WOTC 4-H November 2024
Monthly Newsletter

🎉 Re-Enroll for the 2024-2025 4-H Year! 🎉
WOTC 4-H members should RE-ENROLL for the new year via 4-H Online ASAP!
Update & submit the following information in 4-H Online to re-enroll:
- Family's contact and demographic information - including club, school, and grade
- Each family member's health and emergency contact information
- Project areas of interest for the 2024-2025 4-H year
- Parental consent is required for youth participating in SS&W program!
Use this guide if you run into any issues or contact Jessica & Rachel with questions you may have!
Fall Livestock Day Camp
Friday, November 15 from 9AM - 3PM @ Northland Community & Technical College in Thief River Falls, MN
It's never too early to start thinking about the next show season and beyond!
This day camp is open to youth in grades 6+ and will include a campus tour of Northland Community & Technical College in Thief River Falls, MN, opportunities for youth to learn about how to keep livestock healthy, a farm tour, and different ways drones are used in agriculture. Lunch is included.
Click HERE to learn more!
COST: $5
⭐ Register in 4-H Online by TODAY - November 1! ⭐ There are limited spots available!
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Macy Miller at mill6661@umn.edu or Jessica & Rachel if you have further questions.
Fergus Falls LEGO Club
The next Fergus Falls LEGO Club is this upcoming Monday, November 4!
LEGO Club meets from 3:30 - 4:45PM in the Roosevelt Education Center for grades 4-6!
Contact Jessica at mohag150@umn.edu with any questions you may have.
AVT: Amplifying Youth Voice
THANK YOU to our 20+ youth, volunteers, and adults who attended AVT this past Monday!
Take a look at the slideshow that led our training!
- The slides include notes taken from the training of what participants discussed.
- Learn more about Hart's Ladder of Youth Engagement. Where does your club function most of the time on this ladder? What could your club stop, start, and continue doing for more effective adult-youth partnerships to occur?
- Here are a few strategies to support youth voice in your club. Which strategies would be easy to implement into your club to advocate youth voice?
National Camp T-Shirt Day
Wear your favorite 4-H Camp t-shirt on Tuesday, November 12!
Take a picture and post it - make sure to tag WOTC 4-H!
Junior Camp, for youth in grades 3-6, will be Thursday, June 12 - Friday, June 13, 2025!
4-H Holiday Sock Fundraiser
Looking for a fun and festive holiday stocking stuffer?
Keep your eyes open for a broadcast email about WOTC 4-H's sock fundraiser that will go towards further Food Stand improvements! Further details regarding start and end dates, price, and the percentage WOTC 4-H gets back will be included in that announcement!
Horse PDC
The next meeting is on Monday, January 6, 2025!
Our PDCs' purpose is to provide a welcoming environment, hands-on learning, youth participation and leadership, and produce high quality projects. Here are the educational programs that Horse PDC has decided to pursue this 4-H year:
- Applying for State Fair Bonus Trip in 2025.
- Possibly host a retreat at the Fairgrounds to prepare for the 2025 WOTC Fair.
- Host a social and have an information board at the 2025 WOTC Fair to help answer questions.
- Seek and bring in clinicians.
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Horse PDC Public Folder" below and clicking on the red folder titled "2024-2025 Meeting Minutes."
Horse PDC Meeting
Monday, Jan 6, 2025, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Livestock PDC
The next meeting is on Monday, January 27, 2025!
Our PDCs' purpose is to provide a welcoming environment, hands-on learning, youth participation and leadership, and produce high quality projects. Here are the educational programs that Livestock PDC has decided to pursue this 4-H year:
- Applying for State Fair Bonus Trip(s) in 2025.
- Distribute ribbons at 2025 WOTC Fair 4-H Livestock Shows.
- Present demonstrations for 4-H'ers and the general public at the 2025 WOTC Fair.
- Facilitate "Prepare for the Fair" event in June 2025.
- Possibly establish a Livestock Mentorship program.
- Seek and host professional clinics.
- Attend community club meetings to inform members what Livestock PDC has been up to! Want to request a Livestock PDC member to attend your club meeting? Talk to your club leader about what you would like to hear about more specifically; they have access to a request form!
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Livestock PDC Public Folder" below by clicking on the red folder titled "2024-2025 Meeting Minutes."
Livestock PDC Meeting
Monday, Jan 27, 2025, 05:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Newest 4-H'er arriving January 2025!
Rachel will be on parental leave from January 6 - April 21 (tentatively).
Jessica and Brianna will be the primary contact for members, families, and volunteers while Rachel is unavailable during parental leave. We are very hopeful that there will be an interim in place during Rachel's parental leave that will continue carrying out her responsibilities and supporting Jessica and Brianna!
4-H Explorers in Agriculture
Youth in grades 6-8 embark on a 5-week webinar program from Tuesday, November 12 - December 10 @ 7:30PM
The Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors are your dedicated tour guides on this exciting self-guided program. Each week, a new country - Cambodia, Poland, & Canada - will be unlocked for you to explore, revealing fascinating insights into how agriculture shapes lives and communities across the globe. You’ll dive into unique farming practices, discover different crops, and learn about the diverse ways people grow food in various climates and cultures.
But the adventure doesn’t stop there! At the end of each week, a special guest speaker from the country you’ve been exploring will join us for an in-depth discussion. These experts will share their firsthand experiences, answer your questions and provide you with a deeper understanding of the agricultural practices in their homeland.
Click HERE to learn more!
There is no cost!
⭐ Register in 4-H Online by November 8! ⭐
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Anja Johnson at akoester@umn.edu or Brain McNeill at mcnei006@umn.edu if you have further questions.
4-H Outdoor Education Summit
Saturday, November 23 at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in East Bethel, MN
Come for a fun-filled day of project workshops for Cloverbuds through adult volunteers! Sessions will include Cloverbud Outdoor Day Camp, wilderness survival, skill identification, environmental service leadership, and more! Adult sessions include SS&W certification training, curriculum training, and how to lead a 4-H WHEP team (see below).
Click HERE for more information!
Cost varies by session; Free - $20
⭐ Register in 4-H Online by November 8! ⭐
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Nicole Pokorney at pokorney@umn.edu and Reilley Rode at rrode@umn.edu if you have questions.
Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP)
Learning Sessions for coaches and youth are available at the 4-H Outdoor Education Summit!
WHEP is a hands-on environmental education program dedicated to teaching wildlife and fisheries habitat management to youth. It provides participants an opportunity to test heir wildlife knowledge in a friendly competition in teams of 3-4 similarly aged individuals and led by a local 4-H volunteer coach. WHEP will replace the former Wildlife Project Bowl.
Click HERE for more information!
Seed to Showcase: Preparing Seeds for Display
Youth in grades 3+ attend two virtual workshop sessions on Monday, December 2 (7:00-8:30PM) & Monday, December 30 (2:00-3:30PM)!
This two-part virtual workshop will guide youth in preparing their seeds in their agronomy projects for the county fair! Youth will be walked through the step-by-step process from gathering seeds at fall harvest, learning proper seed selection and cleaning techniques, and the proper way to display their seeds. PLUS, participants will also have the opportunity to secure their own display box for their seeds!
The Otter Tail-Grant County Corn & Soybean Growers Association graciously sponsors cash awards of $40.00 each to the best 2 quart sample of corn (Noah F. - 2024), best ten ears of field corn (Not Awarded - 2024), and best 2 quart of soybeans (Noah F. - 2024) to WOTC 4-H'ers at the County Fair! Increase your chances of winning this extra award by learning proper seed techniques!
Click HERE for more information!
There is no cost!
⭐ Register in 4-H Online by November 29! ⭐
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Anja Johnson at akoester@umn.edu if you have further questions.
Ignite by 4-H & National 4-H Conference
Ignite by 4-H: March 12-16, 2025 in Washington D.C.
Ignite includes four days of inspiring speakers, workshop sessions, activities, and entertainment. The summit will provide youth in grades 9-12 from across the country the opportunity to explore the best 4-H has to offer in Agriscience, Community Accelerators, Healthy Living, or STEM. Participants will discover exciting career paths, make connections, and create an action plan to ignite change in their own community. There will be a total of 20 MN 4-H delegates selected to attend!
Watch the promotional video!
Review the application packet! ⭐ Submit your application by November 10! ⭐
Cost: $250 for selected youth (UMN Foundation graciously covers the rest of the $2,200 bill!)
National 4-H Conference: April 11-16, 2025 in Washington, D.C.
This conference is the flagship youth development opportunity of the USDA; its intent is to develop the next generation of leaders while continuing to be future-focused. The conference brings together youth in grades 10-12, volunteer leaders, county and state Extension staff, land-grant university faculty and administrators, as well as state and federal government officials from across the United States and its territories. During the conference, delegates will become familiar with the government and future career opportunities, and share their voice with federal agencies and congressional committees. There will be a total of 4-5 MN 4-H delegates selected to attend.
Watch the promotional video!
Review the application packet! ⭐ Submit your application by November 10! ⭐
Cost: $250 for selected youth (UMN Foundation graciously covers the rest of the $2,400 bill!)
Contact Jessica & Rachel at 218-998-8760!
Jessica Mohagen - Extension Educator:
- mohag150@umn.edu
- 218-731-8837
Rachel Wahlstrom - Extension Educator:
- joh12246@umn.edu
- 218-770-9648
Brianna Bischof - Administrative Specialist:
- bbischof@ottertailcounty.gov
- 218-998-8760
View past newsletters HERE!
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