Location, Location, Location!!!!
with Mrs. Berry
WEEK OF October 8
Where in the world are we???
Here are some helpful hints for helping with our New IB unit: · Look at maps (any kind!) · Check the weather · Go on Google Earth (so cool) · Ask your child to describe the weather and what they should wear
In order to assist in preventing the spread of illness, students should not be given fever-reducing medication in order to return to school. In addition, the following guidelines have been established regarding the exclusion and readmission to school due to illness: Diarrhea/Watery Stool Vomiting Fever (low or high grade) Please do not send your child to school if they have had a fever in the past 24 hours. This means they are contagious. While Tylenol may help hold the fever for a few hours, the children are still contagious. Please keep them out of school- we want them in top shape to learn and grow!!
Form JGC 6 on the Cobb County Website
Curriculum Corner
Fahrenheit: a scale of temperature
Lines of Inquiry
Location has effects on temperature (connection)
We use a variety of tools to measure multiple types of weather (form)
Locate Continents (form)
Patterns of change in weather bring seasons (change)
How we Express Ourselves
IB Unit: Location
Central Idea: Location and weather patterns impact people
Learner Profile Traits:
Questions to ask at home
Math- How do I tell time? What do the hands of a clock mean?
Writing- How do I write a narrative writing piece? How do I edit my writing?
Daily 5/Language Arts- How do I describe the character, setting, and main events in a story?
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends?
IB Unit: How does location and weather patterns impact people?
Specials for the Week
THURSDAY-Learning Lab
Special Dates: October 11th: EARLY RELEASE October 15-19th: Conference Week October 19th: Career Day October 23rd: GRUB Spirit Night October 26th: 3rd-5th Talent Show
Berry's Busy Bees
Have you checked out Mrs. Crosby’s blog? If not, you should definitely check it out. There is TONS of information on her page!
Are you interested in being a presenter for Career Day? If so, please feel free to email Corinna.Oliver@cobbk12.org or Sherise.Harris@cobbk12.org to volunteer. Career day is October 19th!
Email: tara.berry@cobbk12.org
Website: https://berrysbusybees.blogspot.com/
Location: Teasley Elementary School, Spring Hill Parkway, Smyrna, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 437-5945