Minidoka Jr. High Parent Newsletter

Important Date:
February 17: President's Day No School
Student Spotlight
This Month's spotlight is on Mia Amen! Mia has just started attending MJH in the past few weeks, but is already working hard in class, meeting expectations, and pushing through adversity like a champ! Way to hit the ground running, Mia!
Immunization Survey
Teacher Corner
Mr. Bell
6th grade has begun an inquiry looking into the different causes of the Bronze Age Collapse, and we will soon learn about the Phoenicians and the origins of our alphabet!
7th graders are ending their look into the spreading of ideas in Ancient China by making their own infographic posters, then will begin learning about Korea and Japan!
8th graders have finished their research into attitudes towards immigration in American history, and now are working to make their own opinion on how the US views immigration as a whole!
Mr. Jarvis
6th Grade Science are experimenting with Particle Motion in different temperatures of liquids to determine if water particles are moving and if they are moving differently in different liquids.
Mr. Bruns
I would like to shout out a few students who recently promoted grades and are working especially hard to complete a full year's worth of math in a single semester - Aron and Horaciojose. Keep up the good work, guys, and don't give up! For other students who recently promoted grades, make sure you talk to Mr. Bruns to ask about recovering a math credit and STICK WITH IT.
Mrs. Bruns
In English class, most students had a great start to their semester by asking questions and working well with others. We have welcomed a big group of new students this semester. Welcome to Arturo, Aubree, Citlali, Jordan, Luis, Mia, RyKer, Samuel, Serenity, and Trinity. I look forward to seeing what Minidoka Junior High students will accomplish together this semester.
Students worth CELEBRATING this month are: Aubree for completing work and asking questions when she is unsure what to do, Trinity for asking good questions and fixing work to improve her grade, and Luis for being extra responsible and completing all English classwork from the first two weeks on his first day.
All students are expected to keep current with their work to be most successful. This semester students will be able to fix English class work for an improved grade ONLY if it was turned in when it was due. Work turned in late will earn, at most, half credit. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Minidoka Schools App
We are excited to share the new Minidoka Schools App. You can download the app by visiting your mobile device's app store. The app is a quick, easy way to access information about our schools. Watch this short video tutorial with a quick overview of the app.
Health Care Services
Dyann Blood
Please review the consent below. If you have any questions, contact 208-436-4727.
Helpful Resources
Information for Parents/Guardians
- Parents/Guardians have the right to request professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals.
- Parent/Patron Advisory Committee meets monthly at 12:30 here at our building. Lunch is provided, and parents/guardians have the opportunity to be part of the decision making process for our schools. We would love to have you participate as you can.