
Community ~ Equity ~ Growth
Important Dates Ahead
- 09-17 - MAP Testing - Reading
- 09/18 - MAP Testing - Math
- 09/18 - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm
- 09/19 - MAP Testing - Finishing up tests
- 09/19 - Back to School Night, 5pm - 6pm dinner; 6:15pm - 8pm classroom visits.
- 09/25 - Early Release Wednesday, School is dismissed at 1:45pm
- Click here for the full RGMS calendar
From the Principal - Lisa Newlyn
Hey Hey, Robert Gray!
Reflecting on our first few weeks of school, I am filled with Joy and Gratitude. RGMS has a warm tone; staff and students are happy to be back. Kids are learning and growing, building friendships with students and positive relationships with our Staff.
And so it is with Pride that we look forward to welcoming you all to our Back to School Night next week, Thursday night 09/19. Thanks to the PTA and the Cider Mill for providing a family feast starting at 5pm. Our schedule and menu are attached here. Following a few updates from me and our AP Miss Robin, families will be following their student's schedule. Each "period" is ten minutes.
- Dinner 5pm - 6pm
- Class Visits 6:15pm - 8pm
Asbestos Abatement Update from Brett Borgeson
We are thrilled to reopen our campus to students as renovations end.
This last year a lot of asbestos abatement work was conducted in the lower wing of the school. Attached is a report from Advantage Environmental dated January 2024 which was conducted in response to the water damage due to the severe winter storm.
A lot of pipe insulation was removed in the attic and areas that were part of the heating system and water lines. We are still waiting for the final closeout report for that section of abatement as some recent work was conducted late summer in the crawl space.
In the Advantage Environmental report, listed are the materials tested that included plaster and ceiling tiles of the lower wing that showed no asbestos content. There was floor tile glue residue that had a 2% asbestos content that had to be abated. A survey report of this type was needed as the lower wing ended up being gutted as many areas became saturated with water and were beyond repair. This report helps to determine the scope of asbestos abatement work to be conducted for a proper building restoration.
Projects of this size have somewhat of a delay for the final closeout report and we may not get it until this winter. We are requesting air clearance results from the environmental contractor in advance of the final report to help explain the clean up results to PPS staff. Air clearance results are part of the restoration process and a key step for protecting workers before build-back of the building interiors can be conducted.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Brett Borgeson, Senior Manager of Environmental Health & Safety: bborgeson@pps.net
RGMS New & Timely
Test Scores
Dear families, Historically, PPS has mailed standardized test scores to parents at the start of the school year. Beginning this year, score reports will no longer be mailed home. Instead, PPS has activated some test scores in ParentVue. Currently, Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) test results and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) results are available to view. Results are also available for students taking the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT). A few important things to know: You can access your student’s test by logging into your ParentVue account and clicking on the “Test History” tile. This will take you to the test score screen. There is also a tile called “Student Assessment Descriptions” that will take you to a web page providing a description of the assessment and context for the results. Not all assessment results details can be shared in ParentVue. If you do not yet have a ParentVue account set up – or if you have additional questions about testing and your student’s results – please contact your school. Sincerely, The PPS Research, Assessment & Accountability Team
Lockers Start Next Week
On Monday September 16th, students will begin using their lockers. We started talking about using lockers and strategies for students to keep their personal and school belongings organized and accesible.
Students have also learned about the RGMS Locker Expectations: Students must store their backpacks in their locker during the school day. We have talked to students about getting the required materials for each class so they have what they need. Students are allowed to go to their locker before/after school, and before/after lunch.
You can support your student by discussing their plan for what they need to bring for the morning classes and what they need to bring for their afternoon classes.
From the Office
If your student will be absent, please email grayattend@pps.net. Be sure to include your student's full name, date of absence and the reason for the absence.
From the Health Room
Temporary Health Accommodations during the school day:
Please notify Robert Gray and school nurse, Jennifer Novack, if your student needs an accommodation during the school day due to a temporary health condition . Medical documentation from your student's health care provider is required. Examples of temporary medical conditions include: broken bones, recovery from surgery, and extended illnesses such as mononucleosis.
If your students needs medications, including over the counter medicines like Tylenol, you must bring those to school in their original containers and complete a short form so we can supervise it's use.
Questions? email: jnovack@mesd.k12.or.us
ADPI Affinity Group
Quick Links
RGMS Weekly Announcements are LIVE!
RGMS Reminders and Weekly Announcements
From the School Nurse
Use this link to the School Nurse and Health Room Services Webpage for lot's of good information for parents.
IBW Basketball Conditioning and Skills Practice
See this flyer for more information.
School Pictures - Not Too Late To Order
Dear Parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number. Picture Day ID is EVT44447T.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
ParentVue Trick
The ParentVue trick to not getting your account disabled is to only try passwords twice, then just click on forgot password.
After 3 unsuccessful password tries your account is disabled. When disabled you have to call the school and have the office enable your account. Then to complete the reset, you have to click on forgot password and update your password.
RGMS Counselors' Contact Information
Gray's counselors are Lisa Hyde, A-K & Laureen Held, L-Z.
Lisa Hyde - lhyde@pps.net
Laureen Held - lheld@pps.net
You can also contact them through this link: https://bit.ly/2024-25RGMSCounselorHelp
Donations through SchoolPay
What is School Pay?
Throughout the year we will use School Pay as a way for families to pay for a variety of things. Currently, we are asking families to consider making small donations to offset printing costs for student planners, handbooks, class supplies and other curricular tools.
School Pay is a convenient way to pay school donations with a debit card or credit card. Use this link, https://pps.schoolpay.com/, to enter the School Pay site. Set up an account if you don't already have one.
Donation items are grouped by grade level.
PPS PIL Cross Country
The first Cross Country practice was Tuesday, August 27th, 4pm, covered area. Practices are held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays at Gray, 4pm to 5:30pm. It's not too late to join!
We meet on the field each practice day.
Our website has more information. Wells Youth Cross Country 2024
Mark your calendars for the first PTA meeting of the school year! Please join us on Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the library at Robert Gray. We also host via zoom for anyone who prefers to join virtually here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 8223 9102
Passcode: 368760
Mark you calendars for our annual Run For Gray which is currently scheduled for Friday, October 18th. This is a really fun event and we are looking for parent volunteers. Please sign up here if interested.
We are always looking for parents interested in advocating for better funding for public schools to interface with PAT, Oregon PTA and Parents for public schools. Please reach out directly to Kirsten Carr if interested.
Please consider becoming a member of Robert Gray Middle School PTA and/or donating to our PTA.
To join please visit this page on the Oregon PTA website, select Robert Gray MS PTA, complete the form, and make a payment online. If you’re unable to join the PTA online, please contact the PTA secretary.
Your donation through the RGMS PTA funds improvements to the school beyond what PPS provides, such as events, special programs, community outreach, classroom supplies, student-serving needs and more. This school year, the PTA’s budgeted expenses are over $46,000- approximately $95 per student. If you’re able, please donate to support the PTA here.
Get RGMS Text Alerts!
Get text alerts about school closures, delays, emergencies and school events:
Text YES to 68453
Fliers Approved for Distribution by PPS
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
Maplewood Tennis After School Zone (Oct. 8 - Nov. 19)
Portland Parks & Recreation Environmental Education Nature Field Trips (flyer for teachers)
VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Preschool Programs:
Multnomah Early Childhood Program Peer Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali) (Korean) (Arabic) (Persian)Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
Community Events & Information:
Multnomah County Common Application
City of Portland 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
Multnomah County Free Community Vaccination Clinic (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays)
(English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)Multnomah County Student Health Centers (fliers in English, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese):
About Us
Email: lnewlyn@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/gray
Location: 5505 Southwest 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 916-5676
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertgraymiddleschool
Attendance Reporting: grayattend@pps.net