Dragon News
Findley Elementary School
December 6, 2024
Message from the Principal
Greetings Findley Community~
This week, as I have been out and about during arrival, I have noticed many cars taking a left out of the Thompson Lot. As a reminder during arrival and dismissal ONLY right hand turns are permitted. Perhaps you don't notice or realize that when you don't turn right, and you are waiting to take a left, it backs up all the traffic in the parking lot holding up everyone behind you. In just a few short weeks, going right will be your only option. Now is the time to start practicing that new route!
This week during PE classes, students will be participating in Scooter Town! A pedestrian safety class designed to teach students about following traffic and pedestrian rules. You can read more about Scooter Town and watch a short video below.
Don't forget to RSVP to the Sing-a-Long below if you plan to attend this fun, festive Findley Tradition.
Enjoy the weekend!
With Gratitude~
Sherry Marsh
New Information
Winter Sing-a-Long
The annual Winter Sing-a-Long is scheduled for
Friday December 20, 2024 from 8:20-8:50ish.
This event is a favorite Findley tradition for our entire school community.
Our new security system calls for some updates in procedures this year.
If you are planning to join us as a spectator for this fun, festive event
you will need RSVP prior to Dec. 13
We will need information for any and all family members planning to attend.
Extended adult family members are invited to attend, but as a reminder, elementary school age or younger siblings are not permitted to attend (even if they are in a stroller or backpack).
Name badges will be ready for pick-up the morning of the Sing-a-Long.
🪀Great Toy Drive🧸
Findley Elementary has partnered up with KGW's The Great Toy Drive to bring joy to families in need this holiday season. We are asking for your help in donating new, unwrapped toys to be dropped off in the office bin.
We know that many families are facing challenges, and we want to do our part to spread holiday cheer and make a positive impact. Together, we can make a difference and help bring joy to those in need this holiday season.
Our goal is to collect at least 100 toys to donate by December 16th! Did you know, that if every student brought in a toy, we would have more than 500 toys to donate?!
Thank you for your support and willingness to join us in making a difference in our community.
Let’s Make a Difference Together! 🧦🩲 Findley’s Fifth Grade Annual Drive is Here!
Dear Findley Families,
We’re thrilled to kick off Findley’s Fifth Grade Service Project: Sock, and Underwear Drive starting NOW!
This is an incredible opportunity for our fifth-grade service project to shine and for all of us to make a meaningful impact in our community.
Here’s how you can help:
🎁 What to Donate:
- New socks (all sizes)
- New underwear (all sizes)
📍 Where to Donate:
- Kids: Bring items to your classroom and add to our growing collection.
- Parents: Drop off donations in the bins at the front entrance lobby.
Donations will directly support:
- Beaverton School District’s Clothes for Kids (formerly Beaverton Clothes Closet).
🗓️ Final Collection Date: December 18th
Let’s show the power of our Findley community and make this year’s drive the best yet! Together, we can spread warmth, kindness, and care to those who need it most.
Thank you for your generosity and for teaching our kids the joy of giving back.
With gratitude
Your Fifth Grade Team and Students
Updates from PE Specialists
A lot of jumping has been happening in November!
Mr. Gorton has been working with students on development group routines to share with the class. There has been a strong emphasis on cooperation and being a positive part of a team. Meanwhile, students in Mr. Lindell's class have been working on developing their individual jump rope skills. Kindergarten and first grades students worked on getting multiple jumps in a row, while second and third grade focused on jumping over a rope that is turned backwards and other jump rope tricks. Students in fourth and fifth grade also developed group jump rope routines that included a variety of tricks they have learned throughout their years at Findley. We have been really impressed with the overall skills and perseverance the kids have shown.
In December, all Findley students will be receiving Scooter Town, a new and engaging activity about pedestrian safety. Scooter Town lessons, designed to be both educational and fun, involve an instructional video and hands-on practice in Scooter Town—a pretend town set up in the gym. Students take on various roles to practice pedestrian safety skills, ensuring an interactive and memorable learning experience. We are excited for the opportunity and know the kids will have a blast!
Click link above for a short video about Scooter Town!
Repeat Information
Reminder: Current Cell Phone & Smartwatch Policy
Feed Their Bodies, Feed Their Minds
This year, BEF is running the fundraising efforts for the district's winter break gift card drive. They've dubbed the campaign, "Feed Their Bodies, Feed Their Minds."
As part of that campaign, BEF is trying to be awarded a $10,000 grant from First Tech Credit Union. Please take 30 seconds to fill out this survey to increase its chances of winning. That grant could provide 300+ gift cards to BSD families in need.
Answers to questions 4-6:
4. Which nonprofit organization would you like to nominate?
5. In what city is the nonprofit organization located?
6. In what state is the nonprofit organization located?
Inclement Weather Information
When we experience inclement weather, school schedules can be affected — either by a delayed start, early release or school cancellation. The district makes decisions based on the ability of:
The district to operate school buses safely.
Students and parents/guardians to drive safely.
Students to walk to schools or bus stops safely.
Staff to get to work safely.
Decisions are made for the entire district. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
School delays or closures are typically communicated by 5:30 a.m. For the latest information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations. You also can find inclement weather protocols and snow routes online.
Look for a notification on ParentSquare.
Follow us on the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Spare Clothes
Do you have spare sweats/leggings that your student has outgrown? Our health room could use some more sweats/leggings for our students that get wet for one reason or another. (Kindy & 1st we do recommend that your student carry an extra set of cloths with them to school.)
Please drop off any donations to the office during school hours 8:00am-4:00pm.
Keep Up-to-Date with the Thompson Road realignment project!
UPDATE Closure #2 is Coming!
Thompson Rd between Saltzman and Findley Parking Lot will be closed after Winter Break for approximately 30 days, exact dates to come. Now is the time to think about alternative routes to school. Suggested Detour is noted on this document. More to come in the next couple of weeks.
Option Schools Applications-DUE December 13
Applications for 2025-2026 Option Schools will open and be available online on Monday October 14. Students must reside within the Beaverton School District boundary or currently attend a Beaverton School on an approved Interdistrict Transfer in order to apply to an Option school.
Students may only select one Option school on their application. They should give careful consideration to their choice of school. Once an application has been submitted, no changes will be allowed. We strongly encourage online applications.
Applications must be received online or in the Learning Options office no later than Friday, December 13 at 3:00 p.m. PST.
Current 5th-7th grade students and families who are unfamiliar with the Options Application process are invited to attend an Option Fair. The Option Fair will include a presentation on the application process and the opportunity to visit tables hosted by each Option School.
Current 5th-11th grade students and families who are interested in specific Option Schools are encouraged to attend one or more Open Houses hosted at each Option School. Visit the Learning Options webpage for more information and applications, as well as a complete list of Option Fairs and Open Houses.
Get your Yearbook Now
"Hello Parents! We are just getting started with compiling photos for Yearbook, but it's never too early to claim yours for the school year! The Findley 2024-2025 Yearbook Sales is now open through 4/18/2025.
We have heard from some parents that they never got one last year, we want to ensure everyone who wants one has ample time to place an order. The best way to guaranteed a copy for you and your family is through ordering on the website here: https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/bty/findmyschool School Code: 723485.
It will be $20 dollars + Taxes and applicable fees.
For questions, please contact the yearbook committee at findleyyearbook@gmail.com
Thank you,
Yearbook Team
(This is a PTO program)
As we move into the Cold and Flu season, please contact the office one of the 2 ways listed below to report any absences. Here is the Link for Too Sick for School.
Option 1 please leave Student Name > Student ID Number > Teacher Name > Reason for Absence.
This way everyone that needs to know about the absence is communicated with.
Volunteer Opportunities at Findley
Library - daily volunteers needed 8:40 - 9:40 - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Tuesday at lunch Recess - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Thursdays after school - Sign up Here
Passport Club - 1 Wednesday a month during 2nd - 5th grade lunch - Sign up Here
Important Dates
December 2024
9 No School - Staff Development
11 Passport Club
13 PTO Winter Social 6-8pm
14 Fall Clean-Up Day
20 Sing-a-Long & Pajama Day
23 - Jan 3 No School Winter Break
January 2025
6 Return to School
17 No School Staff Development
20 No School MLK Jr. Day
27 No School Grading Day
Regularly Scheduled PTO Activities
Chess Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:50-3:45pm
Findley Flyers: Thursdays, 2:50-3:20pm
Findley Elementary
Email: sherry_marsh@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://findley.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 4155 Northwest Saltzman Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-356-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findleyES