KMS Newsletter Template

February Newsletter
From Mr. Morrow's Desk
News from the Principal
KMS is hoping to start up the Principal Advisory Committee again, where we will be meeting monthly with student representatives from all three grades. The purpose of these meetings is for the administration to get student perspectives on course offerings, activities, and building initiatives. We look forward to hearing from our student body! Also, the PTG is looking for parent volunteers to share their ideas for next school year. If you are interested, reach out to Mrs. Lanser and/or Mr. Morrow. We look forward to getting this group going started next school year.
text here.
From Mrs. Lanser's Desk
News from the Assistant Principal
Reminder of the tardy policy at KMS. Teachers will record tardies in
Synergy, whereafter the third overall tardy, the Dean of Student Services will write a discipline referral for excessive tardiness and students will be assigned lunch detention. For every subsequent tardy after the fourth, there will be another discipline referral which may result in ISS. Tardy discipline referrals will restart at the beginning of each new quarter. First hour tardies will be marked by the office secretary when the student arrives. PLEASE NOTE: This is for the total amount of tardies and not per class.
Please continue to encourage your student(s) to be on time to their classes throughout the day, thank you!
Counseling News
National School Counseling Week:
February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week. This is a week to celebrate the role school counselors play in schools. We are very grateful that Kelloggsville sees the value of school counselors and has them in each building in the district. School counselors provide support to students through a variety of ways with the goal of helping them grow and thrive in their academics, social-emotional learning, and mental health. Feel free to reach out to one of the school counselors at KMS if you feel that your student could use support! Emily Tuttle (etuttle@kvilleps.org) or Laura Kuperus (Lkuperus@kvilleps.org).
News from the Attendance Coordinator
News From the Attendance Coordinator
Attendance Matters!
We hope that the New Year has started off well for all of you. We are busy with learning and activities every day here at Kelloggsville Middle. Our focus remains to cultivate a positive climate and create the best learning environment possible.
Everything that we do at KMS is designed to help students learn in all areas and be successful well beyond their time in middle school. Once again, that partnership between school and home is a key ingredient for student success. With that said, we hope that your students are feeling safe and supported. This is an interesting time in their lives and development and can be challenging at times.
It is hard to believe that we have passed the halfway point of the year. Students are settled in routines and understand our school-wide expectations. Teachers have worked hard to create meaningful learning opportunities and teach school-wide behavior expectations. Consistency and predictability are key factors for student success.
A reminder about attendance: As the new semester has started please be advised when it comes to absences (excused and unexcused) they continue to accumulate from the first day of school to the last day. We know some absences are unavoidable, but keeping kids in school matters. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit now so they learn right away that going to school on time and every day is important.
We here at KMS understand situations, and circumstances may arise so that is why it is very important that your son or daughter attend school; on a regular and timely basis other than if ill (vomiting) or has a fever of 100 degrees or more. If absent, students are asked to still contact teachers in regards to their work for the day. Please remember when absences occur, the school needs to be notified. To report an absence, please call us at (616) 532-1575.
Reminders: School-related absences, field trips, court appointments, and doctor’s appointments (with documentation) do not count toward Truancy.
News from the Nurse
Nurse News
February is American Heart Month! Please take the month to focus on heart healthy behaviors such as: regular physical activity, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, limit processed foods. Wear RED on Friday 2/7 for National Wear Red Day to raise awareness for heart disease. Another way to make an impact is follow this link and Learn Hands Only CPR!
Important Dates
2/3 Winter Sports Pictures
2/11 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-7pm
2/19 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-7pm
2/17 No School - Mid Winter break
2/25 MS Choir concert @HS at 6pm
2/26 MS Band Concert @HS at 7pm
Athletic News & Updates
Spring sports are just around the corner. Please be sure your student athlete has a sports physical on file before practices begin on March 10th, 2025. You will also need to sign your student up on Final forms for the sport they wish to participate in, Go to: https://kvilleps-mi.finalforms.com
Spring sports include:
Girls Soccer
Track and Field