers - Zaida Wise tied for 10th in the state and Abigail Gryzynger tied for 53rd out of 75. Great job!
Boys and Girls Swim - McKenzie Warren, Parker Davison, Mia Davison, and Taylor Hale placed 13th in the 400 yd Freestyle Relay
William Sierra, Mason Rustand, Atreylan Freeman, and Dylan Correa placed 13th in the 200 yd Medley Relay
Taylor Hale placed 14th in the 100 yd Breast Stroke
Dylan Correa placed 15th in the 50 yd Freestyle
Awesome job Swimmers!
Cheerleading placed 2nd at the Desert Showcase, awesome job!
Girls Volleyball made it all the way to the 3A State Qualifying Play-in game, great job!
Cross Country boys placed 15th at State with the girls placing 7th! Shoutout to Trinity Markowski who placed 10th and Aydin Sabel who placed 20th!
Football made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs with an incredible effort! What a great season Sabercats!
The Concert and Chamber Choirs competed in the Arizona Choral Educators Fall Festival, with the Concert Choir receiving a rating of Excellent and the Chamber Choir receiving a rating of Superior. Nice work!
The Sabino Band received 1st Place at the Sabino Mountain March as well as captions for High Music, High Percussion, and High General Effect!
They also received 2nd place at the Flowing Wells Show of Shows.
At the ABODA Division II Semi-Finals they received an Excellent Rating.
The band also placed 20th at the AzMBA
Great job representing Sabino!
Visit our Calendar for dates and times. Our athletes love to see supporters in the stands!
If you can't make it in person, tune in online! Sabercat Athletics are live streamed on www.nfhsnetwork.com/users/sign_up. Once you create an account search for SABINO and "follow".
The Family Engagement Team truly values the opinions of our community. We are always eager to learn more about the needs of our students and their families so we know best how to serve you. The ways we can help go beyond just what happens during class time; we can provide resources and support at home as well. One of the most effective ways for us to find out how we are doing is through our Annual Family Engagement Survey. The survey takes 1-2 minutes to complete, and will help us to make your students' experience at Sabino even better!
We had a FANTASTIC time at this years' Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness Summit on October 20th! There were nearly 50 students there to represent Sabino, and all students thoroughly enjoyed attending the workshops and masterclass sessions. With the DJ performances and motivational speakers, there was lots of dancing and even a $500 check awarded to one of our students to start up their own business! Congratulations to Alec Spears for sharing his vision and entrepreneurial drive that led to him being selected for the $500! We can't wait to go back next year!
Special thanks to the staff who helped to make this day possible:
Sharon Williams
Photini Deshaies
Dr. Alex Karaman
Bruce Williams
At the beginning of the month, several of our Sabercats were invited to speak at Collier Elementary School for their Kindness Week! This was a great opportunity for students of all ages to talk about what a difference being kind makes, along with ways we can bring kindness to our community. Thank you to Collier's Principal, Lisa Langford, and their Family Engagement Representative, Jenny Osborne, for welcoming our students and for providing such a wonderful experience! We cant wait to come back!
Special thanks to our Sabercats:
Jennie Ahn
Steven Bishopp
Shyanne Duke
Sariah Ferrentino-Martinez
Andrew Flores
Taylor Hale
Christy Ho
Haley Hunter
Christian Michaelson
Ella Morse
Matt Osborne
William Urbina
At the end of October, our amazing team of Science Teachers put together a night of Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Astronomy, and much more! Our families learned how to make an ecosystem in a bottle, got to hold reptiles, and looked at galaxies and planets through telescopes! We can't wait until the next Science Night!
The following organizations helped to make the night possible:
Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association
Southern Arizona Reptile Rescue and Education
Special thanks to our wonderful Science Department:
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Meyer
Mr. White
Mr. Simons
Mrs. Chenevert-Steffler
Mrs. Peterson
Please know that Sabino and TUSD want to support ALL families with whatever their needs might be!
We have several Family Resource Centers that can help, even during the Summer months, with food boxes, clothing items, school supplies, as well as personal hygiene items.
Please do not hesitate to contact your Family Engagement Representatives: Corri Cook at 520-584-7708 or Bruce Williams at 520-584-7751.
Catalina 3645 E Pima St. 520-232-8684
Palo Verde 1302 S Avenida Vega 520-584-7455
Southwest 6855 S Mark 520-908-3980
Menlo 1100 W Fresno 520-225-2172
Duffy 655 N Magnolia 520-232-7055
Sabino PTSA - we exist to fill the gap so that each student gets what they need to reach their potential. When we collectively pay for a teacher grant it gives our students opportunities to succeed. When we give out attendance and character counts awards to students we are the cheerleaders for making high school count. When we wear Spirit wear on Fridays we are supporting our student athletes and coaches. When we put on a Barnes & Noble fundraiser we are purchasing new library books. Come join our team! Find your voice. Make a difference in your community.
Mark your calendars! Meetings start at 7:20 AM down the stairs in the Administration Building. Everyone can join -we would love to see you there.
PTSA Meetings for 2022-2023:
1st Semester: Aug. 12, Sept. 2, Oct.7, Nov. 4, Dec 2
2nd Semester: Jan. 13, Feb. 3, March 3, Apr 6, May 5
Get Connected
Contact us:
Dawn Graffam, President
Leticia Tinoco, Vice President
Leanna León, Treasurer
Susanna Schippers, Secretary
Tina Rustand, Hospitality Chair
Membership Chair- open
Fundraising Chair - open
Are you looking for a purple or gray sweatshirt, shirt, or zip up hoodie? You can also purchase your membership to have a voice, vote in meetings, and get to know what’s going on by receiving emails.
If you’d like to make a donation, scan the QR code or send a check made out to Sabino PTSA to:
5000 N Bowes Rd
Tucson AZ 85749
In just a few easy steps, part of each purchase you make at Fry’s will benefit Sabino PTSA!
1. Sign in or create an account at www.frysfoods.com
2. Select “Community Rewards” under your account menu
3. Seach for “Sabino” or “JT885”
4. Click “Enroll”
5. Use your VIP card or alternate ID (phone number) every time you shop at Fry’s.
Do you use Amazon? Sabino can get a percentage of every purchase you make. Go to www.smile.amazon.com and choose Sabino High PTSA as your charity!
Arizona Tax Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a TAX CREDIT of up to $400.00 for married filing jointly and $200.00 for single filers if they contribute to extra curricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available only to individuals in Arizona and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Use code CTDS#100202645 on Form 322 when filing taxes.
To access your students grades and attendance, please visit:
For the access key code please call 520-584-7703.
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