Nighthawk News

Principal's Message
Happy Friday Nighthawks!
As we wrap up the week, we want to take a moment to celebrate our incredible school counseling team during National School Counseling Week. A special congratulations to Kathy Marron, who was recognized as a top finalist for the San Diego County Office of Education School Counselor of the Year! This honor reflects the outstanding dedication she brings to supporting our students and families every day. We are grateful for the entire counseling team and their commitment to student success and well-being.
This week also marked the start of our course request process for the 2025-2026 school year. As students begin selecting their courses, we encourage thoughtful discussions about balance—academically, socially, and emotionally. While we recognize the pressures surrounding the college admissions process, it’s important that students identify a pathway that aligns with their interests, strengths, and well-being. Electives should be a chance to explore new opportunities, and course selections should reflect a balance between academic rigor and personal fulfillment.
As parents, your guidance is invaluable in shaping how students perceive success. The language we use matters—consider how discussions around “good colleges” or “back-up schools” may impact your child’s self-worth. Success is not solely defined by college admissions; it includes pursuing passions, building meaningful career opportunities, and continuing lifelong learning in a way that fits each student’s aspirations. We encourage you to join us in fostering a culture that prioritizes growth, exploration, and well-being over external pressures.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in creating a healthy, supportive academic environment at Del Norte.
Ty Eveleth, Principal
Del Norte High School
Nighthawks Together, One Flock Forever!
Upcoming Events
- District Recess/School Closed - February 17 - 21, 2025
- Trimester 2 Final Exams (adjusted bell schedules) - March 5 - March 7, 2025
- First day of Trimester 3 (adjusted bell schedule) - March 10, 2025
Beyond the Buzzer
Spring Sports Tryouts Starting Soon -
· Saturday Feb 8:
o Boys Lacrosse
o Girls Lacrosse
o Boys Volleyball
o Swim & Dive
· Monday Feb 10:
o Track & Field
Please visit the link here and go to the Team Page for tryout information; Team Information - Teams - DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL
Attention FALL 2025 athletes -
· It's not too early to think about scheduling your physical exams for Athletic Clearance (sometimes it can take months to get an appointment).
o The due date for FALL 2025 sports is MAY 30th.
Speed and Strength Schedule Changes (effective immediately) -
- Speed Workouts (meet at the lower fields):
- Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 4:00 PM
- Strength Workouts (meet in the weight room):
- Mondays & Wednesdays @ 4:00 & 5:00 PM
- Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 4:00 PM
Spring Sports
PE Waiver meeting for spring sports will be on Feb 25 & 26 at lunch. More information can be found here: https://delnorte.powayusd.com/apps/pages/PE-exemption
A Look Ahead
Del Norte Physical Night - May 28, 2025
Art Cares
Art Cares provides art instruction while promoting the values of art through connecting and caring.
Yearbook Sales are Soaring. Orders Yours Today!
Day Thought for the Nighthawk
Student Op-Ed by Smyan Khurana 10th grade
Hey Nighthawks? I hope everyone’s doing well! Speaking of being well, there is an infectious disease that has been going around called pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Whooping cough is caused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis, which affects the lungs and causes coughing fits. The bacteria releases toxins and causes damage to your airways, which results in irritation and some swelling. Nighthawks, make sure to wash your hands often and avoid contact with others who are coughing or ill. Some symptoms of Whooping cough are fevers, a runny nose, watery eyes and you guessed it, coughing! Rest when you need to, and don’t push yourself too hard, physically or mentally. Have a wonderful weekend Nighthawks!
Riding a Bike to School
From the San Diego Police Department Regarding Bike Safety
- Students under 18 years old are REQUIRED by law to wear a helmet when riding a bike, whether you are the driver or passenger.
- The bike must be ridden in the SAME direction as the flow of traffic.
- You may not ride an e bike with fixed pedals or pegs.
- E bikes are NEVER to be ridden on sidewalks.
Del Norte Bike Rules
- Students MUST walk their bikes on campus.
- Please pay close attention to pedestrians and cars.
- Remember to ALWAYS lock your bike in the bike rack. Gates are NOT for locking bikes.
- E bikes are not permitted at any sporting event.
- DO NOT take a bike that is not yours for any reason.
Volunteer Opportunities
Click on the icons below to see what's happening in the Nest...
Homelessness or Housing Insecurity Assistance
Dear Poway Unified School District Families
Poway Unified’s Youth in Transition (YIT) program assists children and youth experiencing homelessness with food, transportation, school supplies, and additional support during the school year. Those students who qualify lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes children and youth who are:
- Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. This can be doubled (living with one other family) and even tripled (living with two other families) up.
- Living in motels, hotels, due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations.
- Living in domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, transitional living programs, housing paid for by programs/vouchers, etc.
- Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings, or in a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
- Unaccompanied homeless youth who are living away from the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
- Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are children who are living in similar circumstances listed above.
If any of the above housing descriptions reflect your current housing situation, please fill out the attached short form and email it to Laura Upson at lupson@powayusd.com. You can learn more information about Youth in Transition here. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Del Norte is a CLOSED campus
Remember, Del Norte’s campus is closed during the school day. All students must remain on campus. This also includes the parking lot and vehicles. You must have an approved off-campus pass from the attendance office to leave campus or off role to leave campus prior to 3:35.
At Del Norte we cannot accept items to be picked up or delivered to students during the instructional day in the front office. Please ensure that your Nighthawk has their lunch, phone, homework, clothing, athletic equipment, computer/Chromebook, books, etc. that they need for school before dropping them off.
Office Hours
Office hours for on-campus instruction at Del Norte occur on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, immediately following the second period. We ask that every student finds an academic location and engage in academic work during this time. Teachers may require students to attend based on their academic performance in class. Office hours provide an opportunity for students to receive extra help from teachers, complete missing assignments, and study for upcoming tests. This time is supplemental to regular instructional hours, and students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of it, especially if they need additional support in any subject.
Please review the attendance policy on the DNHS website. It is crucial for you to arrive to class on time every day to not miss important information from your teachers. Traffic is going to continue to be busy for the next few days, allow an extra 10-15 minutes to make it through traffic lights, park, AND walk to class. Detentions for tardies will start on September 19th if you have 6 or more tardies or truancies in the first 3 weeks of starting school. If there are barriers to your student arriving to school on time, please refer them to their counselor or administrator for support.
Communication Expectations for Resolving Concerns
Concerns involving Grading, Curriculum, or Instruction
Classroom procedures
Classroom behavior
Individual student grades
Step 1: Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Assistant Principal supervising specific content area, if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Principal
*Please know that you will be referred back to a previous step if that step has yet to be completed. At Del Norte High School, we believe in resolving concerns at the lowest level.
Student Behavior
If behavior is occurring in the classroom
Step 1: Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Assistant Principal supervising specific content area, if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Principal
If behavior is occurring outside of the classroom
Step 1: Site Assistant Principal of your student’s last name alpha, if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Principal
Step 1: Coach; if not resolved...
Step 2: Site Athletic Director; if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Assistant Principal over Athletics; if not resolved…
Step 4: Site Principal; if not resolved…
Please reference the DNHS Athletics Guide/Handbook regarding student, parent, and coach expectations.
Parking and Dropping Off
Traffic is extremely heavy the first few weeks of school as we welcome back all our Nighthawks to the Nest. Plan accordingly and drive with extra caution as the community settles in. Please be respectful of each other and our neighbors when parking on side streets around campus. On time attendance to classes is critical to student success, please see that your Nighthawk gets to school on time.
If you will be dropping your student off in the front of the school, use the traffic circle off the main school entrance on Nighthawk Lane. Do not enter the staff lot off Nighthawk Lane. The traffic circle gets congested in the morning and immediately after school, so be cautious and patient when dropping off your student.
ADA Accessible Parking on Campus
Attention Nighthawk Families!
It has been brought to the attention of the Administration Team that some of our ADA compliant parking spaces are being used by individuals that are not legally permitted to use them. In an effort to provide access for all, we ask that you not park in our ADA spots unless you are legally permitted to do so. As a reminder, California Penal Code 22507.8 states that illegally using an ADA parking spot can result in a $421 fine. Thanks for you attention to this matter.