OC MAS Secondary Newsletter - May 3
Your Bi-Weekly Newsletter for Grades 5-9

Dear MAS Families,
We have already completed one full month of the new school year! To say we are excited to see your children back in the building is an understatement. We pride ourselves in impacting and influencing the lives of all students who walk through the doors at MAS daily. As your new school leader of Middle and High School students at our Old Coors campus, I am delighted to be a member of the MAS leadership team — and more importantly — a part of the family of educators and academic leaders entrusted to shepherd your children into their greatness.
Just a little about me:
- I am a Jamaican-born educator with more than 25 years of service.
- I have been by many organizations for my outstanding contributions to education and training.
- I have led a number of schools in their efforts to improve on their already impressive results.
I want to give your children the very best that MAS has to offer. At the end of your children’s academic journey I am hopeful that, with you as our partner in engaging our students in their own education, you will become equally proud as parents by the end of their journey here.
MAS’ goals — the ones that lead to the success of all students — are well defined and clear. As a leader, I am working feverishly with the entire Old Coors campus team to ensure all students under my leadership that they are on a MISSION — a pathway that will have them ready to ACHIEVE and ultimately to become SUCCESSFUL. However, this can only happen if you partner wholeheartedly with us every step of the way. We need you on board, so that we can help your children GROW and GLOW.
Lastly, I am passionate about what I do as an educator. I leave nothing to chance when it comes to the development of our children. Therefore, I encourage you as parents to join us on this movement of excellence. Marva Collins said it best: “Excellence is not an act, it's a habit.” Join us and let's run together so our children can all excel in whatever area or field they so desire.
I am here for your children. Let's do this. Together we CAN.
Thank you,
Dr. O'Neil B. Ankle
Middle and Secondary School Leader
MAS Old Coors Campus
Liam Ontiveros - 5th Grade (NMSU cohort)
Keep it going and continue being an example.
“Success in school begins with showing up. Your attendance shapes your academic journey.” ~ Unknown
Average Daily Attendance Update
Our goal for average daily attendance is 95%. When students in a grade level meet the goal for a full week, they earn a Dress Down Day the following Monday. When they reach 100% attendance on any day, they earn a Dress Down Day the following day!
The month of August, average daily attendance for each grade level was as follows:
5th grade: 94%
6th grade: 94%
7th grade: 94%
8th grade: 94%
9th grade: 92%*
10th grade: 94%
All of Middle and Secondary: 93%
As you can see, all grade levels are below our goal — but not by much! Help your student(s) to be in school every day! ATTENDANCE MATTERS. This will surely help students to be better prepared and ready for their state examinations.
* Our grade nine student must pay particular attention to their attendance pattern as this will affect credits for graduation.
COMING SOON: Incentive for cohorts that have 95% attendance or better to help celebrate those cohorts that are meeting the set target.
2. Catch kids being good.
3. Set limits and be consistent with your discipline.
4. Make time for your kids.
5. Be a good role model.
6. Make communication a priority.
7. Be flexible and willing to adjust your parenting style.
8. Show that your love is unconditional.
Secondary School Leader (Principal):
Dr. O'Neil B. Ankle
5th Grade
PETE PHILLIPS: Pete.phillips@mascharterschool.com
MARNA HERRICK: Marna.herrick@mascharterschool.com
LIZ GARCIA: Liz.garcia@mascharterschool.com
CASIE PERKINS: Casie.perkins@mascharterschool.com
VICTOR CARILLO: Victor.carillo@mascharterschool.com
ABRAHAM RIMBERT: Abraham.rimbert@mascharterschool.com
EDGIN MONERA: Edgin.monera@mascharterschool.com
6th Grade
TARIK BLACKWELL: Tarik.blackwell@mascharterschool.com
PHOEBE RANCES: Phoebe.rances@mascharterschool.com
LATONYA WOODSON: Latonya.woodson@mascharterschool.com
TONY KING: Tony.king@mascharterschool.com
LaFLAVIA BLACK: Laflavia.black@mascharterschool.com
7th Grade
SETH PACKERT: Seth.packer@mascharterschool.com
MANICKAM ANDAL: Manickam.andal@mascharterschool.com
SHARON ALI: Sharon.ali@mascharterschool.com
DYLAN GREGORY: Dylan.gregory@mascharterschool.com
MELANIE ROSARIO: Melanie.rosario@mascharterschool.com
LANIKA RODRIQUEZ: Lanika.rodriguez@mascharterschool.com
8th Grade
SPANDANA CHANDOLU: Spandana.chandolu@mascharterschool.com
MICHAEL CARRASCO: Michael.carrasco@mascharterschool.com
CEMMA GUYADEEN: Cemma.guyadeen@mascharterschool.com
JUSTIS VINING: Justis.vining@mascharterschool.com
SAVANNAH LOPRESTI: Savannah.lopresti@mascharterschool.com
Intervention: GABRIEL LITTLE: Gabriel.little@mascharterschool.com
9th /10th Grade
ANDREW GOTSHALL: Andrew.gotshall@mascharterschool.com
CARLTON DONAGHE: Carlton.donaghe@mascharterschool.com
DEIDRA FAULKNER: Deidra.faulkner@mascharterschool.com
CARL ESSARY: Carl.essary@mascharterschool.com
BRYCE WILLIS: Bryce.willis@mascharterschool.com