AE Weekly Newsletter
March 9, 2025
PTO Spirit Wear Store
Annville-Cleona PTO has updated the spirit wear store with the new district logos. Visit the store here to shop and have items directly shipped to your home.
PTO Parent Survey
The PTO would like information from you regarding how to best serve our students and schools. Please take a few moments to complete this survey - linked here.
Fifth-Grade Puberty Lessons
Fifth-grade students will be having a puberty lesson and viewing videos as part of their health
instruction. The videos are age-appropriate materials used as part of our health curriculum on
the endocrine system and the introduction of puberty.
The girls, under the supervision of the school nurse, will view “Always Changing and Growing
Up for Girls," a video on female puberty and menstruation. The boys will view the “Always Changing and Growing Up for Boys” male puberty education video under the supervision of the physical education teacher. If you are interested in viewing any of these videos, the “Always Changing” series can be found on YouTube.com.
** March 11, 2025: Mrs. Wisniewski Day 1 (9:40-10:20 am)
**March 11, 2022: Mr Phillips Day 1 (10:25-11:05 am)
**March 13, 2025: Mfrs. lacavone Day 3 (10:25-11:05 am)
**March 18, 2025: Mr. Deiter Day 5 (9:40-10:20 am)
** March 18, 2025: Mrs. Shaak Day 5 (10:25-11:05 am)
**Please notify the school nurse, Mrs. Speraw, if you prefer NOT to have your child participate in the
puberty lesson and would like to have an alternative educational opportunity at that
Kids' Night
FCCLA will be having a Kids’ Night on Friday, March 21st from 5-8 PM in the High School cafeteria. This event is open to children K-6th grade. Cost is $30 for one child and an additional $10 per child for children from the same family. We will serve dinner and have games and crafts planned for your child. Register your child for a fun night with FCCLA! FCCLA Kids' Night Registration
Online Safety Speaker
Special Agent Jason Swan of the U.S. Secret Service will present internet safety programs to our students on March 18, 2025. Agent Swan has been a highly-rated speaker at the district's SAFETiNET conference for the past two years, and his sessions have been extremely well-attended.
In addition to the student assemblies, Agent Swan will also present a special program for parents and the public at 7:00 PM on March 18, 2025, in the Secondary School Auditorium. This presentation will summarize the student sessions and offer valuable information for parents on how to help their children navigate the online world safely.
Parents who wish to opt their child out of the daytime assembly should provide written notice to their child's school office.
March 18, 2025, Schedule of Events:
- 7:45 AM – Secondary School Assembly
- 9:30 AM – Annville Elementary Assembly
- 1:15 PM – Cleona Elementary Assembly
- 7:00 PM – Parent and Public Presentation, Secondary School Auditorium
Evening Location:
Annville-Cleona Secondary School Auditorium
520 S White Oak St
Annville, PA 17003
AE Events
- 3/3-3/7 - Read Across America Week
- 3/6 - PTO Meeting - 5:00 at Cleona Elementary
- 3/19-3/21 - AE Book Fair
- 4/1 - End of Third Marking Period
A-C Community Bulletin Page
Don't forget to check out the Community Bulletin Page on the District Website for the many events happening in our A-C Community linked here!
School Spotlight
Congratulations to our third and fourth-grade boys basketball team for winning first place at Northern Lebanon's tournament last weekend!
This week, we celebrated Read Across America! We had guest readers, themed dress days, special activities, buddy reading, and so much more. We all loved getting to celebrate reading and books of all kinds!
Stay Connected
Follow Us on X (formally Twitter): @AnnvilleElem