Huskie Howler

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November 18, 2024
Dear Huskie Community,
This week, I will be brief because there is so much valuable information below to review. Please take a few minutes to check it out.
Make it a great week. Go Huskies!!
Jay Wachtel
Send your student a reminder of your support by surprising them with a care package! A bag with treats, novelties, and a note from you will be delivered to your student at NNHS, in the days prior to final exams. Proceeds will benefit the student newspaper, The North Star. Order here by Tuesday, 11/26
What is Dual Credit?
Dual Credit courses allow high school students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously through select courses at Naperville North. By partnering with the College of DuPage, students can complete college-level coursework and receive credits that count toward their high school diploma and a college transcript. All Dual Credit courses also earn a weighted grade. This opportunity can save time and money on future college expenses while giving students a head start on their higher education journey. Dual Credit courses also provide valuable exposure to college-level academics, helping students build confidence and skills for their future studies!
Diploma Endorsements and Why They Are Beneficial
A Diploma Endorsement is a special designation added to a high school diploma that highlights a student’s skills and readiness for college, careers, or specific industries. By meeting endorsement requirements in areas like academic achievement, career-related coursework, or workplace experiences, students demonstrate their preparedness for colleges and employers. Earning a diploma endorsement can give students a competitive edge in college admissions, scholarship opportunities, and job applications, setting them apart as well-prepared candidates for future success. Currently Naperville North offers multiple pathways that lead to Diploma Endorsements. To learn more, please visit the Career Pathways page.
Focus 203
Profile of a Learner
Naperville 203 invites community members to engage in a special two-part Focus 203 series aimed at bringing the Profile of a Learner to life. This initiative is centered on five key competencies: Adaptability, Communication, Critical Thinking, Learner’s Mindset, and Global Citizenship, all of which are essential for preparing students for future success. Why Participate? Community perspectives are crucial for shaping the district's vision and enhancing student experiences. These sessions offer a platform for collaborative discussions, ensuring that participant feedback influences the creation of innovative learning experiences.
- Session 1: Deep Dive and Discussion
- Explore the development and significance of the Profile of a Learner.
- Dates & Locations (attend one):
- November 19, 7:00 p.m. at Kennedy Junior High School, Lisle, IL, or
- November 21, 9:00 a.m. at NIU Naperville Campus, Naperville, IL
- Session 2: Shaping Innovation in Learning
- Review updates and see community feedback translated into action.
- Dates & Locations (attend one):
- January 14, 7:00 p.m. at Kennedy Junior High School, Lisle, IL, or
- January 17, 9:00 a.m. (Location TBD)
Details and sign-up information can be found at HERE. We hope you can join us!
Next Meeting
Parents/Guardians - Please join us for our next Home & School Meeting this WEDNESDAY, November 20th @ 9:30am in Room 108. Hear updates from the NNHS admin team as well as get more information on preparing your student(s) for finals!
Interested in volunteering your time back to NNHS? Consider filling one of our board committee chairs positions for the 2025-26 School Year! Currently, we have the following positions open for 25-26 school year: Registration, Senior Sunrise Breakfast, and Staff Appreciation. If you are interested, please reach out to Susan Spires @ napervillenorthhssec@gmail.com.
Senior Celebration
Join us this week for our last in-person planning meeting of 2024! It is THIS WEDNESDAY, November 20th, at 7pm in the Learning Commons. Please park at the main entrance.
We have a limited number of openings left to fill (2 people per role). They are: Technology Chair, Parking Chair and Surf Board coordinator. We need one more person to join an existing Co-Chair in Photography. Please check out our Sign Up Genius for more information and to express interest. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EADA92BA3FAC61-51703892-nnhs#/. Questions to Tracy Ford at tracydford65@gmail.com
Ticket prices go up on December 2nd to $60 (from $50). Senior Celebration is a Senior Only party on Saturday, April 12, 2025. Tickets can only be purchased on GoFan at this Link! Make sure to complete the mandatory Waiver linked on GoFan. Tickets to Senior Celebration were not sold during Summer Registration.
School Store
Seeking volunteers for the NNHS School Store! Whether you can spare an hour or take on a whole shift, your help with inventory and sales will support our students' success. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAAAC2EA5FBC70-50601882-nnhs#/
New Link
Are you looking for a meaningful way to get involved with our community? Naperville North High School's Home & School Association invites parents, guardians, and local residents to participate in a variety of volunteer and donation opportunities. Your support is invaluable in enhancing our students' educational experience! https://sites.google.com/view/nnhshandswillingspirits/home
NNHS Trivia Night 2024
Join your fellow Huskie fans on Friday December 6th for one of NNHS’s biggest fundraising events with a fun
night of trivia, raffle prizes and taco bar! REGISTRATION OPEN at https://nnhsboosters.org/trivia-night
- $60/ person Tables of 10. You can purchase for yourself, or you can purchase for a table and your own team (just name your team captain). If you don’t have a group… no problem. We will seat you with other Huskie fans.
- Friday, December 6th at Cress Creek Country Club
- Doors open at 7:00 pm, Trivia Starts at 8:00 pm
- Raffle tickets are available for chances to win great prizes like Huskie gear, sport experiences, SENIOR PARKING SPOT or an instant Wine Bar!
Help us make Trivia Night a success! Opportunities below:
- VOLUNTEER - We love our volunteers. Complete the Google form to lend a hand: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6fmBhG9ULdmhr4JaTWd0cbyopXtsKUDMgMCf-lwJk-9EDqQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
- DONATE - Donate to our raffle! Gift certificates, tickets, experience gifts, other ideas? Email NNHStrivianight@gmail.com, or go to https://nnhsboosters.org/trivia-night for donation drop off information.
- SPONSOR - Sponsorships $160. Help our NNHS Huskies and promote your business. Your logo will appear on the big screen at the start of each round of Trivia and on the NNHS Boosters website. For more info email NNHStrivianight@gmail.com or go to https://nnhsboosters.org/trivia-night
NNHS Boosters Fashion Show
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 23, 2025!! Interested in learning more or volunteering? Please attend our first meeting on November 12th at 7pm in Room 108. The Fashion Show is one of Boosters biggest fundraisers of the year and takes a village of volunteers. We are looking for both Senior Parents and Non-Senior parents - we need you all! There are plenty of opportunities to help, please join us on November 12th to learn more about this fun event! We have open chair positions to fill including: Runway/backstage, communications & graphics, fashions, music & media. Interested in volunteering but cannot attend the initial meeting? Please contact the Fashion Show co-chairs: Natasha Carsello and Marni Springer at nnhsboostersfashionshow@gmail.com
Spirit Wear
Shop the newest merchandise at our school store!! IN STOCK new long sleeved orange NIKE shirts, new t-shirt designs, beanies, rally towels, NIKE sweatshirts, Huskie script crew neck sweatshirts and youth sweatshirts. NEW TRADITIONS START HERE!! The STATE SHIRT is on sale for $20 exclusively sold at the school store. All 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑻𝑬 𝑩𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫 Huskie student and proud parents will want to wear our new State Bound T-Shirt to show your Huskie Pride.
Yard Signs
It's time to show your Huskie Pride! Order your WINTER sports/activities yard sign and bag tags today! These make wonderful holiday gifts!! Sales run October 21st to November 27th. Pick up will be the weekend of December 14th.
Order here : https://nnhsboosters.org/huskie-store . Thank you for your support!
Check out our menus and links to volunteering on the new website! https://nnhsboosters.org/concessions With winter athletics right around the corner we will need volunteers to help support our efforts. Please consider signing up early and often!
Next Meeting
Join us at our next general meeting on Monday Nov 18 at 7 pm in room 108. Come learn more about how you can make a difference for Huskie students by supporting Boosters.
New Website
Are you Driven to Join, Driven to Volunteer, Driven to Donate or Driven to Sponsor? We are excited to introduce our new look at https://nnhsboosters.org. The updated website is the hub of information for all things related to Boosters. The website will highlight our social media, contains sign ups for concessions, provides sponsorship opportunities and features our fundraising events. Another new addition is that tickets to our fundraisers will be available on the website through our new GOFAN account!! Everything related to Boosters will be at your fingertips so bookmark the site today.
Blue and Orange Awards
As the Fall Season draws to a close, Naperville North is proud to announce the start of a new tradition meant to help celebrate and tell the stories of our seasons - especially the stories that aren't always told. We are proud to introduce the Blue and Orange Awards.
These awards highlight our school, teams, and students, but are unique because YOU get to vote for the winners! Parents, fans, players, teachers VOTE at the link here: https://linktr.ee/napervillenorthathletics. Winners will be announced Friday, November 22. Get your votes in!
Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XEaoXCWTrXiV1dhFk_Kw1igF3HTH_c2u/view?usp=sharing
Winter Sport Tryouts & Practices
As the fall season winds down, it's time to start preparing for our upcoming winter sports season! Winter sport tryouts and practices are just around the corner, with staggered start dates for different teams. The attached infographics include all tryout and first-day practice times and locations for each sport.
A friendly reminder: to participate on the first day of practice or tryouts, student-athletes must be registered on Snap8to18 and have an up-to-date physical on file with the Athletic Department. Please be sure to complete these requirements before tryouts begin!
For more information on the requirements and registration process, check out this link: Huskie Athletics Info. We’re excited to see everyone bring their best as we gear up for another successful winter season.
Winter Tryouts Flyer:https://drive.google.com/file/d/13OWyB3ELNX98ykLwJvnPh-yzyDPf-ueX/view?usp=drive_link
Go Huskies!
Additional Resources
- Check out this month’s Counselor Connection, with grade-level & college/career updates!
- Link to 2024-2025 NNHS Calendar
- Join the principal's community Remind: text @nnhsupdate to the number 81010
- The archived Howlers can be found HERE
Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions about any of the items above or other concerns, please contact Jay Wachtel, Principal, at jwachtel@naperville203.org. or Susan Brown, Administrative Assistant at sbrown1@naperville203.org. Follow NNHS Official on X at wachtel_NNHS and Instagram at nnhs_jay_wachtel.