LCMS Summer Newsletter
Friday, August 2, 2024
Dear Lubbock-Cooper Middle School Families,
We are getting closer and closer to the start of school! Just a reminder that student schedules will be available to view on Tuesday, August 6 at 4:00PM if all online registration verification is complete. 6th Graders will receive a printed copy during their 6th Grade Jumpstart on August 8. On August 14, the first day of school, ALL students will receive a printed copy of their schedule along with their badge.
Your Administration Team,
Mrs. Jess McReynolds - Principal - jmcreynolds@lcisd.net
Mrs. Heather Tressler - 6th Grade Administrator - htressler@lcisd.net
Mrs. Tracye McCallister - 7th Grade Administrator - tmccallister@lcisd.net
Mr. Jeffrey Thompson - 8th Grade Administrator - jcthompson@lcisd.net
Attention Incoming 6th Graders!
7th & 8th Grade Open House
School Supply List
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be released electronically on August 6th at 4:00 pm. Our counselors are working extremely hard to try and fulfill all requests. However, there are times in which classes conflict and we won't be able to meet every request. Schedules are tight and changes will be minimal, if any.
Over the next few weeks, LCISD will start the verification process. Please ensure that all information is updated and accurate. Verification must be completed and immunizations must be current in order for your child's schedule to be released. Please refer to the "note from the nurse" below.
A Note from the Nurse:
All seventh grade students must be up-to-date on 7th grade required vaccines (tDap & MCV) before they will receive their schedules. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Rose, Director of Health Services at krose@lcisd.net.
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Just a few reminders:
- Dress Code - be sure to familiarize yourself with the dress code found in the Student Handbook
- Badges - ALL students will be required to WEAR their school issued badge everyday!
- Cell Phones/AirPods - Cell phones must be powered down and stored in backpacks. This goes for AirPods too.
Team Luke Hope for Minds 5K Color Run & Walk
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, August 6 - Student Schedules will be visible AFTER 4:00PM pending completion of annual online registration process.
- Thursday, August 8 @ 1:00-5:00PM - 6th Grade Jump Start @ 1:00-5:00 PM - 6th Grade Parent Night @ 5:00-6:00 PM
- Thursday, August 8 @ 5:00-6:00PM - 6th Grade Parent Open House
- Wednesday, August 14 - 1st Day of School!
- Monday, August 26 @ 5:00-6:00 - 7th & 8th Grade Parent Open House
School Information
Absences - Parents are to report student absences including early outs/late arrivals in their Skyward Family Access via an attendance request. This can be done in the app or on a desktop. Click here to view a how to video When submitting an Early Out or Late Arrival absence request, please be sure to UNSELECT the ‘all day check mark’. This ensures the attendance office knows what time your child will be leaving and/or arriving. Campus attendance email is for submitting documentation, such as a doctors note. If you have any questions please contact Annie Young ayoung@lcisd.net or by calling the front office.
Outside Food Delivery - Due to security concerns, no outside entity (DoorDash, Pizza delivery, etc.) will not be allowed to drop off lunches for students. Parents/Guardians may bring a lunch for their students. Lunches can be dropped off in the front office in the marked shelving area. Please be sure your student knows they are getting lunch so they can come pick it up in the office.
Skyward - Lubbock-Cooper ISD provides parents access to their children's records via our student information system, Skyward Family Access. Skyward Family Access maintains an open line of communication between school and home, and allows parents and students the opportunity to view grades, attendance information, schedules, calendars, and additional information any time of day. Skyward Family Access is available any place with an internet connection. Skyward Parent Link
Student Badges - All students must have their badges on them at all times. Badges will be used everyday to include: Bus Riding, Lunch Purchase, Library Checkout, etc.
Transportation - If your child will be riding the bus this year, you MUST complete the Transportation Request Form that can be found here. Student badges will be used to ensure the safety of your students this year. Campuses will be able to know exactly where and when students are dropped off and/or picked up.
Other Organization Information Disclaimer
Special Note: Lubbock-Cooper ISD provides space in its newsletters for organizations to post their events and messages. Such posting does not indicate any endorsement by the District. This newsletter may contain such content.