Monday Message Mensaje de lunes
8 de julio/July 8th, 2024
La Escuela Fratney Instagram Page
La Escuela Fratney Friends & Families; be sure to follow us on Instagram for more updates and reminders! Next fall we will be posting classroom photos and updates in addition to our Facebook page!
Familias & Amigos de La Escuela Fratney; asegúrese de seguirnos en Instagram para obtener más información y recordatorios!
Carnaval Anual Gratis/Annual Free Summer Carnival
Thursday, Aug 8, 2024, 05:00 PM
La Escuela Fratney/Fratney School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
School Engagement Council:
We have 2 School Engagement Members who have completed their terms. We are looking for a minimum of 2 more adults to join our School Engagement Council before our September meeting. Please review the attached information about the SEC. Call or email our parent coordinator Ms. Lisbel or Ms. Sara at schneisx@milwaukee.k12.wi.us or complete the nomination form before our school-wide Open House on Thursday, August 29th if you are interested in joining. We will hold elections and voting during our school wide open house on Thursday, August 29th so that all family members are in place before our September meeting per the district policy. We are looking for families to represent our diverse school population. We meet once a month. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 5 pm in the school library. Our first meeting of the upcoming school year will be on Wednesday, September 11th at 5 pm.
Consejo de Participación Escolar:
Tenemos 2 miembros del Consejo de Participación Escolar que han completado sus períodos. Estamos buscando un mínimo de 2 adultos más para unirse a nuestro Consejo de Participación Escolar antes de nuestra reunión de septiembre. Llame o envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra coordinadora de padres, Ms. Lisbel o Ms. Sara al schneisx@milwaukee.k12.wi.us o complete el formulario de nominación antes de nuestra Jornada de Puertas Abiertas para toda la escuela el jueves 29 de agosto si está interesado en unirse. Llevaremos a cabo elecciones y votaciones durante nuestra jornada de puertas abiertas en toda la escuela el jueves 29 de agosto para que todos los miembros de familia estén en su lugar antes de nuestra reunión de septiembre según la política. Deben poder reunirse una vez al mes. Estamos buscando familias que representen a nuestra diversa población escolar. Nos reunimos el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 5pm en la biblioteca de la escuela. Nuestra primera reunión del próximo año escolar será el miércoles 11 de septiembre a las 5pm.
Trabajar en La Escuela Fratney! Job Openings for a bilingual para and bilingual sped teacher
K4 Playdate and Parent Orientation/Tiempo de jugar y orientación de K4 para las familias
Meet students and families/conocer familias de K4
Learn more about K4 schedules, procedures, goals/Aprender acerca de K4
Talk with the teacher/Hablar con la maestra
Get La Escuela Fratney t-shirt/Reciba la camiseta de La Escuela Fratney
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 05:00 PM
La Escuela Fratney Elementary School The Fratney Elementary School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
K3 Playdate and Family Orientation/Tiempo de jugar y orientación de K3 para las familias
Meet students and families/conocer familias de K3
Talk with the teacher/Hablar con la maestra
Learn more about K3/aprender de K3
Get La Escuela Fratney t-shirt/Reciba la camiseta de La Escuela Fratney
Thursday, Aug 22, 2024, 05:00 PM
La Escuela Fratney Elementary School The Fratney Elementary School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
MPS Calendar
There will be one calendar for the whole district new year. Please review this calendar before making plans for trips or vacations. Students must be in school 95% of the time or more which means they can only miss 1 day a month the whole school year. Students who miss more than 10 days of school a year fall behind academically and socially. Make a plan now to be in school every day on time.
K5 Parent/Guardian Orientation
Learn about K5 schedules, curriculum, and procedures/Aprender acerca de K5
Meet your child's teacher/Conozca la maestra de su hijo/a
Meet K5 families/conocer familias de K5
Friday, Aug 23, 2024, 05:00 PM
La Escuela Fratney/Fratney School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
School-Wide Fall Open House
- Meet your teacher!
- See your classroom!
- Bring in your supplies!
- Fill our important paperwork
- Get CLC applications
- El Taco Feliz Taco Truck-portion of proceeds benefits Fratney recruitment and retention
- Kona Ice- portion of proceeds benefits Fratney recruitment and retention
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024, 04:30 PM
La Escuela Fratney Elementary School The Fratney Elementary School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Run Back to School
Saturday, Aug 24, 2024, 09:00 AM
MKE REC Wick Playfield, West Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 09:00 AM
La Escuela Fratney Elementary School The Fratney Elementary School, North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Here is the link for MPS volunteers
Stay Connected!
MPS offers tools to help families find the information and support they need. Log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, download the MPS App for updates, and follow us on social media. The Parent Coordinator at your child's school can also assist.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Technical Support Live Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) support is available from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. To recover a username/password: Parents/guardians should email parentportal@milwaukee.k12.wi.us. Include the parent/guardian name, child’s name, birth date, and a contact number. If you do not receive a phone call or email within 24 hours, please call (414) 475-8159 for further assistance. For assistance setting up a new Parent Portal account: Parents/guardians may call (414) 475-8159 or email parentportal@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
MPS App Get all the latest news and updates! Download the MPS App and follow us on social media. Fast access to news, updates, and the entire MPS website is available on the MPS App (for Apple and Android smartphone platforms). To download, use the links below.
La Escuela Fratney
Email: 182@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Website: http://www5.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/school/fratney/
Location: 3255 North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Phone: (414) 267-1100