Career and Technical Education
Region 17 ESC CTE Updates August 2, 2024
Required Annual Notification of Nondiscrimination for CTE Programs
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the United States Department of Education (USDE) requires that LEAs provide CTE programs, services and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has regulatory responsibilities for CTE programs in Texas public secondary schools and is required to adopt a civil rights compliance program to identify, remedy and/or prevent discrimination in the CTE programs operated by LEAs.
Requirements for compliance are found in the document, Vocational Education Programs Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex and Handicap (Guidelines). A link to the full text can be found at the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights Guidelines for Vocational Education Programs.
One important requirement of the Guidelines is that, prior to the start of each school year, every district providing CTE programs must notify students, parents, employees and the public that all career and technical education opportunities will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or disability. Local newspapers, social media, websites or other forms of media that reach the public may be utilized to disseminate the required notification. Information regarding this requirement can be found in Section IV-O of the Guidelines under Public Notification.
An English and Spanish version of a sample public notification form, which includes all required elements for complying with this requirement, may be downloaded from the TEA Methods of Administration (MOA) Guidance. Please note, the Guidelines state that if the LEA “contains a community of national minority persons with limited English language skills, public notification materials must be disseminated to that community in its language and must state that the district will take steps to assure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs.” Therefore, if your LEA contains communities that speak languages other than English or Spanish, it will also be necessary for the LEA to prepare and disseminate the required notice in those languages.
An LEA must take continuous steps to notify participants, beneficiaries, applicants, parents, employees (including persons with visual or auditory impairments), other interested parties and unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the LEA or campus that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age. A statement of nondiscrimination shall be included in publications and other materials that are distributed to or accessible by students, parents, applicants, beneficiaries, employees, unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the school system and other interested parties. An English and Spanish version of a sample public notification form, which includes all required elements for complying with this requirement, may be downloaded from the TEA Methods of Administration (MOA) Guidance.
Refreshed Programs of Study Framework Documents for 24-25 Available!
Perkins V is federal legislation requiring states that receive federal CTE funds to align CTE programs of study to high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill occupations. The Division of College, Career, and Military Preparation engaged members of the workforce, secondary education, and higher education to advise on the development and recent refresh of programs of study, which include coherent course sequences, industry-based certifications, and work-based learning opportunities to ensure students are prepared for high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill careers in Texas.
The refreshed programs of study framework documents are available here: CTE Programs of Study | Texas Education Agency. The editable framework documents link is located at the bottom of the above web page.
Changes Adopted 19 TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter B, Graduation Requirements
Some significant changes were adopted related to Graduation Requirements that will be relevant to how students can earn endorsements using CTE courses and Programs of Study. These changes will impact students who entered high school in the 2022-2023 school year or later.
We will be reviewing the changes at the following workshop on September 10, 2024.
Understanding Foundation High School Program Graduation Requirements
Register at https://txr17.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=1024680
Summary: The amendments update titles of courses and career and technical education (CTE) career clusters, align all CTE programs of study with endorsements, and make technical edits. The amendments were adopted with changes since published as proposed.
Second Reading and Final Adoption by SBOE: June 2024
Effective Date: August 1, 2024
State Board of Education (SBOE) Rules Posted for Public Comment
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter J, Hospitality and Tourism
Summary: The proposed amendment would make technical adjustments to prerequisites to align with the recently revised career and technical education programs of study.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta efectuaría ajustes técnicos a requisitos previos con la finalidad de armonizarse con los programas de estudio de educación profesional y técnica (CTE) recientemente reformados.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: June 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: August 2, 2024-5:00 p.m. on September 3, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in September 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. A form for submitting public comments on proposed SBOE rules is available on the proposed SBOE rules web page.
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register
Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 130, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education, Subchapter A, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Subchapter D, Business Management and Administration, and Subchapter P, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Summary: The proposed amendments would make technical adjustments to course titles, prerequisites, and corequisites to align with the recently revised career and technical education programs of study.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas efectuarían ajustes técnicos a títulos, requisitos previos y correquisitos de cursos con la finalidad de armonizarse con los programas de estudio de educación profesional y técnica recientemente reformados.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: June 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: August 2, 2024-5:00 p.m. on September 3, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in September 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. A form for submitting public comments on proposed SBOE rules is available on the proposed SBOE rules web page.
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register
Please see the TEA website to view proposed State Board of Education rules.
CCMR Tracker Release: Part II Available
The College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Tracker Part II is now available in the TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application.
The CCMR Tracker Part II provides districts with a means to track CCMR indicator completion throughout high school for students reported as enrolled in grades 9–12 on the TSDS PEIMS October 2023 snapshot date impacting 2024 accountability ratings. Corrections cannot be submitted to TEA; this report is for informational purposes only.
The 2024 CCMR Tracker is released in stages:
- Part I March 29, 2024: CCMR outcomes reported through TSDS PEIMS, TSIA results, and OnRamps course completion through the 2022–23 school year; SAT, ACT, AP, IB and level I/II certificate results through the 2021–22 school year
- Part II July 26, 2024: CCMR outcomes for SAT, ACT, AP, IB, and level I/II certificates through the 2022–23 school year
Additional information regarding CCMR indicators can be found in the 2024 Accountability Manual. More information about the CCMR Tracker can be found in the CCMR Tracker One Pager as well as Interpreting CCMR Tracker Methodology and Sources Part II which are available on the Performance Reporting Resources webpage
CCMR Final Listing coming Friday, August 2nd
The Final 2024 CCMR Student Listing will be released within TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application on August 2nd. These data download will contain the 2024 CCMR data for 2022–23 annual graduates and 2022–23 non-graduating 12th graders, including applicable corrections submitted and approved through the 2024 CCMR Verifier. This data will be used to calculate the CCMR components for 2024 accountability ratings
Class of 2022 CCMR OB Listings and Reports Available
The final Class of 2022 Annual Graduates CCMR OB Student Listings are now available in the TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application. The final Class of 2022 CCMR OB Counts by District and explanatory resources are also now available on the Performance Reporting Resources webpage.
The final student listings and reports are an update to the previously released Early CCMR OB Counts by District 2022 Graduates file, announced in this TAA. Early counts were based on actual data for the graduating class; the last set of data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has been processed and these reports are now final.
Attention Business, Marketing, and Finance Teachers!
The Sod Poodles and District 8 DECA have partnered to offer regional business and marketing students a unique opportunity to gain insights into the daily operations of a sports-related work environment.
No active DECA chapter on your campus? No problem! If you're interested in learning more about this event, please contact Brittany Wright, District 8 DECA Director, at bwright@lcisd.net for details.
Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) Information
The Texas Association of Future Educators or TAFE (pronounced "taffy") is a co-curricular statewide non-profit (501 c3) student organization created to allow young men and women an opportunity to explore the teaching profession. The organization was created in 1984 to provide the best and brightest high school and middle school students in Texas with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions about pursuing careers in education. We would love to encourage you to explore the benefits of offering a TAFE chapter in your district! Please visit the link below or contact Krista Scott, kscott@andrews.esc18.net, Area 8 President Teacher Leader.
Fall CTE Workshop Opportunities
10 Understanding Foundation High School Program Graduation Requirements
24 Floral Workshop - registration coming soon!
25 Floral Workshop - registration coming soon!
25 Career and Technical Education Directors/Administrators - Quarterly Meeting
30 New CTE Administrator Training Series: CTE Resources
8 CTE Finance Workshop (hosted by TASBO and CTAT in Abilene)
10 South Plains Career Expo for Students - registration coming soon!
15 CTE and PEIMS - Connecting the Dots
21 Dual Credit Admission and Registration 101
22 Introduction to LEGO robotics and the Get Excited About Robotics (GEAR) Competition
23 Experienced CTE Administrator Training: Supporting CTE Teachers
29 EDUCON Event for students interested in education careers – Email Heather Blount to register! hblount@esc17.net
5 Use of sensors in LEGO Robotics
7 New CTE Administrator Training Series: Partnerships
11 Creating an Adulting 101 High School Course
11 How to Become the FCS “Techy” Teacher: Integrating Technology and AI into the FCS Classroom
13 Career and Technical Education Directors/Administrators - Quarterly Meeting
13 Serving Special Education Students through Career and Technical Education
12 Unlocking the Future: AI Integration in CTE - registration coming soon!
SPC and Region 17 Workshop Series
October 21—Dual Credit Admission and Registration 101 --https://txr17.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=1040284
March 3 – Academic Advising for Dual Credit and College Bound HS Students https://txr17.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=1040286
June 9 – Technology Use in Dual Credit Courses https://txr17.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=1040288
Career Exploration Events for 8th Graders Sponsored by Workforce Solutions
SAVE THE DATE! South Plains Career Expo
Heather Blount
Email: hblount@esc17.net
Website: www.esc17.net
Location: 1111 West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-281-5817